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Leaving eBay

I have been a seller since 1998 I am quitting this is a con artist system now where they steal your money with the managed payments and even with 100 percent feedback I am considered a defective seller because  items ran out of stock. Also they now rate you on scanned items and if the postal service is Kate I am held accountable. Beware after all these years I am out of this corporate bull **bleep**. They are thieves liars and have no more customer service in the USA. **bleep** you eBay. 
I am writing this  to warn other sellers beware they steal your funds with this managed payment system. They also charge you seller final  value fees on sales  tax. Which is unethical. They charge you final value fees on shipping fees to.  
  I used to work for. myself selling fine dolls toys Teddy bears etc now I work for  eBay and they rob you. 
 Sorry I am so defective eBay but you are the defective **bleep**s to lose a good seller like me.  me. 
 I asKed to speak  to someone in California they told me no one takes calls from there anymore. They are too busy taking all the money they steal from eBay sellers. 
   Your going down  eBay all the  losers employees who con sellers to fill the pockets of the corporate scum

 Ebay Your defective

       not sellers who provided good service to clients.  Goodbye. I hope other sellers read tgus and investigate your managed payments which is actually managed stealing 


Message 1 of 43
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Leaving eBay

You've done a lot of work by putting up that many listings.  I'd have a difficult time leaving that behind based on the potential total they could sell for.   The defect metrics have been around for several years, and unless you have numerous problems, shouldn't hurt you.   As far as managed payments goes, I believe most places like etsy and others use the same system.

Message 31 of 43
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Leaving eBay

"If it helps at all....eBay stock is going down recently. "


Why do you think I started selling off my IPO stock from the mid 1990's last year?  10,000 shares left to sell.

Message 32 of 43
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Leaving eBay

Honestly I can't believe so many ardently oppose what donofrio4 is saying. While they've been doing FVF on shipping for a long time, it's ridiculous when you consider they know what you spend on shipping if you buy through them. This is not a sell for $1 and charge $100 for shipping scam. If I sell something for $10 + $7 shipping and it costs $7 to ship with them, they're taking $.70 before the 3%ish for processing that all processors charge. But the point of me saying this point is that things gradually get worse - this was in affect years ago but then they do this, then they do that and now the MP takes money from the buyer and it doesn't arrive in my account for almost a week which makes 0 sense.


They sure do take money for shipping immediately, fees immediately and returns immediately when requested by the seller (funds on hold at least.) Paypal was immediate and at least you could pay to put the money into the account immediately or wait, which was generally 1-2 days, not a week. Same thing when I had my own processing at my brick-and-mortar. Same thing with Square and Stripe. eBay is the only place (maybe Etsy but their fees are lower) that it takes so long to get your money. 


It's hard to quit though since they've got sellers no matter what. I tried to leave and still hate it but there's not much I can do - Bonanza doesn't have the buyers and Etsy only does vintage so I can't sell most of my items there. Facebook has taken some business but there are definitely problems there, especially when accounts get hacked (happens way too often).

Message 33 of 43
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Leaving eBay

I know it all too well....  I started selling in 2001 and made really good money from about 2003-2016 on my other main selling ID.  Those good ole days are gone.  eBay is so hard on sellers...  it's been a gradual chip-chip-chipping away on seller autonomy.  I remember when I used to be able to leave negative feedback for P.I.T.A. buyers.  I remember when I used to be able to state MY terms of sale and that was that!  I was a power seller for years and years and made loads of money...  Those days are gone now.  eBay policies have gotten suckier and suckier over the years, shipping costs are OUTRAGEOUS, and the CRUSHING mega stores like WalMart and Amazon are there to put the final nails in the coffins of "little guy" sellers.  I still have all of my accounts, but the joy has been gone for a long, long time.  : (

Message 34 of 43
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Leaving eBay

I'm clearing out inventory.  Most serious sellers tend to have lots of inventory; they gotta dump it and try to recoup some costs!

Message 35 of 43
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Leaving eBay

If you were here since 98 (?!), YOU KNOW how awesome it used to be selling on eBay!  It was the Wild West back then!  You could FREAKING SELL BELLY BUTTON LINT and make money!

Message 36 of 43
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Leaving eBay

Just a few eBay memories from the 20th century.  If your eBay ID is younger than the year 2000, you won't understand.

-a seller called his/her terms of sale, and that was that 

-sellers could actually LEAVE NEGATIVE FEEDBACK 

-you could research the items that a buyer bought
-auctions were binding
-you could accept CHECKS, CASH, MONEY ORDERS!

-you could FREAKING sell, sell, SELL!  dropshipping was a way to make quite a bit of money
-auctions were the rage, and I could consistently list items at $1 with no reserve for a week, and make GREAT MONEY
-USPS priority mail large, flat-rate BOX was about $3.50

It REALLY WAS fun and exciting to sell on eBay back then.  I GET IT.  : )

Message 37 of 43
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Leaving eBay

20+ years ago I was still young, too - but it does no good to mourn my lost youth and cry about how I have stiff hips and a bunion now, and it took more than one glass of ale to make me drunk. 🙄

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 38 of 43
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Leaving eBay

If only all price increases (food, fuel (and it's side effect shipping), electricity, basic essentials) had stopped in 2000, all would be happy, sadly they did not.


I preferred MP to Paypal when I was selling, but the one thing I do think is wrong is the total  lack of protection for CCCB's.

As to the MBG debacle - a seller getting a defect for INAD, when we all know in a lot of instances posted here, the claim is false to start with and way too easy for buyer's.

I have been imported from Australia and this is my posting ID
Message 39 of 43
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Leaving eBay

It seems that the majority of threads complaining about changes start with "20 year seller here" or some such - is it this group that's finding it so hard to adapt down through the years?  Have they never adapted?  Are they still back in 2001? I'm on some forums for younger sites and I never read so dang much complaining (and not just annoyance, but dRaMA!!!) about site changes as I do here, and we all have the same problems that beset all internet sellers so obviously, trouble enough as it is.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 40 of 43
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Leaving eBay


"It is an intelligent man that is aware of his own ignorance."
Message 41 of 43
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Leaving eBay

Found the VP in Public Relations!

Message 42 of 43
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Leaving eBay

I agree with you, I was happily surprised to see that Mr. Donofrio has quality items with quality pictures. Usually the complainers are the hobby sellers sourcing junk from their local thrift store here. not the case here, the guy is deep into the high end doll niche and has a very good offering, including dolls in the 4 figures.

Message 43 of 43
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