08-05-2022 04:13 PM - edited 08-05-2022 04:15 PM
08-05-2022 06:34 PM
They don't want to go back to the "feedback wars".
08-05-2022 06:36 PM
Just read the potential buyer's "feedback left for others" to get a clearer idea if you want to do business with them.
08-05-2022 07:32 PM
And, as I am sure you know, that buyer can report that to eBay and eBay will delete the feedback, leave the green donut and slap that seller with a defect. Have no idea how many defects get a seller thrown out, but why risk it by leaving negative for a buyer?
08-05-2022 07:34 PM
You may have missed a point here. Buyers CAN leave negatives for sellers. I believe the discussion revolved around the fact that sellers CANNOT leave negative FB for buyers.
08-06-2022 09:14 AM
@metal5407 wrote:And once something is changed it doesn't mean it's now perfect. Ever heard of a knee jerk reaction? Overcompensating? That's what this is. If a seller can't even see the buyer's feedback until after the item is purchased, it in no way affects a buyer's ability to buy at full price. But if a seller could give a negative feedback rating to a buyer it at least might give other sellers a heads up that they may want to think twice about working out a deal with a buyer that has proven to be trouble.
Yes; I've heard of a knee-jerk reaction, but this isn't one of them.
Again, as I stated, this is a selling website. No different that Target having a poster of your face on the front window stating 'bad customer'. Would you ever shop there again?
There were sellers here that would post negs to a buyer simply for retaliation purposes. Even 1 of a 100 is way too many.
This is a retail consumeristic website, so customers need to be treated like customers.
There is a Block Buyer List that any seller can put a buyer on if there is an issue, so there won't be any more issues.
08-06-2022 09:21 AM
As a seller, the lack of a reciprocal / (revenge) feedback system really keeps me on my toes. It's made me an even better seller.
08-06-2022 11:26 AM
The block buyer list is great, but it's too reactive. I'm talking about allowing sellers to be proactive. I can't put anyone on my blocked buyer list until after I get screwed, without a ton of research looking at random people's "left for others" feedback. And buyers might just leave positive feedback for sellers after they successfully bully them into caving, in fear of a negative. I know because it's happened to me.
And you say retaliation. When would this happen? I'll tell you, after a buyer has wronged the seller. In other words, it's feedback. Why is it "retaliation" when it's a seller but "feedback" when it's a buyer?
Finally, you say buyers won't come back after a negative. Tell me something, since you seem to know so much about the past, how many buyers left ebay for good when sellers were allowed to leave negatives? There were buyers all over the place with 90something or 80something percentages, still going on their merry way shopping on ebay, so that argument doesn't hold water either. Customers are treated like customers, until they start acting like thieves or bullies.
08-07-2022 11:50 AM
Retaliation? happened millions of times. To this day there are posts, by buyers, where a seller has left a 'false' positive with an obvious retaliatory comment and that said buyer/poster is then told by other fellow posters/members- to "report it and it will be removed as sellers are not allowed to leave negative comments in positive feedback"
There are also posts by sellers that start threads here about a buyer- then other members responding look into that posters feedback and see some of the non-professional things that this poster stated either in a neg verbiage/positive feedback or in a 'response', and comment.
This is a selling website and I personally am thankful that sellers can' no longer chase off a buyer with neg feedback. Maybe 8 won't run, but if 1 does out of 10, that could've been my buyer.
08-07-2022 12:35 PM
@stainlessenginecovers wrote:Also, since eBay is a SELLING website, and nothing else, and DEPENDS on it's $$ from SALES, it makes NOTHING BUT COMMON CUSTOMER SERVICE SENSE to NOT Poo their customers. Especially when ANYONE without any training, licensing etc. can be a seller and then say ANYTHING they want.
Exactly. At my B&M job we have a few customers that all of us hate for being PITAs, but we don't say anything bad about them in public because they come in and spend money regularly. We treat them politely like we would any other customer and then talk about how terrible they are in the breakroom later.
08-07-2022 12:40 PM
@wrong66 wrote:Just read the potential buyer's "feedback left for others" to get a clearer idea if you want to do business with them.
And even then, that doesn't always give you an accurate picture. I once sold a fragile item to a buyer who had left multiple negs for receiving damaged items. I was a bit nervous, but I packed it up and shipped it out the same way I would to any other buyer.
I got a glowing positive feedback talking about how happy she was with the item and how well it was packaged. Turned out the problem wasn't with the buyer, but with the other sellers who weren't packing their fragile items properly.