Ho Ho Ho everyone!! Time for Secret Pal ! Time to set aside work and have a little fun among ourselves!
Secret Pal is relatively simple.. once everyone is signed up..I`ll have Google random number generator draw assigned numbers( starts with the first person that signs up and ends with the last person signing up on the deadline) and you will be given the name of your giftee via the Private Messages here on the board, make sure you check your messages.
Then shop to your heart`s content (we all have stashes of stuff around the house and we all LOVE to shop thrift stores. Don't go overboard with expensive items..most people send out a large Priority Box packed full of all kinds of goodies. Gifts can be something you made or already have, or from the thrift store, Goodwill, flea market or yard sale. A gift value of about $15 is suggested but how much we invest in the gift is totally up to each of us.
There will also be a thread started for Likes & Dislikes..that way all Secret Pals will have an idea of what to get. Main thing is don't overspend & have fun fun fun!
We will have a Big Reveal Party Day where we can open our goodies (no cheating..!!!) and we take pics of our loot..I mean gifts.. & post them in a Reveal Thread that will begin on day set.
Here`s the schedule:
Sign up CUT OFF is Wed, Nov 27 at 11:59 pm EST. I will draw names sometime Thursday
Like and Dislike Thread from Nov 19th Nov 30th The fasted you provide this information the faster your Pal gets to shop and have fun!
You will receive a message with the name of your giftee SATURDAY Nov 30th

ღஐƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒஐღ Patty ღஐƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒஐღ