11-03-2019 02:00 PM
I have a huge inventory. I have noticed lately that quite a bit of my stock is NO LONGER listed..I did NOT remove them but they're gone into oblivion with no history anywhere on Ebay.
I paid for these listings, 25 cents each. I am at a loss..not only are my listings gone but I feel like I paid for nothing..it adds up. Anyone else have this problem?
11-04-2019 07:49 AM
11-04-2019 11:40 AM
I would just write it all off to ebay Karma.
11-04-2019 02:07 PM
@eleanor*rigby wrote:
@greg5000 wrote:Are you buying on the eBay?
Yes, I buy "on the eBay;" however, not with this id (other than taking advantage of a few special offers from time to time).
Personally, I wouldn't expect items on my Watch List to be available for months and months, so I can't imagine bothering to put anything on a Watch List if I didn't intend to buy anything on the site. Then again, I can't imagine hanging around on the discussion boards of a site on which I neither buy nor sell, but that's just me.
It's just interesting to me. that's all. Different strokes, I guess.
Many of the items in my Watch List were just tagged in the past few weeks ... and the Error Message still shows today on 4 of 5 pages, so it appears they are not recoverable. Wonder if this is happening to other eBay Customers? If so, this technical issue could be impacting many Buyers here and further negatively impact Sales for Sellers.
There are many Buyers and Sellers on the sidelines who post here. They are waiting ... and waiting ... and hoping ... that eBay will improve the site and the "Customer Experience" ... but things appear to be getting worse, rather than better (as seen by the many reported and confirmed issues in the past few months and especially the past few weeks).
I can't imagine a Community where everyone isn't welcome (past, present and future Buyers & Sellers), but that's just my opinion.