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Lysol Wipes

So if we start an auction for Lysol Wipes at $0.99 will my listing get taken down? 1 listing already has, and I still have 13 containers of this stuff to sell. I'm sure eBay doesn't want 1 person hoarding a bunch of these. People need these wipes, and not all people have access to them, so I'm asking if I could put the wipes up for auction starting at $0.99. 

Message 1 of 37
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Re: Lysol Wipes

and you really believe those items are "selling"/"sold"?

Sellers are finding all sorts of ways to circumvent the ban...

there are also thrill bidders and gaming bidders who are getting their kicks by bidding on these items, to give attention to the items, knowing they'll never pay for them as it's all about the thrill of watching the "fake bidding" process...

the sellers and/or eBay will end up cancelling the "sale"; no payment will ever be made...sellers are changing IDs and re-listing these items and the bidders are having all sorts of fun, so on it goes...

eBay has their hands full trying to keep these listings off the site but sellers are finding as many ways to circumvent the system and keep on placing these listings on eBay...

simply report the item, let eBay sort it out and move on...

Message 16 of 37
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Re: Lysol Wipes

the dramatics in these forums are getting a little ho-hum...

There is more to combating the virus than using some of these over-rated, glorified "needs".  Good old vinegar will do just as good as any Lysol wipe... People do not "need" special cleaning products. There are all kinds of regular cleaning products that serve the same purpose, are cheaper and do not have to have a branded name to work in the same way. People need to start using logic and common sense.

Message 17 of 37
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Re: Lysol Wipes

@mrdutch1001 wrote:

Good old vinegar will do just as good


Now you done it, now they are going to buy all the vinegar and I won't be able to buy it to kill my weeds. 😀





Have a great day.
Message 18 of 37
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Re: Lysol Wipes

nah, no worries, am still using last year's jug as I never use more than 1 per year... so lots available for you!

Message 19 of 37
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Re: Lysol Wipes

Simple it is the result of ebays flawed and  faulty policies and the bowing to the wishes of corporate America. Both Clorox and Lysol cannot not keep up with the demand of there products  in the local stores were the average citizen shops, if the self's were stocked as normal and they could keep up with the public's demand there would be no such discussions taking place on the so called price gouging of these items.


Ebays flawed and  faulty policies do not seems to recognize, one very simple economic principle: SUPPLY AND DEMAND when the demand far exceeds the supply their is much more competition for the supply  and the Price invariably must and will go up for the  lack of supply of the products in question.

Basic Capitalism, eBay appears to endorse and back a socialist type of economy were the elite know best.


Blame this in this case on Clorox and Lysol inability to keep up with the production requirements.


Ebay  along with the blessings Clorox and Lysol, backing and implementing such policy's on so called price gouging are also endangering the general public, heath safety and well being.


There are oblivious large segments who cannot get and purchase these  Disinfectant products, were they engage in there normal buying and selling of these products, because the selves are empty.


Ebay  along with the blessings Clorox and Lysol, backing and implementing such policy's of removing disinfecting products from auctions listings may have and in all likely hood have caused unnecessary illness, and death, by the denying the general public the ability to have a place were they can purchase these necessary disinfectants. To help and insure the general public's safety health and well being, perhaps eBay should provide these products to these consumers free if there are in fact so concerned about this so called price gouging, rather than defer to corporate America flawed wishes.


No one is forcing anyone to purchase any of these products, so based on the above, why are you eBay engaging in practices that endanger the health,safely. and well being of your customers, and the general public of the United States of America.

I would like to hear an intelligent reply eBay, as why are you furthering , the endangerment, the health, and safety of the public with your socialist like economic policies?


Message 20 of 37
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Re: Lysol Wipes

A quick search on eBay, and it looks like Lysol Wipes are a no go, but everything else that shouldn't be sold on eBay is being allowed.
Message 21 of 37
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Re: Lysol Wipes

@voguevintage wrote:

No, eBay wants people who can't get these to have no way of getting them at all and get sick and die so they have good PR.

You know regular soap and water is just as effective as Lysol, RIGHT?

Message 22 of 37
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Re: Lysol Wipes

Although we get an error message when trying to access the early March announcement that listed items that cannot be listed, I am pretty sure those wipes were on the list.

If anyone is seeing anything that's listed that has been banned, the listing can be reported.  

Message 23 of 37
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Re: Lysol Wipes

@m1a2ha wrote:

"...Ebay  along with the blessings Clorox and Lysol, backing and implementing such policy's of removing disinfecting products from auctions listings may have and in all likely hood have caused unnecessary illness, and death, by the denying the general public the ability to have a place were they can purchase these necessary disinfectants..."


 This is an outrageous statement. Can you back it up with proof? That Clorox, Lysol and eBay corporate are colluding to, essentially, kill citizens?


And eBay is not preventing anyone from purchasing disinfectants--they are preventing anyone from buying them on their website. Those are two very different things. The general public is free to shop anywhere. Pay any price. Ebay is a for-profit business and has the right to call the shots in advancing their agenda. It is not a democracy and doesn't pretend to be. We are free to accept their terms or free to find a sales platform elsewhere.

Message 24 of 37
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Re: Lysol Wipes

I'm well aware that Lysol wipes can't be sold.  When I was in quarantine during all of March, I was on here out of boredom and seen the countless threads about it and other things being sold that should not be.


I already said that they have Lysol wipes under control (I found maybe a couple of listings), but everything else they said that shouldn't be sold is being sold all of a sudden.  I have reported items years and years ago that violated eBay policies (and laws in some matters) and nothing is done about it.  I gave up reporting items years ago.  Ebay is going to have to start paying me to report every item I see that THEY say shouldn't be sold on here.  

Message 25 of 37
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Re: Lysol Wipes

Amen!! Well Said!

Message 26 of 37
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Re: Lysol Wipes

It makes no sense that if you list something by auction for .99 cents and it goes up to 30 dollars, it is considered price gouging. Whose business it is it (and why would anyone care) if someone believes something......ANYTHING, is worth far more and is willing to pay far more than another person believes is a "fair price"? I thought that was for the consumer to decide. Here's a solution to price gouging..............DON'T BUY IT IF YOU THINK IT IS TOO EXPENSIVE.....BUY IT FROM SOMEONE ELSE! This policy makes no sense at all.

Message 27 of 37
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Re: Lysol Wipes

I pick these up occasionally at Costco and donate them. Since you cannot sell them, consider donating to a local food pantry if you can afford to do that. They need items like Lysol wipes for disinfecting counters etc.  


Message 28 of 37
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Re: Lysol Wipes

Yeah they are banned but are still being sold on here whys that i wonder. It aint right for 1 and not the other. And they have been on here goughing ppl with the prices and its wrong for sure.


Have you ever been fishing ?

Did you catch all the fish ?

This is the same with ebay and  sellers that disobey the rules. Some get caught and some do not get caught today.   But since you have already broken the rules and got caught you will lose your account if you do it again.

Message 29 of 37
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Re: Lysol Wipes

No, eBay wants people who can't get these to have no way of getting them at all and get sick and die so they have good PR.



Was that supposed to be a funny ?



Message 30 of 37
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