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My last post before breaking up with ebay: Its not your fault, its mine


Its not ebay’s fault

That I don’t like their intrusions

Their deceptions

Their free shipping lies.

Its not ebay’s fault

That I don’t like their overreach

Their arrogance

Their creepy need to control.

Its not ebay’s fault

That I care about my customers

That I take time to pack carefully

That I go to the post office every single day.

Its not eBay’s fault

That I earned 100% positive feedback

And that I buy

as much as I sell.

Its not eBay’s fault

That I have rural slow internet

And detest the waiting

for listings.

Its not eBay’s fault

That their forced GTC

is the last straw for me

And tonight I call it quits.

Its not eBay’s fault

That I feel dismissed as a customer

as a seller & as a buyer

Taken for granted, ignored.

Its not eBay’s fault

that I can no longer stomach

their sense of entitlement

to that which was never theirs


to begin with.


I’ll miss the sellers,

I’ll miss the buyers.

I’ll miss the community.

Such is the price for freedom.






Message 1 of 39
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Re: My last post before breaking up with ebay: Its not your fault, its mine


Virtually everyone on this board has said .. that we need good buyers here.


Why not at least stay around as a buyer?

Many good sellers here would appreciate your purchases.





You love me for everything you hate me for

Message 2 of 39
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Re: My last post before breaking up with ebay: Its not your fault, its mine

Because as long as ebay is “making” money while they sleep, they have no incentive to wake up. I know that one little 100% positive seller leaving isn’t going to even blip on their radar, but it matters to me. The sellers won’t miss one little buyer leaving any more than the buyers will miss one little seller leaving. And ebay certainly has made it clear it doesn’t care as much about us as we do (did) about them. There’s no such thing as “good” one-sided deal. And ebay for me has become a very one-sided deal. I care too much and that’s why I have to go. I just care too much.
Message 3 of 39
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Re: My last post before breaking up with ebay: Its not your fault, its mine

I bought more than $30,000 in products on ebay in the past two years. I then sold it on ebay. If I’m not selling, I have no reason to buy.

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Re: My last post before breaking up with ebay: Its not your fault, its mine

I just think you are overreacting.  It is a great big yard sale.  Would you be this freaked out if you had a yard sale and customers haggled over prices?  I have been faced with the same policies you have.  I don't take returns, don't do free shipping, do auctions, offers, FP, pay fees on shipping, provide tracking, and leave NO feedback for those I SHOULD neg but cant.  You do you. It can work.  If I don't make money, neither does Ebay.  and really you must not have been here a few years back with the star system that could KILL a seller and get suspensions if a buyer gave you bad ratings on a whim.  Many 100% sellers lost their selling privileges because of stars.  New management new options.

Message 5 of 39
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Re: My last post before breaking up with ebay: Its not your fault, its mine

I’ve been here since early 2017. A little over 2 years. Have bought more than $30,000 in product. Sold that much too. I’m not you. For you it might be an overreaction, but to me it is a perfectly sensible reaction. And I’m not sure what you’re offering here in terms of solutions other than to just suck it up and go along. And I’ve done the math and ebay “made” more profit off my buying and selling than I did.
Message 6 of 39
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Re: My last post before breaking up with ebay: Its not your fault, its mine

@bktime wrote:
I’ve been here since early 2017. A little over 2 years. Have bought more than $30,000 in product. Sold that much too. I’m not you. For you it might be an overreaction, but to me it is a perfectly sensible reaction. And I’m not sure what you’re offering here in terms of solutions other than to just suck it up and go along. And I’ve done the math and ebay “made” more profit off my buying and selling than I did.

If ebay's profit off me was more than my own profit, then I would quit too.  Way too much work for that.


Since you are a short timer, I'm sure this change has been quite shocking.  To those of us that have been here for years, it's just Thursday.

