I hate ebay they only care about the buyer.
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01-07-2014 10:36 PM
I sold an item over christmas to someone who does not believe in holidays. He said I did not ship my item in time, and that I was unapolegetic and rude.
I shipped the item in two business days which is how I list every item I sell. Apparently the buyer does not believe in holidays and was furious that I did not ship on a holiday. He was very hostile in messages sent to me in which I apologized and offered a full refund. This was not to his liking. He left me negative feedback saying that I did not ship the package in time, and that I was unapologetic and rude. I called ebay and they informed me that I was correct I shipped the item in the correct amount of time, but because it ws his opinion that I was "unapologetic and rude" they could not censor him.
I asked ebay to point out exactly where I was rude, and the response was that I had in fact apologized to the buyer and offered a full refund, that there was nothing in any of the messages sent that showed me being unapologetic and rude.
ebay told me to try and resolve this with the buyer, and ask them to do a feedback revision. This is not something they buyer would be willing to do. The buyer already blatantly lied in feedback, and what makes it even worse is that I can not leave any negative feedback for the buyer. I can chose to leave positive feedback or no feedback at all.
am I the only person that thinks that this is unjust, and wrong?
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01-07-2014 11:22 PM
Ebay loves loves loves their Buyers. They can do no wrong...literally.
I just got hosed for $77.50 by a Buyer who destroyed the merchandise so they cold
return it.
It's gotten really bad for Sellers these day during the bad economy on Ebay. Buyers
walk all over Sellers and Ebay agrees.
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01-07-2014 11:56 PM
Not your fault, 2 days is a fast shipping. Some people take longer to ship out items. The buyer is just a impatient idiot. Too bad Ebay has been going downhill for a long while now.
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01-08-2014 02:27 AM
@dmontez2012 wrote:
ebay told me to try and resolve this with the buyer, and ask them to do a feedback revision. This is not something they buyer would be willing to do. The buyer already blatantly lied in feedback, and what makes it even worse is that I can not leave any negative feedback for the buyer. I can chose to leave positive feedback or no feedback at all.
am I the only person that thinks that this is unjust, and wrong?
Sorry this happened to you. About the advice eBay gave, why not give it a try?
Dear Buyer,
I'm sorry that you got your shoes later than you wanted to, especially now you're satisfied with them.
Ebay gives buyers 30 days to revise their negative feedback. 30 days to change their mind or feeling differently about it.
If that happens to you, please let me know. Then I'll send you an official Feedback Revision Request.
I wish you a good 2014 and kindest regards,
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01-08-2014 04:39 AM
thanks to ebay my items are not being returned and she also kept money they gave her back.i cant believe ebay also did the same thing to me,even worse,i sold lady 5 lots of clothing,hundreds of pieces of clothing,she was unhappy with her win and filed 5 cases to ebay,i have sold on ebay for 15 years and this has never happened to me before but ebay ignored me compltely and paid her without waiting for me to recieve my items back.now she has my clothing and my money and ebay wont even answer anything i email to them,im being ignored for some reason.
i told them she would do this but they did not care about me they only wanted to make her happy.she has over 200.00 in money and my clothing.now what do i DO cant get ebay to return any emails to me,they very quickly stripped the money from account and paid her,told me i could review clothing before they would send her money back,but that didnt happen either.
i have quit selling,i will never sell on ebay again,ebay should be ashamed and shut down for taking my hard earned money and giving it away.because thats exactly what happened.now she left me bad feedback,i returned the same back,mine was removed ON WHAT I SAID and i was reminded you cant do that,but what she left about me is still there.
they will not answer any questions i have.NOW WHAT DO I DO,IM OUT OVER $200.00 AND NO CLOTHES RETURNED!
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01-08-2014 05:43 AM
Ebay loves loves loves their Buyers. They can do no wrong...literally.
Wrong wrong wrong. Ebay loves Ebay, they have shareholders and people earning the big bucks. They will do what they need to to ensure their bills are paid and they are making money.
Right now, that is favoring the buyer in most situations. Believe me, if it made Ebay more money to throw buyers under the bus and favor sellers they would be doing that already.
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01-08-2014 05:47 AM
The feedback should be removable, if you shipped the shoes with a tracking number. However, in dealing with ebay customer service reps, often you have to have the policy right in front of you to read to them. The feedback should qualify for removal for two reasons.
Comment left: "seller failed to ship on time and respond to messages; unapologetic and rude"
(1) The auction ended at around 4pm (your time) on the 21st, a Saturday. Since most post offices close at noon on Saturdays, there is no way you could have shipped the shoes until Monday. If you shipped them on Monday with tracking, you complied with your and eBays rules.
