03-21-2021 04:43 PM
I was going through some of my own listings, and clicked on the View Other Listings link in one of them in order to jump quickly to another one of mine I was looking for. That was when I was scrolling down the page of my listings, and saw this mystery item in the middle:
Mystery "Adult only" item
Now, my first thought, of course, was OhMiGawd-I've-been-hacked, but after a closer look, I realized that's not the case. Here is the supposed Adult Only item:
It's a bicycling accessory for nighttime riding: a blinking red LED and reflector that you strap on to your arm. *cough*
Yeah, eBay in its infinite wisdom has decided that it's an "Adults only" item on the basis of that one hyphenated word in the title, and was quietly blocking it from view as a result. The thing is, they never told me they were doing so, or that in fact they had any problem with the listing at all, or the Cycling category in which it appears (which I guess is a good thing, considering how badly things go sideways in other cases we read about here), but it does explain why the listing has languished since it went up, way back last year at the beginning of the evening biking season.
I'll fix the title by rewording to something else that hopefully will be searchable and innocuous at the same time, once we have a collective giggle here over eBay's coding attempts to protect us from ourselves.
03-21-2021 04:56 PM
Remove STRAP-ON from the title.
Google STRAP-ON and you will see why.
03-21-2021 04:56 PM
Blinking light...red...strap-on...I dunno...that's pretty frisky stuff. 😝
03-21-2021 05:23 PM - edited 03-21-2021 05:24 PM
Think about it! You could be on the cuspid of a whole new..........old.......niche.
Just need a better.................. more revealing picture
03-21-2021 05:43 PM
Oh, yeah, I know exactly which word was the "offending" one; I wasn't born yesterday. 😉
03-21-2021 07:17 PM
I was once blocked from leaving comments on a site where we were discussing classic comedy TV.
I had referenced the (Richard) Van (Earthen Dam) show.
Y'know, Robert and Laura Petrie?
This stuff is getting ridiculous.
03-22-2021 12:14 AM
That's the problem with handing this stuff over to bots instead of actual people. It's like using Word spelling and grammar check rather than a qualified proof reader and/or editor - no human understanding.
03-22-2021 03:51 AM
Same thing happened to me the other day. I looked in my store and there was an adult only item in it. I sell vintage paper dolls and the name of the set was "Pin-Up Girl" under the listing category of dolls and bears. LOL and NO wonder I had only gotten 5 views on the item in 2 months!!! I did what you did and changed the title and everything was fine. I need to check my store MORE often!!!
03-22-2021 06:37 PM
brian@ebay, can you report this to the content filters team? Both the OP and the post directly above mine? Seems like they could lighten things up based on category, no?
03-23-2021 05:19 PM
@wastingtime101 wrote:
brian@ebay, can you report this to the content filters team? Both the OP and the post directly above mine? Seems like they could lighten things up based on category, no?
@wastingtime101 yeah I'll send this example over for review. Thanks for tagging me!