Message 7 of 39
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Re: My last post before breaking up with ebay: Its not your fault, its mine

I almost quit with the taking of our photos in October 2017. I almost quit when they “updated” the app in July 2018 (problems too numerous to list and they never did correct or undo them.) I almost quit when they “updated” it again in the fall. I almost quit again after opening a second account and discovered all the restrictions for a non-store account. (My first account is a store.) I almost quit when I ran the numbers and realized ebay profited more from my work than I did. But when I ran into forced GTC, that took the last little bit of hope and control I had left. I’m too addicted to what freedoms I have left in life and I’m going to go enjoy them.
Message 8 of 39
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Re: My last post before breaking up with ebay: Its not your fault, its mine

Good luck to you in your future endeavors.
Message 9 of 39
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Re: My last post before breaking up with ebay: Its not your fault, its mine

It sounds like change is very problematic for you.  


Some of what has you upset could be due to a lack of understanding of the rules.  For example the second account you had with restriction.  That had NOTHING to do with not having a store and EVERYTHING to do with being a new account.  Ebay has restrictions for ALL new sellers [store or not] or all returning sellers that haven't sold anything in more than 90 days.  There are very good reasons from these rules as they help to keep the site, buyers and sellers safer in the long run.  Certainly annoying to have to deal with as you are getting started, but they are rules that are well established and serve a good purpose.



mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 10 of 39
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Re: My last post before breaking up with ebay: Its not your fault, its mine

There's no "fault" involved.........  You are making a decision because you are unhappy here......  and that's a good reason to leave.

Message 11 of 39
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Re: My last post before breaking up with ebay: Its not your fault, its mine

What in the world does “change is very problematic for you” mean exactly? LOL. Sorry, but that’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard. Everything changes. Some are FORCED to change, while others evolve through their own journey. Even rocks change. I’m sorry, but that statement just makes no sense to me at all.

As for not understanding “the rules,” the rules in placed when I signed up the first time have changed considerably, giving me that feeling of having been baited and switched on. As a creative type, change is my drug of choice! But there is a big difference between proactively and willingly changing and being FORCED to change. Its beyond what my stomach can take.

Message 12 of 39
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Re: My last post before breaking up with ebay: Its not your fault, its mine

I was thinking of what we used to tell guys we didn’t want to go out with: “It’s not you, it’s me.” When really it was them, but we didn’t want to hurt their feelings by pointing out that they’re just gross and wouldn’t listen to the truth anyway. And I’m a writer, so was feeling kind of poetic in my wistfulness, wishing ebay had just delivered on what they promised when I signed on. I’m sad to leave, and as all ignored people who’ve worked really hard, I fruitlessly hope that there’s maybe even a 0.1% chance that we might get heard by the one person who can understand what we’re trying so hard to say...

Message 13 of 39
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Re: My last post before breaking up with ebay: Its not your fault, its mine

Thank you. I’m strongly considering putting them on my own website. I’m considering all the pros and cons against what is important to me as a seller, why I sell, what I sell, and so on. And oddly, I’m kind of... well, I’m going to be okay and my inventory will get moved and I will find a new project. And I can sense the sincerity in your best wishes; I needed that right now. Thank you...
Message 14 of 39
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Re: My last post before breaking up with ebay: Its not your fault, its mine

@bktime wrote:
What in the world does “change is very problematic for you” mean exactly? LOL. Sorry, but that’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard. Everything changes. Some are FORCED to change, while others evolve through their own journey. Even rocks change. I’m sorry, but that statement just makes no sense to me at all.

As for not understanding “the rules,” the rules in placed when I signed up the first time have changed considerably, giving me that feeling of having been baited and switched on. As a creative type, change is my drug of choice! But there is a big difference between proactively and willingly changing and being FORCED to change. Its beyond what my stomach can take.

I'm sorry, I could have and should have worded that better.


I was pretty specific in my previous post and I only spoke directly to instance in which you were concerned about the rules and that was when you had restrictions on your second account.  I did not speak to all the changes you spoke of.  However these restrictions you experienced weren't due to any rule change as they have been the policy for many years.


Change is the nature of dealing on the internet.  However Ebay is extremely fluid and it is also very hard to stay on top of all the changes just by the sheer volume of them.


There is no "bait and switch" here.  You always have a choice.  You don't in a "bait and switch" scheme.    Ebay has every right to make any changes they want as it is their site, not ours.  They rarely seek out our opinions on upcoming changes.  They wait until after the fact.  But for those of us that have been around for many years, we have come to understand this which is why you see all the vocal outrage on the threads right now.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
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