12-21-2018 10:02 PM
I am sitting here scratching my head ... purchased an item Tues the 18th and the listing states Expedited Shipping but Delivery estimate of the 27th ... its Friday night, end of day 3 since the order was placed and no shipment (or at least no tracking has been uploaded). Granted we still have time for the 2 Day Priority Mail shipment (based on their location in relation to here) so I guess I am just a little disappointed that there seems to be no urgency. We're talking printed reference material that may not even weigh a pound ... easy to pack.
Anyway, it would have been nice to see the Seller's Handling time listed and not just an estimated delivery because "Expedited Shipping" in my mind means they desire to get the item out to Buyers in a timely manner ... oh well ...
PS: And yes, I know Sellers don't have to use tracking.
12-21-2018 10:11 PM
Didn't anybody tell you that eBay decided buyers don't need to know handling times anymore? All they need is a guaranteed delivery date. (a bit of sarcasm in there somewhere, just in case you missed it).
12-21-2018 10:17 PM
@dtexley3 LOL! No, did not miss the sarcasm (always appreciate it!) ... I know there have been other threads on the subject. Its just that to me I get different signals when a listing states "Expedited" shipping AND lists Pirority Mail on the order then shows a l ... o ... n ... g estimated delviery time. We're talking same or adjacent shipping zone here, 2 Days as I have shipped to that area myself.
Well, maybe I will be pleasently surprised tomorrow and see a tracking number ... they are not a new Seller btw ...
12-21-2018 10:47 PM
I recently was contacted by two different seller that got ridiculously inflated delivery times AFTER payment, different than the estimate before payment. Ended up handholding own where in the end it was delivered before the original pre-purchase date instead of the post payment after Christmas date.
12-21-2018 10:49 PM
A seller's handling time can be found by clicking on shipping & payments on their listing.
12-22-2018 01:37 AM
@lex-talon wrote:A seller's handling time can be found by clicking on shipping & payments on their listing.
Unfortunately, that is no longer true. It is only rarely published there. I use "revise" or "sell similar" on an listing just to see the handing time to which I'd committed.
12-22-2018 04:34 AM
Handling time is shown only if it's "Same day" or more than 3 days.
12-22-2018 09:56 AM
Ebay has said that the estimated delivery timeframe is sufficient. Many like being able to see the seller's handling time; you are not alone.
You could list that time in your description, but that won't help with listings that don't have that there, when you want to buy.
12-22-2018 10:06 AM - edited 12-22-2018 10:09 AM
I understand how you feel. Would be nice, but it seems we will just have to be happy(or unhappy) with seeing an estimated delivery date.
I am not a millennial. I have to stop acting/having expectations like one.
It really does not matter what the handling time is.
I ship same, or next day(I have 2 day handling), so it conditions me to look for tracking.
I keep looking for a tracking #, and scan, but can generally get myself to accept that the estimated delivery, and when it actually gets here is all the counts.
Nothing that I purchase on eBay is a "rush order".
12-22-2018 10:30 AM - edited 12-22-2018 10:31 AM
I agree, I think the handling times should be on the listing. Expedited shipping should mean expedited everything, IMO.Who is going to pay for extra fast shipping if the peson is just going to sit on the item for a week? It makes no sense to me. I get the delivery estimates and all that. But they always have that word "estimated", so something that sounds good really means nothing.
I always state my handling time in my listings - "Item will be sent via USPS within 2 business days". I almost always send out the same or next day, but I put the 2 days there just in case.
12-22-2018 11:18 AM
@cherry*fizz Good idea on stating Handling time in the Description ...
12-22-2018 11:44 AM
@cherry*fizz wrote:I always state my handling time in my listings
Me too, although I go a step further to answer any lingering questions about whether I am a drop shipper.
All if my listings state:
EVERYTHING that we list on E-Bay we have IN STOCK in our own warehouse.
We do not engage in "drop shipments" on our E-Bay listings.
To do so is to put all of us at the mercy of someone else's inventory and shipping department's proficiency.
We NEVER have "back orders".
If we list it, we have it on our shelf, and it ships within one business day of final payment.
And if we get paid early on a business day it goes out the same day.
12-22-2018 12:19 PM
@richard1rst Impressive ... I like the positive statement approach on that part of your listings ...
12-22-2018 12:20 PM - edited 12-22-2018 12:22 PM
Great that you include something about drop shipping, but it's overkill.
You'd lose me after the first sentence. That's all I need to know about your inventory.
I wouldn't make it to the handling time sentence.
You could actually just use that bolded sentence.
Just saying.
12-22-2018 12:38 PM
I'd say maybe switch it around a bit. Put the bolded sentence first, the follow with the rest. That way you get the meat of the message first, but the seller can go a little more into detail for those who prefer all the info.