11-21-2019 05:47 AM
My promoted listing sales are 75% of my listing sales. I have only had 9 sales this month, 1 did not pay (promoted) and 6 others were due to promoted listings leaving 2 that were organic. Interesting. Would I only have 2 sales if not promoting??? Are only my promoted listings showing? What are your percentages?
11-21-2019 06:26 AM
I promote all of my listings. So far for this month 35% of my sales are from promoted listings.
11-21-2019 07:17 AM
As do I. So, 75% of my sales from promoted listings is considerably higher than your results. Hopefully more stats will be shared.
11-21-2019 07:56 AM
I quit selling about a year ago but kept my store up (LotusLeafRecoverys). I had some immediate family issues. While I quit selling I kept buying, anyway: When I started selling about 2 months ago I have been using the promoted listings on about 80% of my inventory. I have been happy with my sales and it is hard to tell about the promoted listings. I know this doesn't help but just wanted you to know its been almost twice as good as it was a few years ago when I had even more listings than I do now. Thanks for doing the numbers.
11-21-2019 08:35 AM
What am I not seeing here?
If you "promote all" of your listings wouldn't that mean 100% of your sales are from promoted listings?
Or do you rotate which listings are being promoted during the month?
11-21-2019 08:44 AM
@b86fiero wrote:What am I not seeing here?
If you "promote all" of your listings wouldn't that mean 100% of your sales are from promoted listings?
Or do you rotate which listings are being promoted during the month?
If both the 'organic' listing and the 'promoted' listings are shown, the buyer may click on one or the other or may see only one or the other.
11-21-2019 01:29 PM
I refuse to pay extra, so none of my listings are promoted. I have had 11 sales so far this month. Two of them were from Offers to Watched items.
11-21-2019 03:37 PM
@b86fiero wrote:What am I not seeing here?
If you "promote all" of your listings wouldn't that mean 100% of your sales are from promoted listings?
Or do you rotate which listings are being promoted during the month?
When my organic listing ranks higher in search than the promoted listing, eBay shows the organic listing. So, buyers do find my organic listings frequently. For example, today I have sold 13 items and only one was a promoted listing.
11-21-2019 05:23 PM
Even though all of my listings are promoted - on the order page it indicates that the sale was the result of a promoted listing.
11-21-2019 05:30 PM
Congratulations on your sales!!! I would much rather my sales be on a natural flow, however, I am in the saturated market of apparel. I have had as few as two sales during a month (down from 40 on a part-time basis). Even with promoted listings I find that I cap out at 12 to 14 sales per month. Without promoted listings - - the results are rather dismal. Once again, congrats!
11-21-2019 06:39 PM
Just a guess, but the 75% sounds right. We had about 180 sales this month.
11-21-2019 06:57 PM
I think it depends on the number of the same item. If there are 100 other listings for example and your price is not below the median , you might promote but there is 5 or less and your price is competitive then no as your organic and sponsored listing would be like next to each other. Promoted listing is another form of SEO which may explain why EB is having difficulty with browsers like Google. WE have noticed traffic from outside of eBay has fallen a ton . Lack of outside reference to eBay may also be due to the cut backs in commissions and pay out for referals.
11-21-2019 08:17 PM
Hmmm, so about 135 of your sold listing were promoted? Wow!!!
11-21-2019 08:38 PM
In categories that are more curated and less saturated, I could see that happening. However, I thought they had changed the promoted listing methodology and your listings would be either/or but never both. Will look into that. Thanks. I totally agree in regards to outside traffic - mine is negligible.
11-22-2019 03:45 AM
We also noted that our in store traffic has gone to zero. If you look at the seller hub metrics it is very confusing. Know that the stats are messed up and do not track real time but what metrics are there reflect the difficulties eBay is having with GMV. Seems they cut back paying for referrals from 3rd parties and Goggle's eBay listing have fallen off the map. Seems we used to get 25 to 35 % views from outside eBay and now it is a constant 2 to 5%. eBay must be getting a lot of off site ad revenues. One effect is promoted listing doubles the liting which doubles the ad space eBay can rent out, LOL.