11-25-2022 03:27 PM
So I was curious to see how the next several day would peform on the products I am selling.
Yesterday 11/24 turned out to be $184 for me
Today 11/25 $560
I sent out a bunch of offers at a loss to see what response I would get. I sold 2 items for $12.99 each......offers were sent to slightly over 300 watchers.....so less than a 1% hit rate.
Last years sales same time period saw averges in the $2600/day range.
I saw not marketing whatsoever from Ebay about shopping ont he site for Black Friday
What did everybody else see?
11-25-2022 04:49 PM
11-25-2022 05:13 PM
Oh hun, you sell such different things than alot of us. Your going to have a different buyer base than say...me. I just got a message for a bigger discount on a 1930s Chalkware hounddog, you sell gloc bb guns.
I do hope for a good profitable Christmas season for you!
11-25-2022 05:17 PM
I'm happy about what I sold today. It's not outrageous but it's on the higher end especially compared to the last few days before which were extra slow.
11-25-2022 06:37 PM
Black Friday is not usually a big day for me---in fact, cyber weekend usually isn't---probably because most of what I sell is not stuff most people would be buying as gifts. Still, I did get some sales, and I'm not complaining.
11-25-2022 06:38 PM
Shipped 7 things out today, came back to 2 more sales. No complaints here.
11-25-2022 06:41 PM
I had 17 sales overnight.......but VERY small $ amounts.
The $60 ticket items are really moving slowly
11-25-2022 08:16 PM
Not one sale, pathetic
11-25-2022 08:19 PM
@paraquip You say: I saw no marketing whatsoever from Ebay about shopping on the site for Black Friday
Neither did I.
devon@ebay Any update from the Marketing Team on their plans for a Holiday Marketing Campaign for the site? IS there a Marketing Team?
11-25-2022 10:51 PM
I had a small handful of sales, nothing to write home about. As for ebay advertising, just forget it, their execs don't care if this platform fails, they already made their money.
11-25-2022 10:56 PM
11-25-2022 11:01 PM
There is NO marketing at ALL!
And you will not be getting any answers from anyone at eBay. Let's Ride.....
11-26-2022 12:02 AM
More like "Red" Friday on Ebay...or "bleak" Friday. Sales on other platforms.
Happy Holidays.
11-26-2022 12:10 AM
I normally sell 1-3 items a day.
Today I sold 8 items.
Small ticket items but i'm not complaining.
I hope everyone had a profitable black Friday!
11-26-2022 12:19 AM