(2) The comment specificall says you did not respond to messages. If the message you received and responded to was through ebay messages. Then that makes the feedback removable as well.
Look under the last drop down item, on the page. Then call CS and have the policy ready. Explain the time frames, a Saturday Sale, and that you did reply to messages sent.
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01-08-2014 06:09 AM
OP~~These sold on 12/21 so 2 business days handling means you shipped by Tuesday at the latest~~12/24. The post offices closed at noon that day. Did you get them shipped that day or did you ship after Christmas? Tuesday~~Christmas Eve day~~is a business day. I know~~I had to really scramble that day to get to the post office before noon. The buyer didn't leave the neg until 14 days after the sale~~that seems like a long time if he left the feedback anywhere near the time he received the shoes.
Almost $17.00 for "standard" shipping is a little steep as well. Maybe he figured faster shipping for the $$ he paid.
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01-08-2014 06:50 AM
@dmontez2012 wrote:I sold an item over christmas to someone who does not believe in holidays. He said I did not ship my item in time, and that I was unapolegetic and rude.
I shipped the item in two business days which is how I list every item I sell. Apparently the buyer does not believe in holidays and was furious that I did not ship on a holiday. He was very hostile in messages sent to me in which I apologized and offered a full refund. This was not to his liking. He left me negative feedback saying that I did not ship the package in time, and that I was unapologetic and rude. I called ebay and they informed me that I was correct I shipped the item in the correct amount of time, but because it ws his opinion that I was "unapologetic and rude" they could not censor him.
I asked ebay to point out exactly where I was rude, and the response was that I had in fact apologized to the buyer and offered a full refund, that there was nothing in any of the messages sent that showed me being unapologetic and rude.
ebay told me to try and resolve this with the buyer, and ask them to do a feedback revision. This is not something they buyer would be willing to do. The buyer already blatantly lied in feedback, and what makes it even worse is that I can not leave any negative feedback for the buyer. I can chose to leave positive feedback or no feedback at all.
am I the only person that thinks that this is unjust, and wrong?
This is common ebay cs behavior, They would rather you work it out with a unreasonable buyer than help you with the issue. So it seems to me you have a buyer thats using the system for personal gain. If you did everything you were suppose to do there is proof in the system and ebay could correct. In this corrupt fb system they are going to tell you this is the buyer's opinion and there is nothing they can do, This one cracks me up. We were not involved in the transaction. With a lot of phone call to cs you may get lucky and find a cs rep that will help you. This has never worked for me but has for other seller's.
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01-08-2014 07:04 AM
12/24. The post offices closed at noon that day.
Not all post offices closed at 12:00 noon on the 24th. Maybe in your area.
From the post office: Dec 24, 2013 - All Post Offices will be open Christmas Eve, but some will have shortened retail lobby hours and close at noon.
Don't flatter yourself, you're not that important. ~ author unknown
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01-08-2014 08:26 AM
Thanks everyone for your responses.
As for the ebay CSrep the quote from her is that if he had only put "did not ship in time, and respond to messages" It would have been removed because those are lies. Since he added "unapologetic and rude" that is his opinion and removing the feedback would be censorship, and they do not censor buyers.
I would be fine with all of this if I could leave the buyer negative feedback explaining his lie, and for others to be creful with that buyer, but the only option I have is to leave positive feedback or none at all.
apparently the problem was that with shipping around christmas USPS did not get the package to where he was on vacation in time and he had to pay to ship the item to where he lives. That is not my fault and does not justify negative feedback.
As for cost of shipping. I charged 16.83, and it cost me 16.42 to ship the item.
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01-08-2014 08:33 AM - edited 01-08-2014 08:34 AM
Try it again, until you have a CS-rep on the phone with a another, better opinion.
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01-08-2014 08:48 AM
But, what day did you ship the item? Katt is correct - If the buyer paid on 12/21, it should have shipped by 12/24.
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01-08-2014 03:44 PM
Do people seriously not read throughly?
I SHIPPED IN TWO BUSINESS DAYS, that is not the issue the issue is that the buyer lied, and added an opinion. If he would have left the lies by themselves, and not added "unapologetic, and rude" the feedback would have been removed, but apparently ebay will not censor a buyer.
I cannot even leave negative feedback for the buyer saying that he lied, what is wrong with ebay?
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01-08-2014 03:52 PM - edited 01-08-2014 03:53 PM
I certainly would not give up because one rep told me no. I had a buyer commit FB extortion before there was a policy against it. I had numerous reps tell me it was not removable. I was patient and finally got a rep who agreed the buyer only left the neg to get a freebie and it was gone in minutes.
How much is getting rid of the fb worth to you? If you are patient and coureous, even when you want to scream, you can find a rep who interprets policy correctly.
You can call me Tony