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Has anyone else's Listing Impressions Absolutely Tanked in the last week?

As the title suggests, has anyone else's listing impressions gone way down in the last week+?  I've been seeing a steady 18 million impressions on a monthly basis pretty consistently, and all of a sudden I keep seeing it go down by the day and is now under 16 million in a matter of a week.   Here is a picture of my Graph to show a visual.

Looks like my Organic Impressions are actually up, but promoted have taken a nose dive.  I have not touched a thing as far as my promoted listings go.  Did Ebay change something suddenly that i did not see?  I thought maybe site wide traffic may be down, but since my Organic Impressions are up, i doubt it.

Honestly just curious if anyone else has seen a very sudden decline as well, or if I missed a change that is rendering my promoted listings less effective.

Message 1 of 27
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Re: Has anyone else's Listing Impressions Absolutely Tanked in the last week?

16th for me.  Impressions have collapsed.  Interestingly enough my page views coming from other sites have been up a tiny bit since the 16th eBay driven views are down a lot.   It sure would be nice if eBay would take a step back, realize that what they have been doing for the last few years is not working for sellers and do a roll back to the eBay of 15 years ago.  Get rid of all the search algorithms, money grab promoted listing fees and just let buyers find what they want again as well as giving every seller an equal chance of being seen without having to pay the eBay bribes.  Yeah I know, it's a pipe dream but hey sometimes you just gotta dream!

Message 16 of 27
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Re: Has anyone else's Listing Impressions Absolutely Tanked in the last week?

Untitled.pngThis is my chart this month. has been odd... since start of july i added around 100 new items. then last week i switched to promote everything(sales decreased even more) then 3 days ago i unpromoted everything(no sales since). been a strange time with very little sales altogether even with discount sale... to me ebay has been slowly dying since last year. 

Message 17 of 27
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Re: Has anyone else's Listing Impressions Absolutely Tanked in the last week?

Mine is up 4.6% 

Message 18 of 27
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Re: Has anyone else's Listing Impressions Absolutely Tanked in the last week?

since you said 2 days ago you where up 19% you must be decreasing... 

Message 19 of 27
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Re: Has anyone else's Listing Impressions Absolutely Tanked in the last week?

Just got off phone with Supervisors from eBay on issue, they need tickets opened up and was told Upper Management is monitoring.

Which means to me, they made a conscience change to the model, and are seeing how much blowback they get before changing back. 

So go to Seller Help and Request a callback

Message 20 of 27
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Re: Has anyone else's Listing Impressions Absolutely Tanked in the last week?

I actually chatted with a rep yesterday,  she agreed that the chart looked odd but didn't know of any current issues, so she escalated to a ticket and said wait 24-48 hours.  I know I won't hear back, but of anyone else is seeing that issue I'd suggest starting a chat as well.


I hope this isn't some test to try and push their "advance promoted listings" where you have to pay per click.  I can't see how that is financially beneficial by any means. 

Message 21 of 27
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Re: Has anyone else's Listing Impressions Absolutely Tanked in the last week?

Yes but page views stayed the same/went up and sales were normal.


I don't care as much about impressions as I do about page views & conversion. If my impressions are down but page views remain normal then I don't really care but if my impressions go down and my page views really start to tank then I would start to worry but I've never had that happen to me before so I don't worry about it.

Message 22 of 27
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Re: Has anyone else's Listing Impressions Absolutely Tanked in the last week?


On 140,000 listings this is what mine looks like on a 1 week comparison.

I read why would eBay do this?

First is to drive people to Pay Per Click. Second would be for people to say my promoted listings went down, let me up my max percentage. In my category recommended percentage for promoted listing has  increased 4% in last 10 days.

As I mentioned earlier, I was told to file a support ticket, as Upper Management is monitoring this.

This tells me they made a conscience change, and are aware, and did it for increased revenue, and are monitoring the blowback thru support tickets.

Message 23 of 27
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Re: Has anyone else's Listing Impressions Absolutely Tanked in the last week?

It's strange that it doesn't seem to be affecting everyone.  I see alot of people saying how it's been a gradual thing and the economy is tough ect. Ect.  But for me, despite items selling for a generally lower price, I've had a very strong year so far.  It wasn't a gradual thing at all, it was literally 1 day i have 600k impressions, and suddenly it's 300k.  It's an instant change.


I know impressions don't = views, but they do equal potential views.  So a 50% drop in impressions is a 50% drop in potential views, which I imagine will affect things long term.  


It's been very entertaining reading some of these comments, but so far you seem to know exactly what I'm talking about.  

Message 24 of 27
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Re: Has anyone else's Listing Impressions Absolutely Tanked in the last week?

Not gradual here either, I have seen over 100 different graphs shared with me on Twitter now, and all show a 50% reduction in promoted On July 17th.

WIth over 140K listings, and adding hundreds of listings every day, our impressions/views/sales, tend to trend upwards as we grow weekly. 

Never had a 50% drop in one day, and it continuing for 10 days. 

About a 40% drop in revenue, which truthfully really hurts our business. 

Message 25 of 27
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Re: Has anyone else's Listing Impressions Absolutely Tanked in the last week?

That's strange.  Your listing impressions tanked like mine, however it looks like those same 3 days your Organic Page views skyrocketed.  Mine certainly didn't do that, but that would be a good thing for you.

Message 26 of 27
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Re: Has anyone else's Listing Impressions Absolutely Tanked in the last week?

normally i would think so but 0 sales since sunday when i made the change.

Message 27 of 27
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