I had a guy demand a 10% military discount. I replied I'd be glad to,
provided they sent me a photo of their military ID. They never replied
to to that. About a month later they tried again, only this time they
were a disabled vet and desperately wan...
@onestop_funstop wrote:We Don't live out in the country where the postal
workers have nothing to do. They don't provide Receipts, they don't scan
the packages in, they don't provide any services for prepaid packages.
Our post office is very busy, and...
@varietymax wrote:The issue is NOT that my account was overdrawn..the
issue is being charged $37 EACH overdraft fee for TWO transactions,
after I deposited $60 in my bank's ATM on the same day...was told that
since the deposit was done AFTER BUSINESS...
@angelasellsitall wrote:The original expected delivery date was Sept 19,
in plenty of time for the event. The delivery date now shows up until
November 2. If it said November 2, I certainly would not have bid on the
auction.According to all records, ...