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Got a negative for what exactly?

Sent exact item which the person ordered. 


They will not be sending me the item back as they filed an unauthorized use of their credit card through paypal.  I have proof of delivery to the exact address so I will be winning that through seller protection.  Would it be possible to get the negative removed?  I mean if they filed an unauthorized use, someone else used their credit card.  




Wherever you go, there you are. Please remember, when you are asked if you are a god, you say yes.
Message 1 of 70
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Re: Got a negative for what exactly?

While I wish you the best of luck to get the neg removed.  Looking at the neg, it doesn't break any policy.  Lying to their credit card company isn't a breach of one of the Ebay rules.  The buyer said it wasn't what they wanted.  They didn't say it wasn't as described.  Not at all the same thing.  What they wanted and what they got apparently was different.  That doesn't mean you did anything wrong or that your listing had an error in it.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 16 of 70
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Re: Got a negative for what exactly?

@mikeystoyz wrote:

Person in my case bought April 5th.  I have delivery in Australia a week later.  Case was opened the 20th.  PayPal has been investigating for 5 days now.  I have online proof as well.  I wont let dates get by me.  The buyer might be telling the truth but it isnt my problem. I followed all the rules and sent to addy on file.  I thought it was funny because they specifically say in their neg it wasnt the item they bought, check it out.


No threat of neg, they already did it.

Yeah, I saw the negative.... I don't think it is removeable.  I will be pleasantly surprised for you if you get it removed.

Message 17 of 70
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Re: Got a negative for what exactly?

In the PayPal dispute they said they never ordered it and someone used their credit card.  That is where I think I will be able to get it removed.  Technically, they never ordered it.

Wherever you go, there you are. Please remember, when you are asked if you are a god, you say yes.
Message 18 of 70
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Re: Got a negative for what exactly?

@mikeystoyz wrote:

In the PayPal dispute they said they never ordered it and someone used their credit card.  That is where I think I will be able to get it removed.  Technically, they never ordered it.

Yes but one is on eBay and the other is on PayPal.  Don't get me wrong, I hope you are right.

Message 19 of 70
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Re: Got a negative for what exactly?

@jeannicho22 wrote:

@mikeystoyz wrote:

Sent exact item which the person ordered. 


They will not be sending me the item back as they filed an unauthorized use of their credit card through paypal.  I have proof of delivery to the exact address so I will be winning that through seller protection.  Would it be possible to get the negative removed?  I mean if they filed an unauthorized use, someone else used their credit card.  




Mikey…. Watch that date in PayPal.  You are covered under PayPal's seller protection for a CC chargeback for unauthorized use provided you shipped to the address on file and it shows delivered (wait, it may not have to show delivered even... I'll have to look that up) ON LINE.  In fact unauthorized use chargebacks are the easiest to win if you follow the rules


I'll try to make this story short, but it really isn't.


Another poster on the board claimed that they actually lost a case because they were no longer able to pull the tracking up.  PayPal had delayed the dispute so long that tracking was gone on line.  The purchase was from August, the dispute was opened in December and the post was probably about maybe 2 months ago.  Several people commented that this was pretty nasty that PayPal had drug their feet until it no longer showed up.


Fast forward to me....


I get an unauthorized credit card use chargeback on December 17th from a purchase made in August.... Is this starting to sound familiar?  I immediately look up the tracking and it still shows delivered.  Time passes, time passes and after reading the post here on the board I check my chargeback and it is still open so I check the tracking  again and sure enough, the tracking is no longer on line.  I've actually had the post here on the board open and I call PayPal and speak to a CSR... actually it was WAY more confrontational that just speaking, this was some time in late February and I am HOT.  I accused them of intentionally delaying the resolution until the tracking timed out as they had done with the other poster.  I even read the other post on the board to her.


Then the CSR tells me that I'm not covered under seller protection at all because the chargeback was opened by a banking institution and PayPal's seller protection does not cover CC chargebacks.  Well, gee golly... I just happened to have the policy up on my monitor on another tab and asked her to open it up on her monitor.... We read it together.  I basically told her that she didn't know what she was talking about and needed to report herself to her supervisor as being in need of further training.


Generally I do not take things out on a CSR because I realize they are just following orders and have no power to "fix" things anyway.  But in this instance I felt that the CSR did know what she was saying (PayPal not covering CC chargebacks) was untrue and she eventually admitted that I was right.  I'm not really proud of myself, but I probably berated her for about 5 minutes for her attempt to deceive me.  I told her that I thought she was just hoping I would go away and take what she said as gospel knowing I would eventually lose the chargeback.  Well, after 5 minutes, maybe it was more like 10, I had run out of ways to tell her how despicable I thought she was and I hung up.  I just figured that I, like the other poster, was going to get skewered with the chargeback and the $20.00 chargeback fee.


Imagine my surprise when March 20th I received notification that I had won the chargeback under PayPal's seller protection.  It is my opinion (I have nothing else to go on) that I would have lost the chargeback if I hadn't called and made a major stink about the whole thing.


Watch your dates, check your tracking, call PayPal and let them know that you know the policy.



You should be patting yourself on the back for being able to stand up to the CSR.   It is their fault if they are not aware of their companies policies and how to deal with them.  They are called CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES for a reason.  They should be able to answer your question honestly or send you on to someone who can help you.  They were in the wrong and if you hadn't of kept after the CSR, you would have lost money.



Message 20 of 70
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Re: Got a negative for what exactly?

Man I hope you get that Neg removed ...

Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 21 of 70
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Re: Got a negative for what exactly?

