07-17-2019 08:30 PM
So, I asked a question in the weekly chat, basically asking for a response to the huge number of valid complaints here in the boards about how sales have fallen off a cliff. Now, I know that's not the case for everyone, and I couldn't be happier for you. But given that many, many long time sellers have been on here discussing how the spring seller update sent our sales running for the hills, there must be at least a little substance to the complaints. For me, the proof is in the pudding (or the sales reports, as it may be). Below is the original question for those interested, as well as Alan's response. I'd like to respond in turn, though I am fully aware that I am wasting my time. Not like there's any orders to process though, so no worries there.
@redline_auto_llc wrote:
I'd like to hear some input from the higher ups about the number of posts on the forums since the spring update that discuss how sales are in the toilet. A few isolated incidents could be considered a fluke or bad sellers, but people who have been successful here for decades are watching things fall apart since the update went into effect. I don't think there is any doubt that a significant number of sellers were violently opposed to the changes made, and despite all the assurances that eBay knows our businesses better than we do, we're seeing the negative effects.
I'm down from $5000 on a good week to struggling to break $1000, and there are numerous sellers here who have it worse than me. It's very apparent that whatever eBay is doing, it's not doing anyone any favors except maybe the Chinese sellers and the executives' pockets.
eBay has been making every effort to increase their profit margins at the expense of sellers. Final value fees go up, promoted listings become mandatory. eBay takes fees on shipping costs that are also through the roof. We get pushed into higher fee categories based on return figures that are compared to a completely bogus metric. Seller protection is non-existent from a practical standpoint. Sellers are leaving in droves, and it's clear why.
So with that said, what plans are in place to improve the situation as it stands? If Wenig can afford to build his dream bar with the money he's wringing from the drying corpse of what eBay used to be, why can't he afford some advertising? Dissent is at the highest level I've ever seen. Something is going to give out, so what is eBay going to do to keep things afloat?
Thanks for your post. Sorry to hear that you're experiencing a decline in sales. If you'd like to speak directly with us over the phone and receive account-specific advice that may help to improve your listings, you should contact eBay Customer Service. Been there, done that. Any time I feel like talking to someone in India about refreshing my store, I make sure to give the 800 number a call. It's on my speeddial after all (no joke). It would be helpful if customer service reps actually gave consistent answers or even attempted to do anything but read off a script. Doing things like offering Free Shipping and not charging restocking fees may increase your sales and may increase buyer trust in your listings and your customer service offerings. Free shipping is a great way to end up out $60 for shipping when a buyer returns an item, especially since the postal rate changes went into effect last month. You're honestly suggesting no restocking fees? That hasn't even been an option for years now, though God knows it should be.
You mentioned that promoted listings are mandatory. I want to clarify that promoted listings are not mandatory.
Sure, sure. Not mandatory if you don't want sales, but since the search engine is hilariously broken, you gotta pull every trick you can if you want even a chance of getting the sale. Pretty sure it was @zamo-zuan who was told point blank that "this is the year of promotions".
There are always plans in the works to improve and evolve the marketplace for both buyers and sellers. For example, this summer, we will announce new seller protections that will be based on your track record and how we will protect you when you provide great service to buyers. If I recall correctly, that was supposed to be in the Spring update, but was conspicuously absent. Dollars to donuts it goes like this: Free returns now mandatory! Look at all the seller protection you get when people don't have to lie to avoid return expenses anymore!
eBay produces a weekly seller-focused podcast 'The eBay for Business Podcast' I encourage you to subscribe and listen to the podcast as it regularly tackles topics like seasonality and market trends. Seasonality my lily white hindquarters. I have a years and years of precise records showing that this isn't seasonality or a market trend. Something took a long walk off a short cliff, and the season has nothing to do with it.
We just announced our Q2 earnings. In our earnings announcement, we shared that in the second quarter, we grew active buyers by 4% across platforms. Feel free to read our results announcement if you're interested in learning more about the state of the business. Active buyers in third world countries don't do much for the average seller on eBay. What's more telling is the decrease in GMV. Looks pretty stagnant around here to me, and even more so when comparing eBay to other prominent marketplaces.
