08-06-2019 04:41 PM
08-12-2019 12:39 PM - edited 08-12-2019 12:40 PM
Welcome to buying and selling on eBay! Come back here if you have any questions. You will find many very helpful members always willing to try to help.
08-12-2019 12:40 PM
08-12-2019 12:44 PM
Welcome to the Nuthouse
08-12-2019 01:11 PM
Like Hotel California, you can check out but you can never leave.
08-12-2019 03:02 PM
Welcome to Ebay. I hope you have great success with your selling. Do let us know if you have any questions.
08-12-2019 06:31 PM
Welcome. Enjoy the excitement of the sale, Ebay's fond embrace, and the wisdom on these forums....yeah, thats the ticket.
08-12-2019 09:54 PM
08-13-2019 03:43 PM
eBay is like a beautiful woman. You think she is perfect. Flawless in every way. Your family loves her. Your friends love her. She has a great personality. She treats you very good. But then one day she takes her shoes off and you discover that her feet stink. At that moment, you realize that nothing and no one is perfect. With good, there will also come some bad. Happiness is dependent upon the good outweighing the bad. With that said, if you intend to make a career out of selling on eBay, you can do it, but expect some ups and downs. It is a lot of work, and can be quite stressful at times, but in my opinion it's worth it (my wife may tell you otherwise though).
08-13-2019 03:52 PM
08-13-2019 04:32 PM
I never said how high they were.
08-13-2019 04:35 PM
When you find a perfect site to sell on, please share.
08-13-2019 04:39 PM
08-13-2019 05:07 PM
If you have a full head of hair, you'd better say goodbye to it now while it's still there.
Welcome to eBay!!
08-13-2019 05:58 PM
@swappart wrote:eBay is like a beautiful woman. You think she is perfect. Flawless in every way. Your family loves her. Your friends love her. She has a great personality. She treats you very good. But then one day she takes her shoes off and you discover that her feet stink. At that moment, you realize that nothing and no one is perfect. With good, there will also come some bad. Happiness is dependent upon the good outweighing the bad. With that said, if you intend to make a career out of selling on eBay, you can do it, but expect some ups and downs. It is a lot of work, and can be quite stressful at times, but in my opinion it's worth it (my wife may tell you otherwise though).
Yes, so beautiful.