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O.K., so this is IT. I am not going to list here anything else in the future - regardless of how many FREE listings eBay prefers to throw my way! Seriously considering not even relisting the ones already listed here, though I may give them some time to run out on their own.


I absolutely HAD it. Three times in a row - with weeks apart - a buyer claimed false reasons for returning an item, in order to get FREE shipping, by leaving me no chance to refuse the return shipping cost! eBay does NOTHING to protect the sellers against these kinds of atrocities. The buyer can open a case of return with literally ANY invented reason. eBay does not ask the buyer to provide a photo, or otherwise explain the reason, making it now even harder for sellers by extending the return times. JEWELRY HAS A 14 DAYS RETURN,  per eBay's own statement. My listings of jewelry have a 14 days return, also. Not 21, not 30. eBay nonchalantly announced to change this, for absolutely NO logical reason, because so many people being currently at home, the return time-frame could actually be shorter, but definitely not longer! 


30 days gives buyer plenty of opportunity to have a change of heart and mind, and simply return the item claiming non-existent "Item not as described," or even worse, DAMAGE the item and then claim that it was damaged already when sent by the seller. 


I describe my items correctly, and for the most part, provide 10-12 pictures for each. I accept returns with NO questions asked, but I am not going to pay for any more dishonest buyers to claim non-existent reasons for return. Strange to note, With hundreds upon hundreds of sales elsewhere: I did not have a SINGLE return on my other selling sites, for years! Not because I do not accept returns. My feedback on other sites is also 100% with NO returns, ever.


Add to the picture eBay's continued harassment for giving them all kinds of private information and being charged a tax of 12.5% on the tax portion of the sales come July - I am out. 


You are losing MASSES of honest, experienced and knowledgeable sellers - many of whom are much higher volume sellers than my little business - because you provide the most horrible customer service to your sellers, eBay! 


I think I have seen enough. Totally FURIOUS about people stealing my money that I work VERY hard to earn, and will no longer expose myself to this kind of abuse. 

I regret that I have EVER returned to this site, to be truthful. The way you are treating your sellers is ABYSMAL. The only entity making money here is YOU eBay - and your preferred few. 


Good luck to all sellers. Looks like some of you will need it...





Message 1 of 261
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260 REPLIES 260


As I pointed it out earlier (on multiple occasions) this may be the information eBay has given you, but it is incorrect. The IRS does not mandate eBay or Etsy or PayPal to consider the use tax buyers are paying on their orders to be viewed as an "income" for the seller. 


However each of us interpret it, here is a link to what IRS states.


Many people confuse what PayPal has been doing (since November 2019) with earnings for the sellers. It has absolutely nothing to do with that. PayPal is only charging a so-called "payment processing fee" on the total amount it processes from buyers. Similar to how, when you dine out, the waiter takes your CC and processes it through Visa or AMEX or whatnot, for the entire amount you had to pay (65 bucks for the food service + taxes). 




eBay is not entitled to charge sellers a fee, and especially NOT 12.5% of the taxes portion of the buyer payment because it is not an income or intake of monetary units for sellers. This is clearly written in corporate LAW and if you do some research, or consult a corporate lawyer, you will discover it yourself. 


You've said this before and I've asked for what law or laws you feel they are breaking.  Your only answer to that in the past was for me to look it up.  I would if I had any idea of what law it was, but since I don't know, I ask again.  What law are they breaking?


Don't confuse my desire to know what law they are breaking as me agreeing with them being able to charge a FVF on sales tax as you will find no post by me on this thread or any other that supports this.  I absolutely disagree with Ebay on this point.  And I have since this Simplified Fee came to my attention.


Now, with Managed Payment - into which most sellers are getting forced, starting July 15th


IDK that it is "most seller".  Did Ebay announce how many were entering MP in July?  Where did they announce it?


- eBay is entitled to and already announced that it will charge a processing fee similar to what PayPal has been doing, at the similar 2.69% rate it charges to process the rest of the buyer payment (that is, a total of 2.69% + 30 cents on the entire payment, consisting of item price, shipping cost and tax that the buyer paid). Me and most other sellers would have no problem with this, as it is just a technical change to who is processing the payment. 


