10-07-2022 11:22 PM
So the holiday season has begun. What are your plans for the month and/or the season (thru Jan 15, 2023 per most carrier surcharge programs)? Is this a good season for you, are your products for a different season, or is you inventory season-agnostic?
What Say Ye All?
10-15-2022 10:01 PM
@debbiet22 wrote:Bob-like you I am amazed at what a person can amass over the years. I saw that with my parents and I am still going through their stuff and it has been 2 years. Right now I am working on going through the last 2 totes from an auction so I can have empty totes for another auction I am bidding on. I am hoping to get some serious wins.
Bob-sounds like you are making steady progress on emptying your house. Sure hope you get the new job, just keep us posted.
Let us hope for a good selling season this year. Happy selling!
Now I'm starting to be 'pushed' by the broker to hurry up and just get everything out. Easy for him to say - none of it belongs to him! The boys are getting things moved on the weekends and I'm getting better at getting things done during the week - if I leave an hour early, I can get quite a bit done and still survive on the short paycheck (enough that I've considered keeping it up even after the house sells 🙂 ).
I was talking with my mom this afternoon - she's still just as active as ever, thank goodness! I am NOT looking forward to settling her estate and dealing with all the stuff in the house. We both agree that the hoarding instinct comes more from mom's side of the family, but Dad did it too - just more organized about it. 🙂 I may just relocate to MN for 6 months to clear things out.... tho I'm not sure I'd be comfortable in my parent's home with both of them gone.... too many memories, even if I didn't grow up in that particular house.
Anyway - Sunday afternoon is going to be a push... we've got smaller furniture all over that needs to get out, the Christmas bins and everything else needs to come down from the attic, and we need to restock both the storage units to open up space. I don't want to have to rent yet another unit -- those things are expensive! I might have to check out some of the newer facilities to see if I can get a better 'introductory' rate.
Keepin' on!
10-15-2022 10:09 PM
@rosachs wrote:So the holiday season has begun. What are your plans for the month and/or the season (thru Jan 15, 2023 per most carrier surcharge programs)? Is this a good season for you, are your products for a different season, or is you inventory season-agnostic?
What Say Ye All?
Interestingly over on Pirateship I have seen many shipments where the surcharge was mentioned, and then crossed out. So it appears that PS is not charging ALL of the surcharges. I don't post through eBay so I am not sure if they are also or whether it is unique to PS. But it is worth checking out.
10-16-2022 12:37 AM - edited 10-16-2022 12:38 AM
Save for Poshmark I only ship through Pirateship, and they sent me a note that they're holding the line on shipping prices - that's where you're finding the surcharge crossed out.
General Post: Hope the job opportunity works out, Bob! @rosachs
We're clearing out, too - I've been getting rid of my stuff - not so much the DH who owns a lot more than I do, but he hasn't had as much time as I'm only working part-time now, but I also have a writing job. I'm down to the last dribs and now all I own are my books (which is a library, yes), my sports stuff (bikes, boxing stuff and misc.) and inventory.
Sales are chugging along - I don't even have 50 items listed these days but stuff is selling. I will list a bunch over the next week as I have to put some funds together as we're leaving for a month in England, and this time I won't be selling from there. I won't be working at all which is a nice change from my having to work through every vacation (for years I had one of those jobs where I had a peculiar set of skills that my firm couldn't find anybody else to do, save my boss who already was overloaded).
10-16-2022 07:10 AM
Hard To Make Goals & Plans With Such A Broken System!, & Bad Economy, Fingers Crossed At Best!
10-16-2022 07:43 AM
So the holiday season has begun. What are your plans for the month and/or the season (thru Jan 15, 2023 per most carrier surcharge programs)? Is this a good season for you, are your products for a different season, or is you inventory season-agnostic?
More traffic, more in-demand items, and fight the excessive USPS surcharges for the season (Biden did that).
10-16-2022 10:55 AM
@shado-x wrote:So the holiday season has begun. What are your plans for the month and/or the season (thru Jan 15, 2023 per most carrier surcharge programs)? Is this a good season for you, are your products for a different season, or is you inventory season-agnostic?
More traffic, more in-demand items, and fight the excessive USPS surcharges for the season (Biden did that).
DeJoy was a Trump appointment.
