05-11-2021 07:47 AM
This morning when I got up to start listing new items I noticed something was wrong. All of my items regardless of sport are now under Trading Card Singles and you cannot add item specifics . Ebay has my store items completely jacked up almost 2100 store items. EBAY fix things at the puzzle palace and fix them now !
05-11-2021 08:27 AM
That is odd. I can still see the buying categories for each sport, but tried a dummy listing, and, you are right, I'm limited to just the one "single" category - no individual sports.
05-11-2021 08:28 AM
Agreed, I can’t figure out what is wrong here. It makes no sense
05-11-2021 08:31 AM
I am also seeing that it does not give me the item specifics it used to. Are we supposed to manually enter each specific for every single card I list? The promoted listing option is also not working for me.
05-11-2021 08:36 AM
Once again ebay making things easier & better for sellers!
Thanks ebay!
05-11-2021 09:12 AM - edited 05-11-2021 09:14 AM
Looks like they changed this and then sent out the announcement---not the other way around. It's like they want to see the panic happen. Of course the spring update had some vague warning about upcoming changes, which seem to happen on a regular basis.
05-11-2021 09:17 AM
Same thing is happening in comic books. Only able to list in one category now: Comic books & graphic Novels . And all of my item specifics and also gone.
05-11-2021 09:28 AM
Check your messages from eBay. There is one today about the changes, not just sports cards, but a gazillion other categories. They are consolidating a lot categories to MAKE THINGS SIMPLER, again. Also changes to Item Specifics requirements.
It is a long read. if you keep clicking, to get to more info. They reference that we were warned in the Spring Seller Update.
More garbage to make us pull our hair out.
05-11-2021 09:34 AM
Listing a new card you can NOT add item specifics, or condition. And if you go to ship a small card order the ebay standard envelope option is NOT THERE.
05-11-2021 09:49 AM
I really really hate this change !!!! Plus you can no longer list cards or revise current listings on the eBay app. I don't know if this was their intent or a glitch. It's HORRIBLE eBAY!!!!!
05-11-2021 11:01 AM
Thank you for reaching out to us about the recent changes in the Sports Trading Cards.
We're sorry to hear that you have had a frustrating experience today as a result of the category changes.
Sport-based categories for cards and etopps cards have been deprecated and replaced by product-type based categories. The categories will be replaced with item specifics and left-hand navigation refinements for Sport. Categories were added for Single Cards, Sealed Cards, Lots & Sets, Breaks, Uncut Sheets & Grading Tools among others.
As the category changes roll out there will be some fluctuation in the item specifics and left-hand navigation filters. This should settle down in the next 24-48 hours. We apologize for the inconvenience in the meantime.
Thank you again for taking the time to share this valuable feedback, and for choosing eBay!
Kind regards, Arthur
05-11-2021 11:06 AM
They just told me they are working on a fix for that. Really making things hard.
05-11-2021 11:23 AM
It won't allow me to create any listings using the app for Sports Cards and the ones I create on the web version don't allow me to make counter offers. I can make counter offers to any cards that were listed before this change but the listings I just opened up today I cannot. This is getting a little frustrating to say the least..
05-11-2021 11:58 AM
We're sorry to hear that you have had a frustrating experience today as a result of the category changes. In Comic Books, age and character-based categories have been deprecated and replaced by product type categories, divided by comic tradition: American & English speaking Comics, Franco-Belgian and Asian Comics. Original comic art categories have been combined into a single category and a new merchandising area has been introduced.
The categories will be replaced with item specifics and left-hand navigation refinements for Era, Character, Series, Publisher, Universe and Tradition. This should enable a more flexible browsing experience.
As the category changes roll out there will be some fluctuation in the item specifics and left-hand navigation filters. This should settle down in the next 24-48 hours. We apologize for the inconvenience in the meantime.
Thank you again for taking the time to share this valuable feedback, and for choosing eBay!
Kind regards,
05-11-2021 12:13 PM
Another big problem i have found is, if you revise a card, the system has removed the condition. you would have to re-look at every card to evaluate again, if revising; an almost impossible task to do!