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Item delayed in shipping, ebay encourages me to leave negative feedback

I wanted to let sellers know that eBay representatives are encouraging buyers to leave negative feedback when things go awry.  I won an auction on Sept 6, paid right away, seller printed label and eBay informed me that item should arrive by Sept 19.  I needed the items for an event so I allowed plenty of time to get them. 


As the day came closer, I checked on the status and saw that the label was printed and that there was a shipping exception. New delivery date is October 22 through November 9.  I contacted the seller who did nothing. I filed a report with the USPS who informed me that the postage was printed but that the item has never been received by them. I contacted the seller again who simply said that the item was mailed and didn't respond to my request for further assistance with the USPS or either facilitate a refund since the USPS said it has not been mailed. Since the seller chose not to respond and since there is an "expected delivery date" I can't open a case until after November 2. So I called eBay and the rep advised me that I should try to work with the seller and if there's no response, leave negative feedback and file a claim through paypal so they will place a hold on the money and I can get the refund. 

It's unbelievable to me that this is their solution!! 


Any feedback on the situation would be appreciated.


Message 1 of 17
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Item delayed in shipping, ebay encourages me to leave negative feedback

EBays advice was pretty much what mine would be.  Regardless of where the goods supposedly are, the seller's poor responses deserve negative feedback, and you deserve a prompt refund if there is no evidence the parcel was actually shipped.


Having said that, I am presuming this is am international shipment.  I am also confused as to why you would purchase an item needed in September that has a latest delivery date in november?

Message 2 of 17
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Item delayed in shipping, ebay encourages me to leave negative feedback

@angelasellsitall wrote:

I wanted to let sellers know that eBay representatives are encouraging buyers to leave negative feedback when things go awry.  I won an auction on Sept 6, paid right away, seller printed label and eBay informed me that item should arrive by Sept 19.  I needed the items for an event so I allowed plenty of time to get them. 


As the day came closer, I checked on the status and saw that the label was printed and that there was a shipping exception. New delivery date is October 22 through November 9.  I contacted the seller who did nothing. I filed a report with the USPS who informed me that the postage was printed but that the item has never been received by them. I contacted the seller again who simply said that the item was mailed and didn't respond to my request for further assistance with the USPS or either facilitate a refund since the USPS said it has not been mailed. Since the seller chose not to respond and since there is an "expected delivery date" I can't open a case until after November 2. So I called eBay and the rep advised me that I should try to work with the seller and if there's no response, leave negative feedback and file a claim through paypal so they will place a hold on the money and I can get the refund. 

It's unbelievable to me that this is their solution!! 


Any feedback on the situation would be appreciated.


It's not uncommon for the post office to slip up once a while . I've shipped packages  with tracking numbers that have just magically disappeared  while in transit . It's very frustrating when you know you've done all the right things to get orders to customers  on time  just to have the postal service mess up  everything . However I have always promptly refunded  the buyers in these cases even though   meanwhile the post office refuses any responsibility . So now it's time for your seller to realize  you didn't get what you paid for  and step up to the plate and do the right thing .  If this sellers deserves a negative  or not is up to you to decide . Tulips 

Message 3 of 17
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Item delayed in shipping, ebay encourages me to leave negative feedback

The original expected delivery date was Sept 19, in plenty of time for the event. The delivery date now shows up until November 2. If it said November 2, I certainly would not have bid on the auction.

According to all records, this item is coming from New York.
Message 4 of 17
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Item delayed in shipping, ebay encourages me to leave negative feedback

I am a smaller volume seller myself and I also have refunded customers when there was a mishap. What I don't like is the lack of response from the seller. I am not sure to leave negative feedback or what to say in the feedback as the label was printed and something along the way is wrong.
I don't need the items any more and it was disappointing. I asked the seller for a refund if the items have not been shipped (as per the postmaster, they have not been shipped) and have received no response.
I can see why buyers are so quick to leave negatives and why so many are not buying on eBay any more. It's difficult and discouraging.
Message 5 of 17
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Item delayed in shipping, ebay encourages me to leave negative feedback

I don't understand why you can't open a case after the original ebay provided estimated delivery date passes.  If USPS gives you a different date, based on what the seller actually did, that shouldn't change the original date given in the transaction.


I would file to get my money back and feedback is entirely up to you.

Message 6 of 17
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Item delayed in shipping, ebay encourages me to leave negative feedback

@angelasellsitall wrote:
The original expected delivery date was Sept 19, in plenty of time for the event. The delivery date now shows up until November 2. If it said November 2, I certainly would not have bid on the auction.