10-16-2022 11:00 PM - edited 10-16-2022 11:02 PM
@meme6253 wrote:Hard To Make Goals & Plans With Such A Broken System!, & Bad Economy, Fingers Crossed At Best!
True, but without some kind of plan or at least an organized idea, it becomes difficult to emphasize what is working and try to fix what isn't. Yes, eBay's site has it's issues, but there are ways to work around many of them. For example, I haven't used eBay SYI listing form in well over two decades - and that includes the years when I was self-employed and selling on consignment. That was back when PayPal had not yet been acquired by eBay, when shipping charges were common and free shipping almost non-existent, and when the US Postal System was much more functional.
There are a lot of challenges, and a lot of ways to deal with them. I found out last month that listing my elongated coins as Fixed Price instead of Auctions actually increased sales. So I've been making sales this month from something I tried last month. I still run new stock as Auctions - I don't always know what might be rare and valuable, and auctions are good way to find that out. In fact, my consignment client required me to list their inventory at Auction first, which was no big deal back then, but I didn't fully understand why. Until I listed some weird (to me) sneakers/running shoes. Auctions started at 25% of MSRP as supplied by my client (national distributor working directly with the manufacturers) by contract, and the few auctions that generated multiple bids seldom went much over 30% of MSRP when they sold. Except for these weird sneakers - they sold between 60%-75% of MSRP, and always with multiple bids and 4 or more bidders.
The economy is unevenly good/bad. My wife and I are doing quite well and even manage to put money into our retirement accounts each month. My sons, both mechanics, are currently making 1/3-1/2 what they did just 3 years ago. My daughter, the CPA, out-earns both her parents, combined. So not everyone is hurting to the same degree.
I plan to continue with Fixed Price listings, likely thru the end of the year, and Auctions for new stock for the first 2-3 listings. I'd like to get back to the point where eBay earnings covered eBay expenses - which include supplies, 3rd party software, and the every-increasing eBay fees. And when I move a bit beyond that, I may even re-open my eBay Store.
But for now, one step at a time. 🙂
10-16-2022 11:17 PM
Quick update: personal sales are stable if low, sales at work are off and now falling slightly. I continue to list new inventory at work, as well as working on 'correcting' listings that were posted too fast and don't have good keywords, Item Specifics, and in some cases not even a description. Definitely keeps me busy, but the low sales worry me - at some point, eBay income will not cover eBay expense, including my paycheck. 😞
On the moving front, things are proceeding but not as fast as I'd like. We did have good temps this weekend, but work schedules kept the boys out of Memphis Saturday. Sunday we did get a few things accomplished (like emptying the attic so we don't have an "aw s**t" moment when we think we're done and someone remembers that the attic has.....a lot. Bringing it all down to the livingroom is a chore, but it does give me a better visual on how much more storage volume I need.
The one fly in the ointment - the gates at the storage facility would not open. I suspect that, due to power outages related to Fri/Sat/Sun storms, the PC controlling the gates (you enter your code, it confirms you've paid your rent and tells the gate to open) either got zapped, lost power and didn't reboot, or lost power and did reboot but didn't restart the gate control process as it should have. Monday will tell.
I will continue leaving work 1 hour early each day to get movement accomplished. It also gives me a quiet period to review what's being stored and determine what is no longer needed. But at least I won't be bored! 🙂
10-16-2022 11:24 PM - edited 10-16-2022 11:26 PM
I've managed through recessions, including the dot-com bust which nearly bankrupted me. I'll get through the current so-called 'crisis' - particularly with the current robust job market. I'll always hustle. But yes, there are adjustments that need to be made - no doubt about that!
Just packed up another box for donations and cleared off another shelf. Every day I must clear off a shelf and actually allocate the items, not just dump them in a box. It's amazing how much gets done if one dedicates a little time every single day, and honours that time. It's like eating an elephant - one bite at a time!
ETA: I keep forgetting the return problem this forum has so everything ends up in one block.
10-17-2022 06:12 AM
It's like eating an elephant - one bite at a time!