I will try to get a US rep tomorrow.  This would set a bad example if Ebay let's it stick as the buyer flat out lied and I can prove it.  Either they got the item and lied to PayPal or the lied on the neg and are telling the truth in PayPal.  If it sticks a person could potentially lie about something, give someone a neg and go to PayPal, dispute the charge and walk away.  On that note what should I respond to the neg with?

Wherever you go, there you are. Please remember, when you are asked if you are a god, you say yes.
Message 22 of 70
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Re: Got a negative for what exactly?

I would try to resolve as much as I could on my own and may lead to the negative being removed.


Consider contacting the customer by sending a message and asking what happened and what assistance you can offer. Since they received the item, consider helping them by accepting a return that will show that you are trying to work in good faith. 


Your second follow up should include an adjust feedback link that can be used up to 6 times a year. Here are the steps to send a message with adjust feedback.


1) On your Ebay Summary under My Account on the lower left menu, click on "Feedbacks". 2) On top of the Feedback screen, click on "Go to Feedback Forum". 3) On the right Feedback tools menu, choose "Reques Feedback Revision".


I hope this helps.







Message 23 of 70
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Re: Got a negative for what exactly?

@creekcoyote wrote:

You should be patting yourself on the back for being able to stand up to the CSR.   It is their fault if they are not aware of their companies policies and how to deal with them.  They are called CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES for a reason.  They should be able to answer your question honestly or send you on to someone who can help you.  They were in the wrong and if you hadn't of kept after the CSR, you would have lost money.


Well, it certain felt good at the moment, but thar be rules about kicking a kitten even when the kitten just scratched you.  They can't really defend themselves and it kind of crosses over into bullying.  I'm glad I stood up for myself, but perhaps I could have done it in a more gracious way.  But thank you.

Message 24 of 70
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Re: Got a negative for what exactly?

@jeannicho22 wrote:

@creekcoyote wrote:

You should be patting yourself on the back for being able to stand up to the CSR.   It is their fault if they are not aware of their companies policies and how to deal with them.  They are called CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES for a reason.  They should be able to answer your question honestly or send you on to someone who can help you.  They were in the wrong and if you hadn't of kept after the CSR, you would have lost money.


Well, it certain felt good at the moment, but thar be rules about kicking a kitten even when the kitten just scratched you.  They can't really defend themselves and it kind of crosses over into bullying.  I'm glad I stood up for myself, but perhaps I could have done it in a more gracious way.  But thank you.

Love your analogy.  Just that these people are paid to be the front line of communication with the customers and they should be aware of all companies policies or have the ability to find out the policy at the tip of their fingers.


Message 25 of 70
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Re: Got a negative for what exactly?

The problem is in PayPal the applied for a fraud use of their card. They in theory never got the item.  Someone else used the card and they never received the item.

Wherever you go, there you are. Please remember, when you are asked if you are a god, you say yes.
Message 26 of 70
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Re: Got a negative for what exactly?

@mikeystoyz wrote:

In the PayPal dispute they said they never ordered it and someone used their credit card.  That is where I think I will be able to get it removed.  Technically, they never ordered it.

While I completely understand this point of view, you are going to likely find out it is a point of view that Ebay is not going to share.  




mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 27 of 70
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Re: Got a negative for what exactly?

@mam98031 wrote:

@mikeystoyz wrote:

In the PayPal dispute they said they never ordered it and someone used their credit card.  That is where I think I will be able to get it removed.  Technically, they never ordered it.

While I completely understand this point of view, you are going to likely find out it is a point of view that Ebay is not going to share.  




Thanks for the tag @mam98031! In situations where we have evidence that an eBay account was compromised to make a purchase we may remove feedback involved. A chargeback or other financial dispute is not considered evidence of an eBay account breach.


In situations where there is no evidence on our end that an account was compromised we would not typically remove a feedback unless it violated some other feedback policy.  


I've referred the buying account involved for review to see if there is any indication that there was unauthorized usage. Thanks!

Message 28 of 70
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Re: Got a negative for what exactly?

tyler@ebay wrote:

@mam98031 wrote:

@mikeystoyz wrote:

In the PayPal dispute they said they never ordered it and someone used their credit card.  That is where I think I will be able to get it removed.  Technically, they never ordered it.

While I completely understand this point of view, you are going to likely find out it is a point of view that Ebay is not going to share.  




Thanks for the tag @mam98031! In situations where we have evidence that an eBay account was compromised to make a purchase we may remove feedback involved. A chargeback or other financial dispute is not considered evidence of an eBay account breach.


In situations where there is no evidence on our end that an account was compromised we would not typically remove a feedback unless it violated some other feedback policy.  


I've referred the buying account involved for review to see if there is any indication that there was unauthorized usage. Thanks!

Thank you Tyler.  

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 29 of 70
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Re: Got a negative for what exactly?

tyler@ebay wrote:

@mam98031 wrote:

@mikeystoyz wrote:

In the PayPal dispute they said they never ordered it and someone used their credit card.  That is where I think I will be able to get it removed.  Technically, they never ordered it.

While I completely understand this point of view, you are going to likely find out it is a point of view that Ebay is not going to share.  




Thanks for the tag @mam98031! In situations where we have evidence that an eBay account was compromised to make a purchase we may remove feedback involved. A chargeback or other financial dispute is not considered evidence of an eBay account breach.


In situations where there is no evidence on our end that an account was compromised we would not typically remove a feedback unless it violated some other feedback policy.  


I've referred the buying account involved for review to see if there is any indication that there was unauthorized usage. Thanks!

This is pretty much as I feared.

Message 30 of 70
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