03-22-2020 05:06 AM
Good Morning Ebay,
As horrible of a time this is for the world right now, being stuck at home has done 2 things... we are shopping like heck on the Internet (mostly on Ebay of course!) AND in my house, we are taking the opportunity to do some Spring Cleaning! Going through packed closets full of things we don't need anymore... because what else are you going to do while you are stuck at home? Reruns get old, gaming gets old... why not do something productive, cleanout your house and list on Ebay while we are stuck at home?
The only thing is that I ran out of free listings... You had offered a promotion a couple weeks ago, while we were still working and we had no time to list because we were rushing to the grocery stores trying to find toilet paper and Hand Sanitizer, but now the country is pretty much stuck at home doing... nothing...
Please help us bored, locked down people who but want to be productive, but are stuck at home cleaning out closets and rooms full of things we don't need.
Please Consider providing some additional Free Listings to the Community...
Sincerely, one of your long time members.
03-22-2020 07:59 AM
Free listings are of no use to sellers if there are no buyers willing to pay for items they don't need at this point in time.
You need buyers who are willing to spend money...
I highly doubt buying non-essentials, collectibles, luxury items are of concern to the masses these days...
03-22-2020 08:02 AM
@terrycece62 wrote:
also I see listings of same types of items such as DVD that use one listing and has a drop down list(movie/cd titles) so that you are actually selling paying for one listing fee to sell multiple items
I'm pretty sure that is not allowed, though I do see those listings.
03-22-2020 08:07 AM
Yes, please. Me too!!
I was hoping to use this down time to list some goodies from around my home, but my 50 free listings got burned up in no time with some of my renewals....
Opening a store, or another account sounds like it is beyond this old ladies knowledge base. I'm lucky to have figured out how to do it once!! LOL
03-22-2020 08:13 AM
@paperback_punk wrote:The problem with opening a new account...you won't get paid for weeks as a new seller on that account.
Life is tough.......... op wanted more free listings....because they are bored.
When you go to work, usually you don't get paid for a wk or more.........
03-22-2020 08:15 AM
So list another 50 items for $17? You stand to make 100's on those 50 items, so why would you stop investing in your business and yourself for a couple bucks?
Free listings should be a 1 time thing to get people involved.
We really don't need to add to the 94,000 listings of womens size 7 black shoes. It's a bit crowded in here already.
03-22-2020 08:42 AM
I, just like you, like FREE STUFF. I notice you have some flip flops listed in my size. Would you mind sending them to me at no charge? I figure since you expect Ebay to be charitable, you must be charitable as well. GIMME GIMME GIMME!
03-22-2020 08:58 AM
...thank you for your wonderful idea...!
03-22-2020 09:03 AM
I know Free Listings is Offensive to some Sellers but to me it's a Life Saver! I don't sell expensive items and not a lot of listings so every Free Listing is a blessing for me. Was thinking the same thing as I've spent more time cleaning and finding things I'm sure someone would Love to have but out of my monthly Freebies. Not so bad paying a listing fee One Time but if I have a $3.00 item with free shipping I pretty much am better off donating. Free Listing keeps me on eBay or I'd be listing on other sites. YES! Now would be a Fantastic time for Free Listings!!
03-22-2020 09:07 AM
03-22-2020 09:13 AM
03-22-2020 09:17 AM
03-22-2020 09:17 AM
03-22-2020 09:24 AM
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03-22-2020 09:34 AM