According to all records, this item is coming from New York.

If Sept 19 was the estimated delivery date Ebay gave you for the order, that date shouldn't shouldn't change on the order.

If the carrier is giving different delivery dates then what Ebay gave you, you can file an INR on Ebay after Sept 19th.






Have a great day.
Message 7 of 17
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Item delayed in shipping, ebay encourages me to leave negative feedback

I don't understand it either! There is no place for me to open a case and when I called, the representative stated that I will have to wait until after November 2 to open one.The estimated date is on the eBay page now.  The rep advised me to just go to paypal and file since eBay doesn't have a way for me to do so. He also advised me to leave a negative feedback which I really hesitate to do because I don't like doing that. I feel like if I wait too long though, I will lose all rights to file a case.

The seller is continuing to receive positive feedback for communication and shipping time, so whatever it is, I don't know why they aren't responding to me.  I decided to wait until the end of the day today to email again. This is very annoying to say the least.

Message 8 of 17
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Item delayed in shipping, ebay encourages me to leave negative feedback

It sounds annoying!

"I feel like if I wait too long though, I will lose all rights to file a case."


That is something to be concerned about. I doubt anyone in ebay's foreign customer service relations would actually back you should that happen considering what I have read here.

I would file with paypal too if only because the seller apparently doesn't respect you enough to communicate.


It certainly is a negative situation, especially with the seller ignoring or stonewalling you. At least appropriately star their communication and shipping. If you don't like giving negatives, at least a neutral with the outrageous shipping time and lack of communication.


Posting ID
Message 9 of 17
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Item delayed in shipping, ebay encourages me to leave negative feedback

@angelasellsitall wrote:
The original expected delivery date was Sept 19, in plenty of time for the event. The delivery date now shows up until November 2. If it said November 2, I certainly would not have bid on the auction.

According to all records, this item is coming from New York.

Look at the seller's feedback profile, I'm betting it says China

Message 10 of 17
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Item delayed in shipping, ebay encourages me to leave negative feedback

@angelasellsitall wrote:
I am a smaller volume seller myself and I also have refunded customers when there was a mishap. What I don't like is the lack of response from the seller. I am not sure to leave negative feedback or what to say in the feedback as the label was printed and something along the way is wrong.
I don't need the items any more and it was disappointing. I asked the seller for a refund if the items have not been shipped (as per the postmaster, they have not been shipped) and have received no response.
I can see why buyers are so quick to leave negatives and why so many are not buying on eBay any more. It's difficult and discouraging.

I'm confused here; if tracking showed a shipping exception, why would the postmaster say it had not been shipped? An exception occurs after the package has been shipped and scanned into their system, when something goes awry along the way. If they never got the package and scanned it in, how would an exception occur? Something here seems off for sure......

Message 11 of 17
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Item delayed in shipping, ebay encourages me to leave negative feedback

That's what I don't understand either but the postmaster here has access to all of the data regarding everything. In the past, he has given me very detailed info about a package I mailed that the buyer claimed was empty. It included the weight at different stops along the way and GPS tracking. This time he called and left me a message saying that the shipping had been printed but no further information about it was available. From my side, it says the standard ready for USPS shipping and then Tracking Exception - Other with no more information. The postmaster said it might be that the postage had been cancelled after printing or something but that he believes the USPS does not have the package.
The seller is continuing to sell and receive good feedback so I am very confused. I really just would prefer a refund if the item is not coming for months. The seller can always file a package intervention and route it back to themselves if necessary. I have already done a lot of legwork and there's no response from the seller.
Message 12 of 17
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Item delayed in shipping, ebay encourages me to leave negative feedback

Checked that out, it says based in the United States.

Shipping label is from New York.

Message 13 of 17
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Item delayed in shipping, ebay encourages me to leave negative feedback

Thanks to one and all for your help. I decided to DM Ask eBay on Twitter. Someone named Dasha solved this problem almost instantly. The item, shipping info and messages were checked and I was issued a refund even though I couldn’t ever open a case. I give props to this representative after the poor advice I received on the phone. 

The seller still has not responded to my messages. I may leave a neutral feedback for lack of communication.  I’m trying to do what’s right. 

Message 14 of 17
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Item delayed in shipping, ebay encourages me to leave negative feedback

What's right to me would be a communication on a REAL problem merits that in my opinion.........  I can understand ignoring fussbudgets but if the item wasn't shipped......or he can't prove it shipped and then says delivery delayed 2 months.......he needs some instruction from some one............

Message 15 of 17
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