01-06-2024 11:44 AM
Is there one place I can go to see all Listings I have ever put on Ebay in one place. One complete long list? I've gone thru some searches, active, not sold etc., but I want to find one complete list. Whether I stopped it, or it didn't sell, etc. plus including everything active. A list or how to download everything. I seem to have some listings missing.
01-06-2024 11:53 AM
There is no such place as 'Ended' items or 'not relisted (unsold etc.) items that you or time ended, only last 90 days. After that, gone.
'Sold' items are another story.
01-06-2024 03:01 PM
Well, I guess there's no way to get the info. I'm pretty sure I've lost some in the shuffle over a couple of years.
01-06-2024 04:08 PM
Go to your Managed Payments screen. https://www.ebay.com/sh/acc
Then download reports. https://www.ebay.com/sh/fin/reportslanding
For pre Managed Payments activity, reports can be downloaded from Paypal for 7 years.
Hopefully you have saved some reports you had downloaded for tax computation purposes.
01-06-2024 04:54 PM
@onlinecentral wrote:Go to your Managed Payments screen. https://www.ebay.com/sh/acc
Then download reports. https://www.ebay.com/sh/fin/reportslanding
For pre Managed Payments activity, reports can be downloaded from Paypal for 7 years.
Hopefully you have saved some reports you had downloaded for tax computation purposes.
@onlinecentral Not sure ANY of that would do ANY good as the OP is looking for items they ended, or 'didn't sell' which would NOT be on any report, from Paypal or anywhere else.
01-06-2024 06:10 PM
I looked at an old Monthly Seller Invoice. The monthly insertion fees are displayed. I can compare those descriptions and 12 digit auction listing numbers with later sold reports and present day Active Listings. If I can't find that it sold or is presently active, then I can conclude either I ended it or else it disappeared.