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Managed Payment are Infuriating your buyers AND causing your slowdown~

I find what I want on ebay. I have an amount figured in my mind for a purchase, that is Paypal + Checking amount equals what I can spend (yeah yeah, if the bills are paid).


I authorize pmt and it'll grab my PP balance, then take the rest out of checking. Ah... but noooooo.... in a single sentence I never even noticed before, it says its taking it from my Credit card. I'm puzzeled, what card? I look up the number -- that's my flipping checking account debit card! What happened to taking the PP balance FIRST?  

And THEN I realize that the Last pmt I made for a purchase earlier was also taken from ckg, when there wasn't that much in checking! 


So yeah, NSF on my checking account. I talk sweet, get it waived because I have a great bank. But now I realize that anyone who's on Managed Payments will cause my payment to them to come from my Checking account FIRST and ONLY. It won't touch my PP money! 


I am wondering how many people have fallen into this trap and gotten NSF charges because they assumed that its coming from PP!?  Ebay trained us for years that it comes from PP balance first, then your checking acct. 


Why doesn't ebay allow a buyer to CHOOSE where the money is coming from? How many buyers have gotten NSF charges on their chkg account because of this and (rightfully) blame ebay?  And how many people, LIKE ME, will just NOT buy if a seller is on managed Payments until ebay allows us to use our PP account for payment!  

Message 1 of 48
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Accepted Solutions

Managed Payment are Infuriating your buyers AND causing your slowdown~

You can get around this, they have hidden the button to do so but it is there.

When you check out, look at the Paypal button. Right under it in little letters it says change (or similar). Hit that, and "use PayPal balance" comes up and you can proceed as before.

You can also just hit the Paypal link directly and it will drop down a 'use PP balance" box for you as well.

Hope this helps 🙂

View Best Answer in original post

Message 21 of 48
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Managed Payment are Infuriating your buyers AND causing your slowdown~

Your issue has nothing to do with Managed Payments. It is due to a change within PayPal that was  mandated by the US Government. There are a number of threads on here discussing that change and what you have to do to have payments deducted directly from your PayPal balance. PayPal sent announcements about this change some months ago.

Message 2 of 48
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Managed Payment are Infuriating your buyers AND causing your slowdown~

As already posted it has nothing to do with ebay 
You need to log into Paypal and see if you have a Paypal Cash Plus account .
If not you need to send them the information they require .
My sister had to send a utility bill and something else 

You need to read up here,-paypal-ca...

And here

Message 3 of 48
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Managed Payment are Infuriating your buyers AND causing your slowdown~

Also in addition to what others have told you correctly.  Paypal does not take your paypal balance first then go to your backup funding source second.  If you do not have the total balance in your paypal account, then paypal will do the entire payment from your back up funding source.


Good Luck Selling!

Message 4 of 48
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Managed Payment are Infuriating your buyers AND causing your slowdown~

@labs118 wrote:

As already posted it has nothing to do with ebay 
You need to log into Paypal and see if you have a Paypal Cash Plus account .
If not you need to send them the information they require .
My sister had to send a utility bill and something else 

You need to read up here,-paypal-ca...

And here

 I seem to have not explained right, or posters are doing what they constantly accuse buyers of  -- NOT READING.


I already Have Paypal Cash Plus. I already have a Paypal debit card,, I've had one for years.


And for another poster, I've paid for items on ebay for years, it would take the Paypal Balance, THEN take the rest from Checking.  SEE TRANSACTION BELOW ON JUNE 2, 2019. 


If I use my PP Cash Debit card at Walmart -- I can only access the balance, it will not deduct from checking. That is only applicable to the Debit card, in making purchases on ebay, I'm not using the Debit card, I'm using automatic deduction from PP. It takes the balance in Paypal , THEN goes to checking and takes the rest. 


The transaction below was done on JUNE 2, 2019, for a purchase from ebay using my Paypal Balance (NOT my PP Debit card) It took the balance from PP, THEN hit the checking account for the rest. 


Paid with

$28.55 PayPal Cash Plus balance


Your backup is Card XXXXXXX


June 3, 2019, Sent by USPS  Status: Shipped


Purchase details  $46.09

Item  Total  $46.09



PP has always done this, now buyers are suddenly being hit with "gee, we took it ALL from your checking account!"


I have not opted in for Managed payments on my selling account but and the transaction above was done from a seller who ISN"T on managed payments. For those that ARE ON Managed Payments, it is taking the whole amount from my checking account reguardless of any available balance in Paypal. 


've been a seller for over 14 years and have a 100% FB of over 4000. Please don't treat me like a silly goose. 

Message 5 of 48
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Managed Payment are Infuriating your buyers AND causing your slowdown~

Anyone that runs their balances that close to buy something on eBay might be considered a "silly goose". Even in today's entitled world, you have to live within your means.

