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Has anyone experienced a severe sales slump in the last two months?

My store and another long time Ebay seller are experiencing large sales drops in the last two months. I contacted Ebay but they say all is fine. I did get them to admit there is a system wide problem with sellers being able to view how many people have viewed theyre items. They offered no solutions or a fix time. I also noticed that over 75% of my listed items were unviewable for about 3 days because of some other system error that would not let buyers see my photos. This happened to the other seller as well. Anyone else have these issues?

Message 1 of 94
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Re: Has anyone experienced a severe sales slump in the last two months?

@irinahat wrote:

No, my sales are fantastic. I'm doing REALLY well and selling a lot.

I feel like the people who are doing well do not post on the boards to say that they are doing well.

When people make these boards, I sometimes drop by to mention that I'm doing very well, and I've sometimes been met with snarky remarks, people being nasty, etc. 

Dozens upon dozens of boards about sellers doing poorly with an insane amount of replies talking about how bad sales are, etc. = okay.

But once you come into a thread and say that you're doing very well and are selling well, making lots of profit, etc. = you are gloating and get met with snarky comments. 

So to answer your title question: "Has anyone experienced a severe sales slump in the last two months?"

No. My sales are up. 

I almost want to make an entire thread dedicated to tips and tricks on how I keep my sales up, but I feel as though that would be met with nothing but cynical and snarky remarks, which often happens whenever I try to offer genuine and helpful advice.

I am really glad that you're not experiencing this situation and are continuing to sell. We wish we were that lucky. Down to 1 sale in 8 days from a normal 15-20 a week. We haven't made changes. We are just not being seen. I hope that you continue to avoid this terrible blight, I do.


Maybe there's hope for the rest of us., but this is eBay's to fix, not the sellers. When they decide to turn the lights back on for many of us in the same boat, life will be better, but I'm not holding my breath.


Throw me to the wolves and I'll come back leading the pack.
Message 31 of 94
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Re: Has anyone experienced a severe sales slump in the last two months?

> My store was fine until 2 months ago. Then the huge sales plunge. Its something Ebay is not telling us.


Exact same time frame for me.


Message 32 of 94
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Re: Has anyone experienced a severe sales slump in the last two months?

YES! It's crazy because for the prior 6 months + I have had sales figures 100 - 250% over last years sales and the market overall. However the last 2 months tanked... making a slow comeback, but the keyword is slow. Still below last year's figures. I don't have a huge store and have managed to be selling out of stuff much faster than I can replace it. Lucky for me, I sell on other sites that have increased sales dramatically so most of my time is spent there. I still count on the income here and I've been here about 20 years so.... hope they get things fixed soon for all of us!

Message 33 of 94
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Re: Has anyone experienced a severe sales slump in the last two months?

> I had a milk bottle ending in 34 minutes and signed off of my selling account and onto my buying account and searched for it in the categories it was listed in under "BEST MATCH ENDING SOONEST" and it was not shown. the last 34 minutes at least if not longer it was nowhere to be found. Even in the "COMPLETED" listings it was not there after it ended. Turns my stomach,


I felt sick just reading this, so I can only image how you feel.

    I have SO much good, vintage stuff to sell, but I agree, some kind of game is now being played on this site.

   I had gangbusters sales in January and February, with really quality vintage collectibles. I got plenty more, but I am making other plans than listing it on eBay and praying.

   I will probably list a month or so more, and then have a local auctioneer come in and take my collections. I already unload a mess of vintage model airplane kits locally at an auction and made a nice pile of money, and with no worries of SNADs, refunds, returns, and money being deducted from my Paypal)

   Thus, eBay, not too much longer and no FVFs for you.

Message 34 of 94
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Re: Has anyone experienced a severe sales slump in the last two months?

 I just listed two items after a long long time out. Expensive. Sold them. Now it appears I'm shut off again? WHY BOTHER EBAY. Get your stuff together.This is RIDICULOUS! Must have reached my limit for the month. What a nightmare.

