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Hostile Buyer, Demands Partial Refund, Refunded, Demands More


I am very disappointed in how eBay has resolved a situation I have just been having with a hostile buyer. The buyer initially purchased a Halloween item from me a few weeks ago. He somehow got a hold of my e-mail address and e-mailed me, asking me to purchase my other Halloween items off of eBay. I refused and did not hear from him until this past weekend when he purchased another item. (Yes, I know I should have blocked him but I didn't.) After buying, he sent me a message and told me to ship the item as soon as possible. I always ship within two days and I still did that. After receiving the item, the buyer claimed it did not work in eBay messages. I told him how to get it to work and he admitted that he got it to work but stated "this is unacceptable." I offered him a $5 partial refund as a courtesy. He demanded $7.50 and made comments suggesting he knows how to work eBay's return process in his favor (ie. "I take great pleasure in informing you...") I gave in and issued a $7.50 partial refund on Paypal. He continued to send me hostile messages so I asked him to please stop. I then reported him and blocked him. 12 hours later, I received a message from eBay noting that he was requesting a full return. I called eBay, the representative told me to officially offer him $7.50 through the return process. She claimed it would not be in addition to the already partially refunded price but I did not believe that since the transaction had already cleared through PayPal. He declined the partial refund and the eBay representative said that although I was in the right my only recourse was to issue a full refund of the purchase price and shipping. I did that and now I am out $30 while the buyer gets off scott free despite many infractions against eBay's policies, free to do the same to other sellers. This is very disappointing and discouraging.

Message 1 of 17
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Re: Hostile Buyer, Demands Partial Refund, Refunded, Demands More

Giving that partial refund to begin with is on you..should have just said return for full refund.And then blocked.


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 2 of 17
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Re: Hostile Buyer, Demands Partial Refund, Refunded, Demands More

OP, so sorry to read.  Good grief, that's just outrageous. 

Message 3 of 17
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Re: Hostile Buyer, Demands Partial Refund, Refunded, Demands More

eBay is a nut

Message 4 of 17
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Re: Hostile Buyer, Demands Partial Refund, Refunded, Demands More

You were done like a dinner. I hope you have this individual blocked now.
Reality is the leading cause of stress.
Message 5 of 17
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Re: Hostile Buyer, Demands Partial Refund, Refunded, Demands More

@bonjourami wrote:

Giving that partial refund to begin with is on you..should have just said return for full refund.And then blocked.

AND given the partial through the transaction so that even given the course of events the refund would have been less the partial.


If you've refunded before getting the item back then unfortunately that's on you as well. NEVER refund without getting a return in cases like this.

Reality is the leading cause of stress.
Message 6 of 17
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Re: Hostile Buyer, Demands Partial Refund, Refunded, Demands More

Never give partials,  even if you loose money.    

Never do anything outside of the Ebay return system.


Those who do this type of scam know that once you start giving partial refunds outside of Ebay,  they have you.


Message 7 of 17
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Re: Hostile Buyer, Demands Partial Refund, Refunded, Demands More

Alwys try to just do the return ,refund and block.  Partials just dont seem to work.  Best regards

Message 8 of 17
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Re: Hostile Buyer, Demands Partial Refund, Refunded, Demands More

hi, take this as a learning experience.....we never offer a partial refund. offering return for refund is the best way to go. while you dont' want to have an unhappy customer, you cant' let yourself be taken advantage of.

Message 9 of 17
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Re: Hostile Buyer, Demands Partial Refund, Refunded, Demands More

So sorry you went through this.  You needed to say, return for refund.  

Message 10 of 17
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Re: Hostile Buyer, Demands Partial Refund, Refunded, Demands More

The only time you should give a partial refund is if you offer it as an option (not necessarily the only option) for  resolution to a problem and the buyer opens a case and agrees to it.


Always play it by the numbers and know what the buyer is going to accept before you committ to it.

Message 11 of 17
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Re: Hostile Buyer, Demands Partial Refund, Refunded, Demands More

Thanks for everyone's feedback. I understand that I should have 1) asked the buyer to initiate a return 2) offered the partial refund on there 3) just bite the bullet and grant the return. I just couldn't (and still can't) get over the fact that the buyer can get away with so many policy violations. And I guess I just anticipate dealing with good people (as I have with 99% of my sales) as opposed to rotten apples like this one - who, by the way, has now started sending me nasty e-mails which I am just ignoring. I am not sure how he got my e-mail but why am I out $30 and being harassed while he has an item he and eBay essentially conned me into paying HIM $7.50 to keep?
Message 12 of 17
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Re: Hostile Buyer, Demands Partial Refund, Refunded, Demands More

you got played....


never give patial refunds.....  


return for refund 

Message 13 of 17
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Re: Hostile Buyer, Demands Partial Refund, Refunded, Demands More

The ''shock and awe' approach, right away its pressure, knocking on all your doors; they knew what they were doing. Your going to run into these types, dont let it shake you up. 


Block first sign of problems or oddness, No partials other than shipping refund for late item, return for refund, if they havent opened a case, request they do.  Follow dispute guidlines, be polite, for the abusive ones, wait a day between responses, increasing wait as it drags on,  dont fear the negative feedback, assume your getting one. Tough dealing with these types, all part of selling. 

Message 14 of 17
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Re: Hostile Buyer, Demands Partial Refund, Refunded, Demands More

what policies to you feel they broke?

They got your email from the paypal payment as you can get theirs.Anything done thru emails ebay has no say over

How did ebay con you ?

This is a user to user board not eBay employees.
When people show you who they are, believe them
Message 15 of 17
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