11-10-2023 04:28 PM - edited 11-10-2023 04:32 PM
Saw this new red banner warning for the very first time this evening after an auction ended with a bid. In my case I adjusted the shipping cost and the error banner disappeared before I sent the invoice ... not sure if it would remain if I just sent the invoice OR if sending the invoice would be blocked without changing the shipping amount ... might check that on the next one.
devon@ebay , kyle@ebay Could you please have whoever wrote the warning correct their spelling ... green arrow. Additionally, can you confirm the following please (on accounts that have Auto-Pay turned OFF😞
-Does eBay send an invoice the moment an Auction ends so that the 4 day time begins for the cancellation cycle if Buyers don't pay?
-The warning states eBay will send payment reminders ... okay, how many and how often and can we get a copy of the message that is sent please?
-If Sellers use the "Adjustment" window and put a value there are their Fees still based on the original shipping amount shown above and then the discount comes off the bottom line for the Buyer OR does the discount come off first and then Fees calculated for the Seller? I've never used that, I just change the shipping amount.
11-10-2023 04:36 PM
Hey Mr L. I saw this reported earlier but there was no screenshot. Spend instead of send ... yeah, needs some correction.
While this is a technicality, it's an important distinction:
eBay does not send invoices - they send payment reminders. Sellers send invoices.
When eBay sends payment reminders it does not affect the payment clock.
When sellers send invoices if affects the payment clock only if the seller does not have automatic UPI cancellations enabled. (I believe you knew that part already.)
First payment reminder not counting the initial confirmation is send 2 days later. After that I don't know if the next payment reminder is sent on day 3 or day 4 (or both) but I'm sure the eBay reps you tagged can answer that part of things.
Since they won't see this until Monday I figured I would help with at least a few of your questions. Have a nice weekend!
11-10-2023 05:20 PM
As always, thanks for that ... and yes, I know the timer resets for the 4 day cancellation every time an invoice is sent by Sellers ... maybe that warning is to cut down on that happening when Sellers get frustrated waiting for payment.
I'm looking forward to their confirmation on the reminders that eBay sends. The one sent "2 days later" might be overkill or a nuisances ... and one on day 4 makes sense of course. I know on a number of my UPIs I have sent a message on day 4 that also explains eBay's new Cancellation policy and Unpaid items strikes and if they need more time to pay to let me know ... no surprise that has been effective and some have actually asked for additional time to pay which is fine by me ... I am on Weekly Payouts so a few more days during the week makes no difference to the cashflow on my end.
If eBay is sending a reminder on day 4 they owe it to Buyers to explain the risks of not paying ... if not then they are "enhancing the buying experience" ... Buyers may think oh, another pesky reminder to pay, I'll pay later this week and then BOOM, cancellation and UPI strike ... not good.
11-10-2023 05:35 PM
eBay has sent out payment reminders for decades now so that part is not new. Sellers have the ability to turn off eBay-generated payment reminders in their settings on this page. I'm sure the wording has changed over time, but I think the timing has stayed pretty consistent (day 2, day 4 and beyond).
Last time I saw payment reminder text (someone else posted it - I always pay quickly) was in the last year or so and within that reminder, and also on the buyer's purchase history page, it included the payment deadline (date 4 days out from order confirmation). It was all pretty clear from what I saw.
11-10-2023 05:38 PM - edited 11-10-2023 05:40 PM
@mr_lincoln wrote:devon@ebay , kyle@ebay Could you please have whoever wrote the warning correct their spelling ... green arrow.
Good God. The lack of any QA or peer review on this site simply boggles the mind. I mean, seriously: subtle coding bugs are one thing. Not even proofreading the text for misspellings or wrong words is something else altogether.
On a similar note, though maybe not to the same degree: "Review the below information" is not grammatically wrong (i.e. I've seen it used, infrequently, perhaps by folks who are writing in English but thinking in a different language such as French), but "Review the information below" reads a lot more easily, IMHO.
11-10-2023 06:01 PM
Obviously invoices are NOT relevant where ANY type of Immediate Payment is required (regular IPR or Auto-Pay), never been possible to send an invoice if payment has already been made.
I've never been able to pay for an item fast enough to beat the purchase notification email that eBay sends, I'd guess it is sent out well within the first 10 seconds. How fast it reaches the buyers inbox is dependent on the email system they use. I can't say how fast it gets to eBay Messages, I rarely use eBay's message system interface, everything is done through my desktop email client.
Payment reminders are sent on day 2, they are basically the same as the purchase notification with added verbiage. I presume the second reminder goes out x hours before non-payment cancellation can be made, it might be related to the seller preference to use auto-cancel (96 hours) or not, never received one personally.