I'm unsure as to where you get the 2.69%.  Currently in MP sellers are paying 2.7% I believe.  I could be wrong on that.  I've just never seen it as 2.69% is all I'm saying.  Currently in MP is it a 25 cent transaction fee.  Those rates were not promised to new seller entering MP.  


The example I go by is this. Say I sold an item today, at the asking price of 100.00

Currently, for the jewelry category, my fees would look like this, using the 10% eBay rate, as it is now: 

Say the buyer paid $100 + $10 (for use tax) + $4.00 for shipping, total buyer payment: $114.00


$ 10.00 for item FVF (charged by eBay on the net item price)

$ .40 on shipping (charged by eBay) I use flat rate shipping on most items)

2.69% of $ 114.00 = 3.07 + .30 to PayPal for processing the buyer's payment, if taxes 10 bucks


Total fees on payment: 14.40


After being enrolled in Managed Payment, with the same sale: 


$12.50 for item FVF (charged on the net item price)

$ 0.45 on the shipping portion of buyer's payment

2.69% of $114.00 = 3.07 + .30 to eBay for processing the buyer's payment, and 

12.5% of the $10 taxes the buyer paid = $ 1.25


Total eBay fees in Managed Payment: $ 17.75 

That is a difference of 3.35 USD - no matter how I look at it. 


You are assuming current rates in MP apply would have been applied to new sellers entering in July if Ebay had not gone to a Simplified Fee.  That may or may not have been correct, but for that we will never know the answer to since they did choose a Simplified Fee.


I think that is what is likely at the root of your fee misunderstandings as you are assuming that Ebay was going to bring the next group of seller in using the same rates as they currently have in MP.  That is not anything they said they would do.  But you are absolutely correct, they have always said we would save money with MP and that does not appear to be correct.  


To get an realistic view of what is transpiring here, you need to be comparing the fees they have announced we will be paying verses the fees we are currently paying.  You are comparing numbers you THOUGHT they were going to offer against fees we are currently paying.  Clearly the two ways are not the same and will not produce the same numbers.  But comparing the numbers to fees you thought they would offer gets you no where.  You need to look and compare the announced fees to see what the impact will be against what you are currently paying.


You keep saying my numbers are wrong, but they aren't.  You just want to use different numbers that you thought they would or should be offering us but that is not the reality of what is happening.  So if you want a true and accurate picture of what going into MP will have on you, you need to compare the right numbers.  Otherwise you are making your decision to leave on unrealistic numbers.  Numbers that don't matter as they are NOT what is going to impact your account.


This calculation also does not take into consideration the amount a seller loses on the occasional returns, on which only parts of the fee is returned to seller.


That isn't at all accurate.  Currently with refunds in PP we do not get any of our fees refunded.  In MP we will.  If the seller is not forced to do the refund by Ebay then the seller will get refunded their full Simplified Fee once the refund is complete.  As we know, inside that fee are the money processing fees and FVFs.  So this is going to save sellers money.


MP will also refund to seller the Simplified Fee on cancellations.  Which currently we do not get any refunds from PP on the money processing.


And for TRS sellers that have some or all their listings qualify for TRS+, the discount will be calculated on the Simplified Fee which means they get more of a discount because the Simplified Fee has the money processing fees and the FVFs.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 196 of 261
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@calibaydeals619 wrote:

On my Amazon 1099 sales tax is NOT counted. Amazon facilitator handles it independently. On here, it will be so everyone is responsible. Some states will pursue you more aggressively than others

It gets even more complicated! According to this blog post, "Once a seller is enrolled in Managed Payments, the buyer pays eBay, and eBay disburses the funds to the seller."


So, if it is not the seller who gets directly paid by the buyer but eBay, then why is the seller being charged a payment processing fee? Especially on the TAX portion which eBay immediately removes from the amount it disburses to the seller? And atop of that, a 12.5% Final Value Fee, too? 


In separate news, Mr. Wenig, eBay's previous CEO, got a 50 Million golden parachute and the median salary of eBay employees went from a little above 110,000 to 134,000 Not too bad. 





Message 197 of 261
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It is so easy to take advantage of the seller on Ebay.

For some time now, it Is common knowledge not to list high ticket items on Ebay. There are other sites, not that big but smaller, specializing in particular items or mimicking Ebay and safer for seller.