Message 6 of 48
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Managed Payment are Infuriating your buyers AND causing your slowdown~

Not to be argumentative, but how do you know the person ISN'T living within their means?  I mean, they are still here on ebay.  Maybe they are like me, you know, a few thousand laying around for real emergencies, but not earmarked.

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 7 of 48
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Managed Payment are Infuriating your buyers AND causing your slowdown~

@upgradedendmills wrote:

Anyone that runs their balances that close to buy something on eBay might be considered a "silly goose". Even in today's entitled world, you have to live within your means.

Not everybody has tons of extra money to spend on things, plus who knows that this was not something that they actually needed??  As fast as Ebay seems to be losing buyers I sure do not understand you criticizing one that actually wanted to buy something.  


Sorry I do not have an answer for you OP but i hope somebody can come up with something to help you.

Message 8 of 48
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Managed Payment are Infuriating your buyers AND causing your slowdown~

For  a while the wife was a bit miffed that charges were being made to her checking account debit card.


She was expecting all her purchases to be coming out of her PayPal balance. She tosses everything in the cart, and then goes to check out.


I explained "Managed Payments" to her, and why she had to look at the individual seller to see if they accepted PayPal.


Seems now MP can take PP.  Last time I balanced her checkbook for her there were no eBay purchase charges.

Message 9 of 48
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Managed Payment are Infuriating your buyers AND causing your slowdown~

Just a personal lesson from a long life, I would have made a deposit to my account to cover the item before I considered it as a need.  Or took any chance on an NSF period. Do you see any irony at all in purchasing a $42 item that forces you to move funds around and doing it on an expensive phone or computer?? You still have to wait a couple of days for delivery, so the whole "need" thing goes out the window. We all need to keep some money on our PayPal cards in case we go by a Starbucks.

Message 10 of 48
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Managed Payment are Infuriating your buyers AND causing your slowdown~

@upgradedendmills wrote:

Just a personal lesson from a long life, I would have made a deposit to my account to cover the item before I considered it as a need.  Or took any chance on an NSF period. Do you see any irony at all in purchasing a $42 item that forces you to move funds around and doing it on an expensive phone or computer?? You still have to wait a couple of days for delivery, so the whole "need" thing goes out the window. We all need to keep some money on our PayPal cards in case we go by a Starbucks.

Smiley Wink  Irony?  Is that like drawing a tree on a piece of paper?  Smiley Very Happy 


Being the dinosaur and introvert and sometime-curmudgeon that I am, I don't understand everybody trusting their life history, etc. to online banking, facebook, ebay, etc.  I mean, who knows when there is going to be a solar flare that wipes out the cloud, or half of the antiquated US electrical infrastructure is going to go down.  Ever notice how when the power goes out at a store or bank, EVERYTHING comes to a screeching halt - and you can't get in or out the door, either.  Smiley Surprised   We all need to keep some money in our pocket in case we by a Starbucks.  Smiley Very Happy

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 11 of 48
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Managed Payment are Infuriating your buyers AND causing your slowdown~

Never been, do they take money?? Years and years ago, I thought some of the things we all seem to worry about were important, not so much anymore. Some of the trivial complaints on this board seem to be caused directly by the complainer and should be easily solved by them. This one is simple, don't deal with managed payments. 

Message 12 of 48
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Managed Payment are Infuriating your buyers AND causing your slowdown~

@upgradedendmills wrote:

Never been, do they take money?? Years and years ago, I thought some of the things we all seem to worry about were important, not so much anymore. Some of the trivial complaints on this board seem to be caused directly by the complainer and should be easily solved by them. This one is simple, don't deal with managed payments. 

Yes, they take money.  You can't pay for a plane ticket at the airport with cash, though, but they take a card.  Smiley Wink

No, I won't take or use Managed Payments, just as I wouldn't take or use PayPal.  I took card payments online, without a B&M, back in the 90s, before it became the 'rage'.  Teleflora was quite accommodating in that respect.  The phone I carried around was a 10+ pound Transportable.  Take the antenna off and hook it to the antenna in the car.  You are right about many things not being as important as they once seemed.  I don't even take my flip-phone with me most of the time.  Smiley Surprised   And, I keep telling people, 'wiki is your friend'.  Smiley Very Happy

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 13 of 48
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Managed Payment are Infuriating your buyers AND causing your slowdown~

Inappropriate comment.  Has nothing to do with the OP's question.


@upgradedendmills wrote:

Anyone that runs their balances that close to buy something on eBay might be considered a "silly goose". Even in today's entitled world, you have to live within your means.



Message 14 of 48
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Managed Payment are Infuriating your buyers AND causing your slowdown~

OP - Sorry for getting off-topic.  Comes with old(er) age, I suppose.  Smiley Sad

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 15 of 48
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