Fees are charged based on buyer payment total ALWAYS.
11-10-2023 06:02 PM - edited 11-10-2023 06:03 PM
@a_c_green wrote:
@mr_lincoln wrote:devon@ebay , kyle@ebay Could you please have whoever wrote the warning correct their spelling ... green arrow.
Good God. The lack of any QA or peer review on this site simply boggles the mind. I mean, seriously: subtle coding bugs are one thing. Not even proofreading the text for misspellings or wrong words is something else altogether.
On a similar note, though maybe not to the same degree: "Review the below information" is not grammatically wrong (i.e. I've seen it used, infrequently, perhaps by folks who are writing in English but thinking in a different language such as French), but "Review the information below" reads a lot more easily, IMHO.
LOL!!! Sentence structure!!! Now THERE'S a topic to be sure. With the Amish, Dutch and German influence locally here there is a saying I've heard all my life in a joking manner: "Throw the horse over the fence a bale of hay". English would wonder how are they going to pick the horse up to throw it and the Amish-Dutch-German folks would toss the horse some hay ...
11-10-2023 06:05 PM
@slippinjimmy My sincere thanks for that ...
11-10-2023 06:08 PM
@slippinjimmy wrote:Fees are charged based on buyer payment total ALWAYS.
... when an invoice is sent. (finishing that sentence for you haha)
Exception example would be a non-invoice situation like an eIS sale where no fees are charged on the international portion of shipping.
11-10-2023 06:47 PM
When you send multiple invoices, it DOES NOT reset the 4 day grace period. We have always sent invoices to buyers. We even call buyers if payment isn’t made within the first 3 days. As sellers, we have every right to take these extremes! This is why eBay requires immediate payment for all BIN sales!
11-10-2023 07:48 PM
@spahrsautographs wrote:When you send multiple invoices, it DOES NOT reset the 4 day grace period. We have always sent invoices to buyers. We even call buyers if payment isn’t made within the first 3 days. As sellers, we have every right to take these extremes! This is why eBay requires immediate payment for all BIN sales!
Could you also please confirm that each time an invoice is sent to a Buyer the 4 day cancellation time period resets for cancelling using the reason Buyer hasn't paid. I seem to recall this being discussed on a thread and confirmed by an eBay Team Member ... of course I could be wrong ...
11-10-2023 07:49 PM
No, eBay does not require immediate payment for BIN sales. That is something the seller may require, by checking the option in the listing creation page, but if a seller wanted to leave it unchecked, then the buyer would automatically get time to pay (how much time I don't know; I would never not-check the option).
11-10-2023 09:48 PM
@spahrsautographs wrote:This is why eBay requires immediate payment for all BIN sales!
Not exactly: that is a seller option at the bottom of the listing form, default Off. The seller can add that requirement if desired.
Perhaps you're thinking of the new pre-payment info requirement when making offers? That will trigger immediate payment automatically if the buyer's offer is accepted, and its default setting (found at the bottom of your Buyer Requirements page) is On. The seller can lift that requirement if desired.
11-11-2023 07:02 AM
@spahrsautographs wrote:When you send multiple invoices, it DOES NOT reset the 4 day grace period. We have always sent invoices to buyers. We even call buyers if payment isn’t made within the first 3 days. As sellers, we have every right to take these extremes! This is why eBay requires immediate payment for all BIN sales!
If you have automatic unpaid cancellations preferences set then sending an invoice will not reset the payment clock.
If you do not have automatic unpaid cancellation preferences set and deal with UPIs manually, then sending an invoice will reset the payment clock.
Confirmation posted by eBay here:
Based on the language in your post, I assume you have automatic cancellation preferences set. Also, if you're describing something as extreme behavior, perhaps it warrants rethinking as to whether you continue with that method ...
11-11-2023 07:12 AM
@wastingtime101 wrote:
@spahrsautographs wrote:When you send multiple invoices, it DOES NOT reset the 4 day grace period. We have always sent invoices to buyers. We even call buyers if payment isn’t made within the first 3 days. As sellers, we have every right to take these extremes! This is why eBay requires immediate payment for all BIN sales!
If you have automatic unpaid cancellations preferences set then sending an invoice will not reset the payment clock.
If you do not have automatic unpaid cancellation preferences set and deal with UPIs manually, then sending an invoice will reset the payment clock.
Confirmation posted by eBay here:
Based on the language in your post, I assume you have automatic cancellation preferences set. Also, if you're describing something as extreme behavior, perhaps it warrants rethinking as to whether you continue with that method ...
@wastingtime101 Thanks for that ... I know it was discussed in several places, I couldn't find where.