11-21-2019 09:05 PM
I need some advice because this is a first for me . Perhaps someone else can shed some light on it . Okay , here is what happened .
A buyer purchased a very inexpensive pair of earrings from me about a week ago . Along with her purchase she sent a message telling me that the earrings were for an elderly lady who is always losing the backs to her earrings so she asked if I could include some extras. So , I did and I shipped the earrings with a tracking number the next day .
About three days ago I was contacted by the buyer saying she couldn't find the earrings on her purchase history . The only thing I could think to do was copy and paste the transaction details along with the USPS tracking number and send it to her . Today she contacted me again saying the earrings were due to be delivered today[ in which they were] , but to an address in Florida . She says she doesn't live in Florida but here in California in a nursing home . I have doubled and tripled checked the address on her Pay Pal file and is without a doubt the same exact address in Florida I shipped the earrings to. I sent a message through '' contact the buyer '' today just to see if someone else would respond with an explanation . The person who purchased the earrings was indeed buying them for an elderly woman so this whole thing is a puzzle .. Tulips
11-22-2019 02:11 PM
@pink.fish.rule wrote:
But wasn't it the buyer in Ca who claimed it wasn't showing on her purchase history?
Yes ,, she said she couldn't find the earrings she purchased from me on her buyers page . Strange thing though [ if it can get any more strange ] I contacted the buyer yesterday right off the transaction site to ask if she knows a elderly lady in Ca ,, but I never heard back from her . Tulips
11-22-2019 02:15 PM
@ersatz_sobriquet wrote:Another speculative thought...maybe she sent something to that address in Florida as a gift sometime back, forgot to change the mail to address to her CA address, and wants to make it the seller's problem so that she doesn't have to track down the package and get it mailed to her CA address. Only the buyer knows...
That could be . I feel like I've entered the Twilight zone . Tulips
11-22-2019 02:19 PM
Along with her purchase she sent a message telling me that the earrings were for an elderly lady who is always losing the backs to her earrings so she asked if I could include some extras. So , I did and I shipped the earrings with a tracking number the next day . Tulips -----
Was this a message sent with the payment? Or did you receive it in an eBay message? city satins ---
The first message requesting the extra earring backs came with the purchase . All of the rest of the messages have been sent to my message inbox. [ I need a vacation ] : ) Tulips