I haven't heard that phrase since the days of management 🙂
10-17-2022 06:34 AM
One of the things I have noticed because it affects my work hours....Houses are not selling the way they did 8 months ago. They are staying on the market longer, listings (realtor.com) are showing more price drops and I haven't seen any "we are taking offers until Weds" on listings that go up on the weekend. The company I work for has had 2 sales cancelled in the last month because the house was expected to sell quick and didn't. Doesn't seem to matter the price point of the house....one was a lowly $500,000 condo and the other a $3 million dollar house.
Went to an antique mall I haven't been to in years. New owners making lots of changes...reconfigured the flow of rooms so there is more space for more dealers, installed fantastic overhead lighting (only a couple of spaces that are slightly dark now), aisles are wider, looks like a lot of new, enthusiastic dealers with great inventory, prices are still high, the floors still creek (100 year old building), the roof doesn't leak, the basement booths are being tidied up more, promoting on social media....and there were 30 or so customers in the place on a Sunday. And the bathrooms were larger and cleaner! Of course, I bought something for me and had to tell them how impressed I was with the new look. I enjoyed the visit immensely. (also maybe because I haven't been out that much antiquing)
Sales have been okay. I have been listed sporadically, can't seem to get ahead on that front.
I use the same listing software as Bob - Sixbit. I tend to take all my listings down twice a year now...I do free shipping so I need to adjust prices and do other maintenance (I am up to 8,900+ listings). If I weren't working, I probably would be taking them down every 90 days. I think that, and frequent, regular listing of new items helps sales.
10-17-2022 06:59 AM
I was at two antique, well, "vendor", malls yesterday....hadn't been to either in a while. One, an established business) has closed off I'd say about half the store (an old factory building, probably hard to heat this winter) and the manager told me there might be further downsizing. She basically told me she wasn't sure if they'd be able to keep the doors open. The other is a pretty new place, old building but completely renovated...they did well when they first opened, on some weekends they have activities outside (food trucks, vendors, kids attractions) and they have a large room where they offer various craft/art activities (sip 'n paint, etc) Months ago they had announced this was closing so they could use the room for vendor booths, but that plan has gone away....as have some of the existing vendors...quite a few spaces available for rent. The proportion of crafts/made in China "primitives" and just used stuff is pretty high compared to the actual antiques and vintage remaining.
I'm guessing the economy is a definite factor, as is local taste---so I don't think we can say too much from this. But I do think we can say that ebay sellers aren't the only ones having a tough time making sales.
For Q4 I'm basically just trying to list more, revise and relist older stuff, and use the tools available (PLS, Seller Initiated Offers, Best Offer, Sales, etc)
10-17-2022 11:37 AM
@kjcoll0 wrote:With zero sales so far this weekend, any goal whatsoever seems unrealistic. And yes, we list every.single.day.
Same here No sales this weekend. October has been way worse than September. Sales should historically be up by now. I have tons of watchers and ads with a generous cap. Been here since 1998 and this is the worst. Have to make a choice between eating or paying bills at this point.
10-17-2022 12:42 PM
I sold a fishing lure on Friday, but that was it for the weekend. I have started listing a few Christmas items and items from my last auction purchase. I ended up winning several auction lots on the latest auction. We picked it up at an antique/vendor mall last Thursday. It was a liquidation. Paid 60.00 for a car load of mostly glassware (we took one seat out). I have started listing a few items but trying to prioritize which ones I think will sell. It was nice because everything was wrapped and boxed. All we had to do was load. We went to Speedway in Indiana, I had not been there in years. The store was downtown Speedway which was really nice but it was hard to find a parking place. It was a nice drive from where we live on a fall day. GD went with us which made it even better. We will see how I do. I just need to get all this stuff listed before the holiday season.
postcard-Houses around here are not selling like they did a few months ago and like your area prices are being cut. But in Fishers Indiana (about 30 minutes away), prices continue to rise, but their inventory is low. Like they say location, location, location.
As far as antique stores/vendor malls around here, they sell mostly junk, very few antiques. That is why I am trying local on-line auctions. So far items have met expectations. For me-it is so much easier.
Bob-keep up the good work. Sounds like you are making progress.
I will work on listing new and revising older listings for the next few weeks. Happy selling everyone! And thanks for all the tips.
10-17-2022 11:17 PM
@postcardcountry If I weren't working, I probably would be taking them down every 90 days. I think that, and frequent, regular listing of new items helps sales.
I think that's really key, at least for me (little tiny seller).