Ebay has to act toward limiting system abuse by dishonest buyers. There are ways to do that. Other sites are successful - just follow what they do.

I will keep selling on Ebay as well as on other sites. Diversification is the answer and, over time pick the safest site with sales on satisfactory lever. Shifting listings as crooks move, away from them. Some of them are very sophisticated and very hard to spot: i.e. opening charge back case with credit card after 6 months.  


If you consider it a sport to gather your food by drilling through 18
inches of ice and sitting there all day hoping that the food will swim by,
you might live in Michigan. Jeff Foxworthy.
Message 198 of 261
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Do you understand payment processing?  Sellers do not have a way to accept payment without a payment processor............unless you want to go back to cash/checks, snail mail/bounced checks/payment not received/holding items for wks until/if payments are made? Sellers who accept cc certainly pay for those services.........

Message 199 of 261
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Wow, this sounds like I might have written it.  I was going to post something similar, instead will jot down what is happening now with a buyer - same story - different players.


Buyer opened case one day after ordering & said item not as described or not like photos before it was even delivered. eBay approved return even though buyer lied, and said I had to issue return label. I tried writing buyer to send me photos ( I knew there would be none) and of course no answer.  EBay issued label to wrong address (item had still not been delivered).  I called eBay, they told me to work it out with buyer - whaaattt? I found buyers phone number from paypal and called, explained label from eBay had wrong address, so felt I had no choice but to send a return label with correct return address ($15.64). Buyer used my label & I received item back today. The option I am given now is a full refund, which I am going to hold a restocking fee. Buyer received what they had ordered. This is a holiday weekend so hoping I could get some help with the community. Getting hold of eBay with Covid running the world right now is almost impossible. BTW – never heard a word from eBay about complaint I made of buyer lying about item. Would anyone have any suggestions on what to do with this case?



Message 200 of 261
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@prettywoman-2012 wrote:

@calibaydeals619 wrote:

On my Amazon 1099 sales tax is NOT counted. Amazon facilitator handles it independently. On here, it will be so everyone is responsible. Some states will pursue you more aggressively than others

It gets even more complicated! According to this blog post, "Once a seller is enrolled in Managed Payments, the buyer pays eBay, and eBay disburses the funds to the seller."


So, if it is not the seller who gets directly paid by the buyer but eBay, then why is the seller being charged a payment processing fee? Especially on the TAX portion which eBay immediately removes from the amount it disburses to the seller? And atop of that, a 12.5% Final Value Fee, too? 


It's pretty straightforward if you consider the numerous payment methods eBay will be taking under MP.  eBay takes these various payment methods under the managed payment umbrella (instead of we sellers having to deal with like 5 or 6 different payment processors), Adyen processes them and they are then disbursed to the seller.  Seller is charged the usual and customary processing fee for handling the money. 


We've always paid a processing fee, this is the same thing.

“The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer.” - Henry Kissinger

"Do not obey in advance." Timothy Snyder "On Tyranny"
Message 201 of 261
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Oh yes- Punish all of the sellers because of a few bad apples.  That policy works so well. It really worked wonders in the school system.  🙄

Policies that reward those that do well and that address those that do something wrong need to be implemented. Period. But, of course, that requires some sort of logical thought process and clear grasp of what is right and wrong. Might be a long shot since Ebay has not been listening for a very long time. 


Message 202 of 261
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@chapeau-noir wrote:

@prettywoman-2012 wrote:

@calibaydeals619 wrote:

On my Amazon 1099 sales tax is NOT counted. Amazon facilitator handles it independently. On here, it will be so everyone is responsible. Some states will pursue you more aggressively than others

It gets even more complicated! According to this blog post, "Once a seller is enrolled in Managed Payments, the buyer pays eBay, and eBay disburses the funds to the seller."


So, if it is not the seller who gets directly paid by the buyer but eBay, then why is the seller being charged a payment processing fee? Especially on the TAX portion which eBay immediately removes from the amount it disburses to the seller? And atop of that, a 12.5% Final Value Fee, too? 


It's pretty straightforward if you consider the numerous payment methods eBay will be taking under MP.  eBay takes these various payment methods under the managed payment umbrella (instead of we sellers having to deal with like 5 or 6 different payment processors), Adyen processes them and they are then disbursed to the seller.  Seller is charged the usual and customary processing fee for handling the money. 