On an unrelated note, I somehow have an invoice that is bigger than my seven day sale figure, despite the fact that the invoice is paid in full weekly. Looks like I'm being charged more than I sell to be here. I also fully expect to see sales go negative after this post, as I'm not convinced that posts here don't have an effect on sales on the main site.
Oh well. /EndRant.
07-18-2019 03:31 PM
@redline_auto_llc wrote:
You mentioned that promoted listings are mandatory. I want to clarify that promoted listings are not mandatory.
Sure, sure. Not mandatory if you don't want sales, but since the search engine is hilariously broken, you gotta pull every trick you can if you want even a chance of getting the sale. Pretty sure it was @zamo-zuan who was told point blank that "this is the year of promotions".
For transparency, yes, this was said to us during a meeting when Sr Managers visited our work site in person earlier this year.
07-18-2019 04:26 PM
Thanks for posting, hope your response gets lots and lots of views.
I'm in my 3rd straight year of what had been steady-growth selling. This July has been my worst month by far.
07-18-2019 04:39 PM
is a restocking fee still allowed in Motors? Pretty sure it isn't in ebay.......
07-18-2019 04:40 PM
Yep. I can look at the sales reports I've compiled and factually say that this is the worst week I've had in the last 5 years, including weeks where we shut down for vacation. That's pretty mind blowing, we've had better weeks with vacation settings on and a 5 day handling time. And it's the worst week in 5 years contained in the worst month in years which is immediately following the second worst month in 5 years.
07-18-2019 04:41 PM
Nope, that's the point. His suggestions are several years outdated. Pretty typical CS fare actually.
07-18-2019 04:55 PM
@redline_auto_llc wrote:Nope, that's the point. His suggestions are several years outdated. Pretty typical CS fare actually.
So why do you still say A 15% restocking fee may also be applied to returns not due to a material defect. ???
07-18-2019 05:07 PM
Couple reasons, actually.
1) Motors sees an incredibly high rate of returns for non-fitment. Anything I can put in the listing to encourage people to actually pay attention to the fitment details I provide is beneficial. I've run tests in the last several months with identical listings with and without the terminology and saw no effect on sales either way, so no reason to change it.
2) It's an old template and given that I usually end up pulling my hair out when trying to deal with editing individual listings as would be required (edits that don't take and screens that don't load), it wouldn't be a priority even if I thought it needed to be changed.
07-18-2019 05:13 PM
Hello Redline Auto,
I am sorry to hear your sales have plummeted so drastically, so fast. I hear more than a rant in your words. I hear frustration, bafflement, a bit of desperation, depression and some anger. I fully understand and sympathize with you.
I have met a few hollow eyed eBay sellers fearful of what is happening to their sales and desperately trying to figure out how to pay their monthly bills and feed their families.
The eBay of yore has become the empty promises of today.
When it all becomes overwhelming I put my store in vacation mode for a couple of days. It's scary to consider losing even a days worth of sales, but the mental health break can have big benefits. It also helps me to have a big old punching bag handy to relieve some stress. Will putting your store in vacation mode for a couple of days jump start your sales when open again? Can't say if that's an eBay urban legend or if it works. My personal experience is that I tend to sell more than usual after a brief break.
My sales on this account have been up and down the past month. I have no idea why and the usual platitudes offered as reasons or excuses don't mean doodly squat when your livelihood is threatened. I do pretty much everything eBay claims will help improve sales. Free shipping, free returns, offer multi-purchase discounts to buyers and pay extra to promote my items. I also am in Managed Payments. Quite honestly I can't see where any of it has made much of a difference.
I'm afraid I can't do anything to increase your sales, but, I can tell you that I respect your feelings and empathize with your current situation. I say current situation because I hope and will pray that this downward trend ends quickly.
My heart goes out to you.
