04-10-2020 01:34 PM
I've thoroughly searched and found that the people reporting (in their terms) price gouging is up and active selling their products way above retail value making way more of a profit then I would had on my cleaning products for sure. Why would this be acceptable? Why isn't fair all across the board? Do some of these sellers have some kind of pull? I have 100%feedback and excellent customer service, when did this become an issue all of a sudden? I provide products that people want right now and DEFINITELY not making the profit the reporters are TRYING to get for theirs. How is this even fair? Why aren't the reporters giving their items away? Better yet, why aren't they at least not auctioning or listing at retail value? Thanks, Barbara
04-10-2020 02:53 PM
Your tone comes off very rude! Y
04-10-2020 02:55 PM
That's another point I was making, listings that weren't against policies that are allowed were reported but I already know why now.
04-10-2020 02:57 PM
@griffithbarbara1 wrote:I understand that but at the same time it's in response to these reporters that brag they do this hours at a time and get satisfaction out of it. If there's isn't a response to the reporting then why would they have it in the first place. It's the outcome from the sabotage so yes anyone does have that power at the end of the day that can push a button (IMO) but I was just wondering should I even wait it out or do them a favor 🙂
We have some 6.7 million sellers on Ebay and 25+ million worldwide.
Out of those sellers I only remember seeing less than a dozen sellers that say they spend "hours" reporting listings.
I think you are blaming them for something that happened to your account, which it is likely they had nothing to do with it. You are assuming they did, but it isn't likely.
To report a listing means it is the OPINION of the person doing the report that the listing is violating some policy in which when reporting you state. Ebay does not now or ever have they removed listings simply because someone reports them.
In fact for years sellers have complained that reporting listings serve no purpose because Ebay never takes action. And in fact prior to our current Health Crisis, that was primarily true. It is only through this crisis that they are paying more attention to reported listings, but again the simple act of reporting a listings is NOT the reason it gets removed.
04-10-2020 02:59 PM
@griffithbarbara1 wrote:That's another point I was making, listings that weren't against policies that are allowed were reported but I already know why now.
You can't possibly know that unless you have members writing you directly telling you that they reported your listing. Otherwise you are guessing.
04-10-2020 03:02 PM
See Post # 24 on the thread linked below.
04-10-2020 03:05 PM
@griffithbarbara1 wrote:No I did not list the lysol at $51 if that's what you're asking?
No, that's not what I'm asking. I did not ask if you listed the Lysol at $51.
I asked, and will ask again, because I think it's very important in the context of this thread, exactly what I've asked in previous posts:
"Are you saying that you sold that $51 Lysol Spray listing to an eBay buyer?"
"I'm asking if you are saying you sold that $51 listing for Lysol Spray to an eBay buyer?"
04-10-2020 03:10 PM
And I'm going to ask YOU...who are YOU to question ANYTHING? Thanks in advance, Barbara
04-10-2020 03:11 PM
Rudeness with me will not get you to far, no one but Ebay is entitled to an answer, Thanks again, Barbara
04-10-2020 03:28 PM
@griffithbarbara1 wrote:Rudeness with me will not get you to far, no one but Ebay is entitled to an answer, Thanks again, Barbara
The fact that you will not answer a simple question speaks volumes.
I'll answer it for you.
You did not sell the Lysol Spray listing to an eBay buyer. The listing was removed by eBay for price gouging. The removed listing shows up on neither your "sold listings" nor your "completed listings."
That's fine. Many sellers have had their listings removed; however, trying to imply that you sold those two cans of Lysol Spray for $51 in a successful and completed eBay transaction, and that the transaction "apparently it seemed fair to them, is not honest. It makes members reading this thread doubt the veracity of your posts and the integrity of your intent.
To blame your lack of response on my perceived rudeness--when I'm just trying to get to the underlying motives of your original post--is disingenuous at best.
04-10-2020 03:29 PM
@griffithbarbara1 wrote:And I'm going to ask YOU...who are YOU to question ANYTHING? Thanks in advance, Barbara
I get not wanting to get slammed by others or have others post things that you construe as rude. But you have to realize you started another thread on a very sensitive subject. Ones that many feel passionately about. It goes to the core of their own moral codes.
I also realize that not everyone operates from the same moral codes and sometimes it can be extremely difficult for either side to see the other sides points. But you too post very evasive at times. You continue to want to assume that it was someone reporting your listings that got you into trouble with Ebay.
You have been unable to seem to accept that no other member other than yourself may be at involved here. It could very well be it was just your own actions that caused Ebay closed your listings.
04-10-2020 03:34 PM
Why don't you go to my feedback and investigate the same way you did when you found out about them? How else would it have even come to your attention if you did not see it in my feedback?
04-10-2020 03:36 PM
I don't understand how you would not even know the answer to that in the first place? What kind of question is that? If it was removed and not bought you wouldn't have even seen that... I don't understand you at all
04-10-2020 03:43 PM
04-10-2020 03:45 PM
@griffithbarbara1 wrote:Why don't you go to my feedback and investigate the same way you did when you found out about them? How else would it have even come to your attention if you did not see it in my feedback?
Did you see post 19 on this thread?
04-10-2020 03:45 PM
@griffithbarbara1 wrote:Why don't you go to my feedback and investigate the same way you did when you found out about them? How else would it have even come to your attention if you did not see it in my feedback?
I've never looked at your feedback page.