We've always paid a processing fee, this is the same thing.

And just to add to that.  Most casual, small and medium size sellers would likely not even qualify to be able to process their own CC payments without a money processor.  A money processor is just a requirement for most of us little guys if we even want to survive on this site or any other.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 203 of 261
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@remembermonday wrote:

Oh yes- Punish all of the sellers because of a few bad apples.  That policy works so well. It really worked wonders in the school system.  🙄

Policies that reward those that do well and that address those that do something wrong need to be implemented. Period. But, of course, that requires some sort of logical thought process and clear grasp of what is right and wrong. Might be a long shot since Ebay has not been listening for a very long time. 


You are right! I still remember my first date, freshly out of HS (as I was not allowed to "date" before that). He was a very handsome and smart guy, we developed a friendship. His Mom was a very busy professional and a single Mom, raising all three boys alone. As we talked about many things, he confessed to me how, when one of them misbehaved, all three of them were lined up and had to drop on their knees, turned towards their Mom with their back. Then a portion of whipping took place which hurt him twofold - first, because in most cases it was not him, rather his oldest brother who provoked the fight, and second, because it was physical pain. 


We never went any further, although remained friends. I saw the damage his Mom did to him, and did not want to deepen the relationship. As far as I know, he was receiving psychotherapy well into his adult years, and long after he had married and fathered children. Sad but true. Pedagogical no-no, to punish everyone for the mistakes of others. But I do not think one can expect anybody in the upper echelons of these companies to comprehend this, and even if they do, they do not seem to care. What it takes to be a caring, loving and generous person is not necessarily learned alongside of an MBA, or at money churning firms on the Wall Street. It takes maturity, insight and compassion to become successful in life, over a longer period of time. 


On a separate note, they have NO problem selecting just a few of their favorites for rewards. Example: I just logged in and see, a select few sellers have - once again - a huge ad about "Save 20% for Memorial Day," a banner at the top. When I first looked, I thought this means, "Save 20% for Memorial Day," but upon closer scrutiny, it just means, eBay gave the chance to SOME Mega sellers to earn even more money than they normally do. 


To issue a 20% savings to ALL buyers in terms of eBay bucks - that did not cross their mind, because that could have led to some sellers being able to afford that 5.99 watermelon for Memorial Day which they had to leave at the store, as they are deprived of cash. Many of whom are Veterans, who sell here. 

That is what it is. I am glad eBay is not MY mother. Even if it likes to behave as if it were.


Happy Sunday, to all who are happy - and a happier one to those who hope to be. 


Message 204 of 261
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Not sure you understand selling principles of this kind of a sale for a large entity...........someone pays for the 20%......not ebay.......the sellers are you willing to drop YOUR prices by 20%?  Perhaps so.......but ebay can't get the permission of millions of sellers to run a side wide sale...  They can of course, as they have done in the past, pay the 20% themselves, but I can assure you they didn't on this one........which is the reason for the "chosen" sellers......  Remember also, that those sellers have to show that they have the inventory to handle a sale of this kind before they are even considered as chosen...........

Message 205 of 261
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@dhbookds wrote:

Not sure you understand selling principles of this kind of a sale for a large entity...........someone pays for the 20%......not ebay.......the sellers are you willing to drop YOUR prices by 20%?  Perhaps so.......but ebay can't get the permission of millions of sellers to run a side wide sale...  They can of course, as they have done in the past, pay the 20% themselves, but I can assure you they didn't on this one........which is the reason for the "chosen" sellers......  Remember also, that those sellers have to show that they have the inventory to handle a sale of this kind before they are even considered as chosen...........

Well, you have a valid point about "affording to drop one's prices by 20%." I am not sure where THEY went to school, but if they went to school where I got my degree in business, what they taught us there among the first things was to raise the price FIRST before creating a sale. 


As for having inventory to do it...what does this have to do with a side-wide issuance of the 20% eBay bucks? How many more millions of listings would eBay need to be generous and simply tell buyers, "This Memorial Day, all buyers will get 20% eBay bucks, no matter how big or small their purchase is, in order to honor our Veterans who gave their life or health for this great country." There. No price-reduction needed at all, from the sellers. ANY sellers. 


