01-01-2019 08:44 PM
I have noticed many people use the all encompassing "we" when referring to their business. Even if it is you and your wife or something please if you only seel 12 items a month you don't need another person. "We think that Ebay should do this or that because our business is not thriving as it should". Well "we" all know you work out of your bathroom office and sell leiderhosen.
01-14-2019 07:49 PM
Sounds like your cat is She Who Must Be Obeyed!
01-14-2019 07:49 PM
Maybe it's the royal we?
01-14-2019 07:50 PM
Actually one could use we because it would be me, myself, and I.
01-14-2019 08:28 PM
If it is two or more people, there is no reason not to say, we.
01-14-2019 09:38 PM - edited 01-14-2019 09:42 PM
@impalajohnny wrote:I think many people use we because to them it sounds professional. Like how the representitive of a big corperation talks. I always thought it was silly because it's how a low level employee is trained to talk. The higher ups who have some autonomy are I's.
But there are other reasons to. Some married couples refer to themselves as we to an unnatural extent.
There are psycological differences in how people respond to groups vs. individuals. That's where "I vs. we" has relevance in ebay selling. Do you have more confidence in an individual or a corperation? Are you more likely to try and steal from an individual or corperation? If something was not to your liking to whom do you show more mercy? etc. etc.
Of course the higher-ups say 'I'. They are the ones who don't have to say 'yes' all of the time.
Oh, like here on ebay? All the blues say 'we'. I asked once about that and it was ebay, not just the people on the chat team.
I like the part when you go to a car dealership and it is 'Team Edsel', or some such thing. You are talking to a person and they say that 'we' will see to it. You ask if that person is handling it and they say, 'no, the team is, or him, over there, or maybe that one, at the water cooler, will get to it first'.
We just LOVE these team events!
01-14-2019 11:01 PM
Me and my dog are “we”. He hangs right by my side when I do eBay stuff. I never have done eBay stuff in the bathroom!
01-14-2019 11:03 PM
01-14-2019 11:08 PM
01-14-2019 11:09 PM
Also, I might be a “we” in a Sybilisque kind of “we”.
01-15-2019 02:05 AM
Sure glad you brought this subject up. Just look at all energy and thought people (including me) put into the replies on a subject matter that is of very little value or benefit to hardly anyone IMHO. Channel that energy and thought into something of real benefit and things might actually improve.
This kinda' reminds much of our how efficiently our governments "work for us" from the city, county, parishes, townships, state all the way up to the big dogs in DC and any other form of gov I've may have missed. Me thinks governments are too busy building monuments to/for them selves.
Look only used one "I" in this entire rant but did use two "ours" one "you" and two "mes" wonder what that means? ( just a jest)
01-15-2019 06:08 AM - edited 01-15-2019 06:11 AM
01-15-2019 06:09 AM
I use it as a Royal "we", it's just how WE roll.
01-15-2019 07:43 AM
@axiombody wrote:I have noticed many people use the all encompassing "we" when referring to their business. Even if it is you and your wife or something please if you only seel 12 items a month you don't need another person. "We think that Ebay should do this or that because our business is not thriving as it should". Well "we" all know you work out of your bathroom office and sell leiderhose -op
My hubby does my photos and I do the rest so it is sort of a WE business . However dealing with customers is solely my job . So how I respond to customers depends on the circumstance . If they ask for extra photos then its WE , if they ask for a custom piece then its I . Tulips
01-15-2019 07:56 AM
Lederhosen in the bathroom? Not a good combination. Lederhosen are leather pants and do not like water! So careful lederhosen sellers!
01-15-2019 08:13 AM
Well "we" all know you work out of your bathroom office and sell leiderhosen.
Wow, Sounds like a really efficient use of space. Talk about multi-tasking!