03-22-2020 05:06 AM
Good Morning Ebay,
As horrible of a time this is for the world right now, being stuck at home has done 2 things... we are shopping like heck on the Internet (mostly on Ebay of course!) AND in my house, we are taking the opportunity to do some Spring Cleaning! Going through packed closets full of things we don't need anymore... because what else are you going to do while you are stuck at home? Reruns get old, gaming gets old... why not do something productive, cleanout your house and list on Ebay while we are stuck at home?
The only thing is that I ran out of free listings... You had offered a promotion a couple weeks ago, while we were still working and we had no time to list because we were rushing to the grocery stores trying to find toilet paper and Hand Sanitizer, but now the country is pretty much stuck at home doing... nothing...
Please help us bored, locked down people who but want to be productive, but are stuck at home cleaning out closets and rooms full of things we don't need.
Please Consider providing some additional Free Listings to the Community...
Sincerely, one of your long time members.
03-22-2020 05:11 AM
03-22-2020 05:14 AM
Thanks for the suggestion. I am just a hobbiest. Not that many things to list on a monthly basis to sign up for a store. I represent all the small time people out here, who list random things here and there. My only problem is I ran out of free listings... and I am sure there are a lot of us out here in the same position.
03-22-2020 05:26 AM
Open another account and you can get 50 more free listings.........
03-22-2020 05:31 AM
I AGREE! While I do sell a lot, I do not do this enough to have an eBay store. I do, however, have a multitude of items to list, but am not doing so as when the listings start at a few bucks, the listing fees just cut too much into the profit margin with all the sold fees - including fees on postage AND PayPal fees on the entire amount - just make listing the items too costly. In this case I usually just put the items in the local antique mall, but since they are now closed, I can not.
If eBay wants to help the economy stay strong, offer the free listings. If they want to protect THEIR profits - the same applies.
03-22-2020 05:34 AM
03-22-2020 05:36 AM
I have been thinking the same thing. With so many people home shopping on the internet, why hasn't ebay given us any free listings. I am sure someone from HQ can do this from home. Give us unlimited listing for the next 2 weeks. They will still clean up on all the other fees.
03-22-2020 05:37 AM
03-22-2020 06:41 AM
Free Listings CLOG up the site and sales actually decline. I have heard rumblings.... What happens when the Internet Crashes?
03-22-2020 06:41 AM
03-22-2020 07:33 AM
03-22-2020 07:49 AM
Great idea! Unfortunately, eBay pinches out free listings like some shriveled up Scrooge, stuck in the mud of unimaginative darkness, where sellers learn to practice thumb twiddling as an Olympic sport.
03-22-2020 07:52 AM
Free listings definitely have dried up. Ebay thinking that they can squeeze extra revenue out of listings? Little bit of greed in tough times?
03-22-2020 07:54 AM
The problem with opening a new account...you won't get paid for weeks as a new seller on that account.
03-22-2020 07:54 AM
In looking at your listings, it does not show that you represent all the small time people out there. Free listings might be mutually beneficial for eBay and the seller in some cases, but probably not so much for $3.99 listings that only serve to clog up an already overloaded site. Those sellers willing to risk 35 cents to list will likely have better items, listings, and sales.