But of course, I cannot be sure - using your own terminology - who understands that. I surely hope you do, though!

Have a nice day


Message 206 of 261
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@dhbookds wrote:

Not sure you understand selling principles of this kind of a sale for a large entity...........someone pays for the 20%......not ebay.......the sellers are you willing to drop YOUR prices by 20%?  Perhaps so.......but ebay can't get the permission of millions of sellers to run a side wide sale...  They can of course, as they have done in the past, pay the 20% themselves, but I can assure you they didn't on this one........which is the reason for the "chosen" sellers......  Remember also, that those sellers have to show that they have the inventory to handle a sale of this kind before they are even considered as chosen...........

Kind of like the reason they used for cutting the TRS discount in half.  It was to fund the Promoted Listing discounts given to store owners.  So in essence Ebay didn't pay for that, TRS did.


mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 207 of 261
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@mam98031 wrote:

@dhbookds wrote:

Not sure you understand selling principles of this kind of a sale for a large entity...........someone pays for the 20%......not ebay.......the sellers are you willing to drop YOUR prices by 20%?  Perhaps so.......but ebay can't get the permission of millions of sellers to run a side wide sale...  They can of course, as they have done in the past, pay the 20% themselves, but I can assure you they didn't on this one........which is the reason for the "chosen" sellers......  Remember also, that those sellers have to show that they have the inventory to handle a sale of this kind before they are even considered as chosen...........

Kind of like the reason they used for cutting the TRS discount in half.  It was to fund the Promoted Listing discounts given to store owners.  So in essence Ebay didn't pay for that, TRS did.


Mam, to me they aren't the same.........  Ebay changed where they allocate their promotional $$ to sellers in cutting the TRS discount and then giving the promo discount......  This sale is simply a "Sale"......certainly ebay will take in less fvf % because of the lower price, assuming big sellers pay fvf, but I'm sure they are hoping to attract more buyers, as well as perhaps take in more fvf$ (if they get any) from more volume......  From the sellers standpoint, it's certainly not unusual for companies to discount products to a retailer for "promotional"  sales.  In this case, they are dealing directly with the buyer with the discount.......ebay is simply aggregating the sale over a number of sellers, since ebay doesn't "handle" the product. 

Message 208 of 261
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@dhbookds wrote:

@mam98031 wrote:

@dhbookds wrote:

Not sure you understand selling principles of this kind of a sale for a large entity...........someone pays for the 20%......not ebay.......the sellers are you willing to drop YOUR prices by 20%?  Perhaps so.......but ebay can't get the permission of millions of sellers to run a side wide sale...  They can of course, as they have done in the past, pay the 20% themselves, but I can assure you they didn't on this one........which is the reason for the "chosen" sellers......  Remember also, that those sellers have to show that they have the inventory to handle a sale of this kind before they are even considered as chosen...........

Kind of like the reason they used for cutting the TRS discount in half.  It was to fund the Promoted Listing discounts given to store owners.  So in essence Ebay didn't pay for that, TRS did.


Mam, to me they aren't the same.........  Ebay changed where they allocate their promotional $$ to sellers in cutting the TRS discount and then giving the promo discount......  This sale is simply a "Sale"......certainly ebay will take in less fvf % because of the lower price, assuming big sellers pay fvf, but I'm sure they are hoping to attract more buyers, as well as perhaps take in more fvf$ (if they get any) from more volume......  From the sellers standpoint, it's certainly not unusual for companies to discount products to a retailer for "promotional"  sales.  In this case, they are dealing directly with the buyer with the discount.......ebay is simply aggregating the sale over a number of sellers, since ebay doesn't "handle" the product. 

I am confused. Do you want people feel sorry for poor eBay not taking in enough money, with the latest CEO (Wenig) taking a 57 Million dollar severance package, and the median employee income being 134,000? I know you cannot possibly mean this seriously. I am sure you know who pays for all this, right? 


And I was talking about a 20% eBay bucks program, how nice and patriotic it would have been to issue such, for Memorial Day. Not that sellers should reduce their price.


This thread got way off topic, though - the original post was not just about the Managed Payment and the fees associated with it. 


Message 209 of 261
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I am sure you know who pays for all this, right?


Yep.........the buyers

Message 210 of 261
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