05-01-2020 01:54 AM - edited 05-01-2020 01:56 AM
I buy this accessory direct from the manufacturer on their website at full list price without any discount and re-sell them on ebay. My mark up is a little more than 100%. They actually sell very well. I'm not sure why people are buying them from me on ebay instead of buying them direct from the manufacturer's website like i do.
I started off buying them at a quantity of 10 at a time. I placed several orders for 10 over the past few years. My most recent order was for a quantity of 20. Those 20 sold so fast that i just placed another order for 20.
My order was cancelled. Apparently they don't like that i'm buying so many and re-selling them.
If someone wants to buy large quantities of something from me, i don't care what they do with them. I'm just happy for the business.
But i guess we all have the right to refuse service to anyone. God bless America.
Does anyone have any feelings on this matter?
05-01-2020 07:35 AM
If it was my business and someone was on Ebay reselling my product for 100% mark up I would refuse service also. I would not want my items on Ebay with prices all over the place with hundreds of resellers selling my stuff. It's nothing personal just a business decision I would make.
05-01-2020 07:37 AM
"My order was cancelled. Apparently they don't like that i'm buying so many and re-selling them. "
Did they come out and told you this or are you just guessing?
there are lots of items in our store that are sold out and when we scan the barcode to order more we are restricted and cannot get any at this time because the manufacture has that line temporary shut down for that product to concentrate their workload on other items during this time
05-01-2020 07:48 AM
My order was cancelled. Apparently they don't like that i'm buying so many and re-selling them.
As Fuzz says that's an assumption......certainly not a fact........ could be many other reasons, such as being low on inventory........I'd wait awhile and try again........
My memory is certainly "imperfect", but didn't you mention one time, you'd tried to get a wholesale price from someone and they wouldn't give it to you? Same seller?
05-01-2020 07:59 AM
Feelings on reselling:
No issue at all. I bought a CD from a band's website for $5 and re-sold it here for $35 until they ran out.
Feelings on the supplier shutting you off:
No issue at all. Maybe they are getting ready to sell there.
Those opportunities are good while they last, but they usually don't last long.
05-01-2020 08:04 AM
@inhawaii wrote:My order was cancelled. Apparently they don't like that i'm buying so many and re-selling them.
Why in the world are you buying on your selling account? If you're sure that they know you're reselling their items, I assume that's how they figured it out.
Always buy your eBay sale items with another account. At this point they may know your address anyway, so if you're serious about pursuing more of that product (which, given the successful markup you're reporting, would be a good thing to work towards), you're going to need a buying account plus a PO Box in another town for future purchases.
05-01-2020 08:09 AM
Excellent point! Maybe they ARE ramping up to sell on eBay...
...I didn't even think about that one.
05-01-2020 08:20 AM
@hurryagain wrote:Excellent point! Maybe they ARE ramping up to sell on eBay...
...I didn't even think about that one.
That's why these opportunities don't usually last long.
Even if the retailer does not stop selling to you, anyone who notices what you are doing can do the same thing.
That's when the slide back down to the retail price begins.
05-01-2020 09:21 AM
@a_c_green wrote:
@inhawaii wrote:My order was cancelled. Apparently they don't like that i'm buying so many and re-selling them.
Why in the world are you buying on your selling account? If you're sure that they know you're reselling their items, I assume that's how they figured it out.
Always buy your eBay sale items with another account. At this point they may know your address anyway, so if you're serious about pursuing more of that product (which, given the successful markup you're reporting, would be a good thing to work towards), you're going to need a buying account plus a PO Box in another town for future purchases.
OP says he buys directly from the manufacturers website, not on eBay. Sometimes you can’t hide the fact that you sell their items on eBay. When I buy from suppliers, it shows my company name... as does my seller accounts. Very easy for someone to put two and two together.
OP, if you suspect they aren’t selling to you because of this... or because of your large quantity... just test the theory a bit more and revert back to buying smaller amounts and more periodically. You might not be saving as much money as a bulk order, but it’s still better than coming up empty handed.
05-01-2020 09:24 AM
05-01-2020 09:45 AM
I source my items from stores, mainly end-of season time. Some items are so low I can't walk away. I was told by a sales associate I could not buy more then 3 of the same item because management knows that there are resellers and they don't like this. Some sales associated don't care because they work for commission. to get around this I have my family members come with me or I go to the other stores within 100 mile radios.
Get your family or friends purchase these items for you if there is a limit.
05-01-2020 10:04 AM
The reason why many avoid manufacturers websites is because many of them are just awful sites. Many times you are sent to sites of an authorized seller to buy the item so most buyers assume without checking that they can't buy the item from the manufacturer. Even if you can buy from them, their site's purchase process is so annoying and demanding so much information that many would rather not buy from them.
Then there are buyers who conduct zero research before buying anything. These are your customers.
05-01-2020 10:05 AM