06-24-2023 05:58 AM
Hello friends,
My impression count is high. But page views are very low. Impression is about 9800 and page views are 103. Can you give me a idea to list item more displaying?
Thank you.
06-24-2023 06:03 AM
Think about it.
You're asking how to get people to LOOK at your listings.
Offer popular items.
Offer unusual items.
Offer cheap items.
Offer rare items.
06-24-2023 06:10 AM
Thank you for the response ❤️
06-24-2023 06:10 AM
List items people want, that they can't just run to their local store and pick up.
06-24-2023 06:34 AM
Again, your prices are too high and items are not in demand. Here in the US we can get spices and tea for small costs, so it wouldn't make any sense to buy them from Sri Lanka. I have purchased many items from SL because that seller had a unique and special item for sale. I received my item quickly & gave them a glowing revue. You can also accomplish that if you would just take the advise of seasoned, long time veteran sellers here on this forum who are experienced and know what they are advising you. Lower your prices.
Good luck to you.
06-24-2023 06:56 AM
If any of your spices or herbs are in seed form they can't be shipped to the US.
Plants and seeds policy | eBay
Much of what you sell can be purchased for less $$ than you are asking at local stores. Example Peppercorns can be purchased at our local store for under a dollar. Lipton's Black tea for $5.00
06-24-2023 07:42 AM
Page Views does not equal $$
Only sales equal $.
Everything you have listed I can get at a local store for less money.
06-24-2023 08:04 AM
How can I get advise.
06-24-2023 08:05 AM
Got it Thank you
06-24-2023 08:05 AM
Thank you
06-24-2023 08:20 AM
By reading what people here are advising you. You have created several threads concerning lack of sales. Given what you are selling and the prices, my guess is you're going to wait a long time before any sales happen because you are ignoring the good advice here on this forum. Myself and others here have sold on eBay for over 20 years. You have been selling for less than one month. Asking questions of the same here isn't going to get you any sales either. Another suggestion is to attend the eBay academy. They can teach you how to sell better and create a business platform that may be helpful to you:
Since the advise to you here on this forum seems to not appeal to you, maybe you should try the link I provided for you.
Good luck should you choose to enroll.
06-24-2023 08:26 AM
I will attend academy. Thank you for the information
06-24-2023 08:44 AM
I wish you well and study hard. It will help in the long run.
06-24-2023 09:48 AM
Hello again, Lasantha.
There is much you need to do to benefit your sales, including the study of the US market. I outlined some key points for you in one of your other threads, see link below. I hope you will take advantage of the advice given to you by more experienced sellers.
Good luck and wish you well.
06-24-2023 09:52 AM
I can cross the street, walk 1 block and go into a normal, usual grocery store & buy the finest tea known to man in a box of 20 for $4.75.
Why do I need to buy your tea from Sri Lanka?