07-18-2019 05:15 PM
eBay wrote:
We just announced our Q2 earnings. In our earnings announcement, we shared that in the second quarter, we grew active buyers by 4% across platforms.
The eBay 2nd Quarter numbers show a decrease in GMV for both International and US markets when compared to the same period last year. Comparing Q2 19 with Q2 18 you see International GMV is down 4.1 % and US GMV is down 4.7%.
GMV ($ millions)
Q2 18 Q2 19
Int'l 14,357 13,768
US 9,272 8,833
GMV also does not include returns and unpaid & cancelled items, so it’s not a true indicator of all completed sales. If there are a lot of returns and cancellations here (which I see an uptrend in), then the true sales numbers are lower.
Not sure how More Buyers and Less Sales is a good thing?
07-18-2019 05:22 PM
I appreciate the kind words, and it's no worries; I've been businessing (my new word, you like it?) my whole life. I'm not afraid of natural change or having to try new things. If this stops working, I'll move on to something that does. It'll be a sad change to make given the time and energy I've invested here, but since letting all of my staff go over the course of 2019, there's nothing holding me down except a warehouse lease and a bunch of inventory.
What angers me is that this is NOT a natural market fluctuation. The used parts market is thriving, but eBay's unneeded policy changes are causing far too many people to be left hanging. I'm angered for all of the people who don't have the same level of freedom that I do. I'm angered that we're being treated as disposable despite the fact that we pay Corporate's salaries. I'm angered that legitimate questions are met with patronizing and factually incorrect answers, because no one in a position to speak to the seller base knows what's happening either, but "everything must be golden because we're too big to fail".
It is what it is. But if I'm going down, I'm going kamikaze style and making as much noise as possible in the process.
07-18-2019 05:32 PM
@redline_auto_llc wrote:Couple reasons, actually.
1) Motors sees an incredibly high rate of returns for non-fitment. Anything I can put in the listing to encourage people to actually pay attention to the fitment details I provide is beneficial. I've run tests in the last several months with identical listings with and without the terminology and saw no effect on sales either way, so no reason to change it.
2) It's an old template and given that I usually end up pulling my hair out when trying to deal with editing individual listings as would be required (edits that don't take and screens that don't load), it wouldn't be a priority even if I thought it needed to be changed.
Maybe that's why your sales have dropped off. Maybe all your potential buyers know, like I do, that restocking fees are no longer allowed.
I would never buy from a seller who had that comment in a listing. I've seen a few in the items I search for, and I can't hit the back button fast enough.
Two reasons:
Neither of the arguments you put forth (above) override the fact that restocking fees are against policy.
07-18-2019 05:40 PM
You are of course entitled to that opinion, and there is probably some validity to it. But my rather extensive research suggests that it makes no difference in sales, and we all know it can't be charged anyway. The sole purpose of that statement is to encourage extra scrutiny of fitment details. That line has been in the listings since the days where restocking fees were allowed (and necessary, you realize that there is an expense associated with shipping things, right? Average cost to ship a headlight just in materials for me is $7.42. Tack on labor and time. It adds up when people can't be bothered to pay any attention to fitment details. I regularly sell parts to people who buy things made by the wrong manufacturer; no, a Honda grille won't fit your Nissan. You might not like restocking fees, but they exist(ed) for a reason.) and there was no notable decline in sales until recently.
Do I lose sales due to an unenforceable line in the listing? Maybe on an individual basis, but not in any notable quantity. Even if I did, that doesn't speak to the other people on the boards who are experiencing the same issues in the same timeframe.
07-18-2019 05:46 PM
Very well said on every point. I'll be surprised if a blue chimes in here.
As far as THIS week's sales being in the dumper... I'd like to remind everyone that this WAS the week of Prime Day(s).
07-18-2019 05:51 PM
I don't expect a blue to say anything. eBay has a habit of turning a blind eye towards things that go against the rhetoric they want to spout. I can't hold it against the individual reps, everyone has a job to do. It's just par for the course.
I'm more surprised that this hasn't been deleted yet. Ya'll remember the mass purge of the GTC discussion, right?