Message 35 of 94
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Re: Has anyone experienced a severe sales slump in the last two months?

Total artificial Intelligence IDIOTS On ebay!

Message 36 of 94
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Re: Has anyone experienced a severe sales slump in the last two months?

Not mine. I do the 50 free and no more. Of course I'm a hobby seller, so for the rest of you depending on ebay for an income, I understand your situation. But no more listing fee's from me. Not a huge impact, but it IS a loss for them, not for me.
Message 37 of 94
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Re: Has anyone experienced a severe sales slump in the last two months?

Yes I know exactly what I am talking about. And apparently so do a lot of others.

Message 38 of 94
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Re: Has anyone experienced a severe sales slump in the last two months?

I am happy to hear that your sales are up. You are the first in about 60 repsonses to my thread that says they are doing well. Most sellers who have significant sales drops can pinpoint an exact time it happened. Right after the latest update in June. I have been a seller for 7 years and have never seen anything like what is happening to me and other sellers. Some over 10 years in the business. Its not the way the listings are worded for searches etc because my listings were just find before June. And I consider myself pretty proficient at Ebay sales. I have learned all the tricks in 7 years,

Message 39 of 94
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Re: Has anyone experienced a severe sales slump in the last two months?

IMO it has been going on since Sept. 2014. That's when I went from 400 - 500 items sold a month on ave. to just 200 a month ave. Then from Nov. 2016 until July 1st last year I had an ave of almost 600 items sold a month. On july 1 until April 30 this year it fell again to a 100 items sold a month ave with April my worst month with 85 items sold and being my worst month in 8 years of having a dedicated store. May and June were both great at about 200 more items , but July is slowing down now.
Message 40 of 94
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Re: Has anyone experienced a severe sales slump in the last two months?

I agree , I dropped my Level from Anchor and went to the mid level store to save $240 in fees that were cutting into my profits. So far I have saved $480 which has allowed me to buy more product to list. I don't mind an insertion fee for 10 cents for a 30 day listing as I am still saving money if I go over the 1000 listing limit. It was worth the down grade.
Message 41 of 94
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Re: Has anyone experienced a severe sales slump in the last two months?

@gingincorporated wrote:

My store and another long time Ebay seller are experiencing large sales drops in the last two months. I contacted Ebay but they say all is fine. I did get them to admit there is a system wide problem with sellers being able to view how many people have viewed theyre items. They offered no solutions or a fix time. I also noticed that over 75% of my listed items were unviewable for about 3 days because of some other system error that would not let buyers see my photos. This happened to the other seller as well. Anyone else have these issues?


Message 42 of 94
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Re: Has anyone experienced a severe sales slump in the last two months?

@gingincorporated wrote:

There is definitely something going on that is not being told to us as sellers. Ebay has made many new policy and site changes recently. Some I believe they do without our knowledge and that can have negative effects on our stores. I was fine until just 2 months ago. My store was selling just fine. Something happened very recently.

Agreed. Same here!

Message 43 of 94
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Re: Has anyone experienced a severe sales slump in the last two months?

@ekmadonna wrote:

I started a thread about this earlier today.  I had a milk bottle ending in 34 minutes and signed off of my selling account and onto my buying account and searched for it in the categories it was listed in under "BEST MATCH ENDING SOONEST" and it was not shown. the last 34 minutes at least if not longer it was nowhere to be found. Even in the "COMPLETED" listings it was not there after it ended. Turns my stomach, I have over a thousand listings running at all times, and the last 4 weeks have been the worst in 5 years of selling.

Same thing with me!

Message 44 of 94
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Re: Has anyone experienced a severe sales slump in the last two months?

Yes, the site is broken. The 'no views' thing I posted about a month ago has now gone mainstream. My views before it broke again are holding, nothing I have listed since (must be in purgatory) is showing.

Try another device or browser, it might be different. Chrome & Win 10 is wonky on this site and that won't help at all.
Message 45 of 94
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