01-16-2023 02:53 PM
Today I received and account restriction that was clearly a mistake. I showed both the ebay representative both the restriction message that I received and then the ebay policy that did not cover the item I was selling..... it was plainly black and white and the restriction still stands.
This is super frustrating because appealing to ebay third party support is like talking to a brick wall yet you have to go through them to get an issue resolved.
Any ideas here?
01-16-2023 03:13 PM
Contact ebay with a private message here to reach a rep that knows what they are doing:
01-16-2023 03:14 PM
Someone here might have a better idea of what to do if they had more information about what the item was, why ebay said you were restricted and in what way you were restricted.
If you don't want to share that you could contact ebay customer service in the US by sending a private message to ebay Facebook or Twitter.
01-16-2023 03:26 PM
In what way was it "clearly a mistake"?
I'm not saying that eBay can't make mistakes but you won't get any assistance here or from eBay if all you have is "it's a mistake".
01-16-2023 03:34 PM
Is the listing still viewable, if you don't mind me asking? And maybe what's the policy you're referencing?
Maybe someone could explain the method to the madness, at the least. Hmmm... 🤔
01-16-2023 03:35 PM
Check your emails in MY EBAY and see if they tell you why. I see that you have items listed. If it's a restriction, there might be a time limit. You probably won't be able to list or even edit an add. Contact Facebook like the others stated. When you message them via Facebook, it will be completely private. None of your friends or family will know that you have contacted Ebay.
01-16-2023 04:10 PM
I was restricted for selling a .68 caliber paintball gun saying the bb gun guns over .25 caliber are not allowed.
The policy is not about paintball guns in which there are thousands on the site
01-16-2023 04:42 PM
I'm not familiar with paint guns but are there different rules for airsoft guns and paintball guns on eBay? I could only find rules for air guns.
01-16-2023 04:44 PM
@pjcdn2005 wrote:I'm not familiar with paint guns but are there different rules for airsoft guns and paintball guns on eBay? I could only find rules for air guns.
- BB guns, pellet guns, airsoft, air rifles and air pistols may be sold as long as they follow these rules:
- Follow all applicable laws
- The gun is not greater than .25 caliber
- The seller's eBay status is above standard or higher
- The item is located in the US and only US shipping is offered
- The item description contains the following disclaimer: "This listing complies with eBay's air gun policy and I will only ship air guns to buyers in jurisdictions where permitted to by applicable laws https://www.ebay.com/help/policies/prohibited-restricted-items/airsoft-air-rifle-bb-guns-policy?id=5...
- Airsoft guns must have a blaze orange barrel plug permanently attached, and may not be converted to shoot any lethal projectile
just fyi:
A 'paint ball' gun IS an air gun. They use 'air' to shoot paint or bb's or pellets' etc etc.
The only 'other way' a gun shoots is using gunpowder (for bullets)
01-16-2023 04:46 PM - edited 01-16-2023 04:49 PM
@paraquip wrote:I was restricted for selling a .68 caliber paintball gun saying the bb gun guns over .25 caliber are not allowed.
The policy is not about paintball guns in which there are thousands on the site
I see that you still have a .50 caliber Rubber & Powder Ball listed... wouldn't that be kind of the same? Stoopid bots...
Were you shipping to the US only? On the listing that got pulled, that is?
I agree that the policy doesn't read like it applies to Rubber, Powder or Paintball guns, FWIW.
01-16-2023 04:50 PM
@paraquip wrote:I was restricted for selling a .68 caliber paintball gun saying the bb gun guns over .25 caliber are not allowed.
The policy is not about paintball guns in which there are thousands on the site
Like this current listing?
01-16-2023 04:51 PM
HDS Shotgun...tons of them up.....but the agent that pulled it simply making up policy that doesn't exist
You can see the bad english in the message here:
we don't allow BB guns or Airguns or Paintball guns with a barrel of more than .25 caliber. Hence, we request you to do not relist it on the site.
Here is the policy:
Try to explain that to a CSR....goes in one ear and out the other...... there are no paintball guns under .43 caliber wit the majority being .50 and .68
The killer is that I cant list anything with 30K in inventory hitting the warehouse
01-16-2023 04:57 PM
Thanks for the details!
I know nothing at all about the paintball, bb guns, airsoft etc. Always good to have a reason to look it up and educate myself.
I see your point, paintball guns are NOT covered by policy, not even mentioned in the Help pages at all.
To get a chance of having the restriction removed or at least have the policy violation removed the facebook contact is the way to go as regular customer service generally don't have the power to overrule this type of policy violation.
One thing you should do is try to figure out if there was any content in the description that might have triggered a 'bot takedown, if could be something as little as one or two words or the combination of otherwise totally innocent words. You want to avoid repeats as the restrictions could get more severe.
I think I can see the listing in your solds but when I go to the listing page itself it's "not found". I was checking to see if the Category was correct, any chance it was in the Air Pistol category instead of Paintball?
01-16-2023 04:59 PM
I'm also not seeing the orange tip on your current item.
01-16-2023 05:06 PM
When ebay takes down a listing it also erases all sales history of that item.
This is not a bot takedown......this is a manual team member takedown...... I go through this about 3 times a year...... each involving about 9 calls to ebay and 6 hours of my time.