02-07-2025 08:08 PM
My wife just started listing while I have listed for over 20 years. Her Dashboard does not allow her to add handling charges to listings. Anybody know how to get around this dumb limitation? She appears to have a VERY limited Dashboard.
02-07-2025 08:53 PM
I use Business Shipping Policies in the Listings tab within Seller Hub.
I create a shipping policy there and can add a handling charge when creating the policy.
02-07-2025 08:54 PM
On the top right switch from the simplified to the business/advanced listing tool.
Then make sure she's using Calculated shipping. For obvious reasons there is no handling fee for flat shipping.
Then scroll down and look for this option to make handling fee appear.
02-07-2025 10:51 PM
If she is using Flat Rate shipping you just incorporate the "handling charges" into the set price.
If she uses Calculated shipping then follow what @wastingtime101 posted.
02-08-2025 02:13 AM
Personally always had a single shipping/ handling charge - several ways to do it depending on your wants & needs
Read thru this eBay link https://www.ebay.com/help/selling/shipping-items/setting-shipping-options?