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GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

Have you ever wondered why you see the same television commercial over and over again, day after day? Have you ever wondered why the sponsor don't just show the commercial once every 30 days? That's because repetition works!

Yes, I've read all the arguments against the new GTC policy for fixed listings......the sense of urgency that the 3-5-7 day listings create.....and I completely agree with all of those comments. But, I think another, and even better reason for getting rid of this suicidal new policy of Ebay is that most experienced buyers do not search by "best match". After all, who is ebay to decide what is a good match for me, as I look for antiques and collectibles and ebay wouldn't have a clue what is the right match for me. So, I search by "newly listed". I can't tell you how many times I have seen an item on ebay, didn't buy it, but then it came up the next week, or the week following that and I decided to finally pull the trigger. With the new policy, that item wouldn't come up again for another 30 days! That's hardly an example of an efficient marketing approach. Now, in addition to my buying on ebay, I also sell. What this new policy means is that for all those people who search for particular types of antiques and collectibles using "newly listed", if I don't get that sale right away, then there is a good shot no one is going to look at my item again for almost four more weeks, as it lingers in the bowels of ebay. That makes absolutely no sense. Almost all experienced buyers of antiques and collectables use the "newly listed" option. I check the listing for what interests me three or four times a day. But, I never look down past the items that I already saw earlier that day when I last checked newly listed items. So, for a buyer like me.....and again, almost all buyers of antiques and collectibles search using "newly listed", I'm not going to see that item again for 30 days. There are been many times I did not buy something the first time I saw it on ebay, or even the second time, but then I rethought the item and jumped on it using the Buy it Now figure the third of fourth time. From a seller's perspective.....and that's the perspective from which I am writing this.....that's the kiss of death. The new reality is that with this new policy, if an item I list with a fixed price doesn't sell in the first day or two, it's going to sit there and rot on ebay for 28 more days until it finally comes to the top of the list. Ebay, what were you thinking? Do you have anyone on your staff that actually buys antiques and collectibles? Anyone in this field knows that we have to check the listings multiple times a day to get first crack at an item, but we don't have to look at anything older than a day or two, since we would have seen anything older already. So, this new policy is going to be a knife in the back for almost everyone who sells the way I do .......put the listing up to renew every Sunday night. Get the item in front of people's faces often. After all, that's the exact same approach that every major advertiser uses when running the same commercial continuously. This is so simple ebay. How could you have missed it?


The bottom line is that when sellers sell less, then ebay makes less money. This decision is not only going to cost sellers a fortune, but it's going to cost ebay millions, as well. The people who thought this up at ebay have absolutely no idea how "professional buyers" search ebay. They're under the impression that every buyer is a casual buyer who will look at every item in every search result every time. That is just not the case. Ebay, this is the worst decision you have ever made!

Message 1 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

Because there must be a 30% difference between the auction start price and the buy it now price. So either you're losing money with the low auction price or your buy it now price must be 30% higher thus making it unlikely to sell. Furthermore the buyer will have to wait several days to actually buy the item if it is listed as an auction. This change by ebay makes absolutely no sense.

Message 46 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

really useful, i will now be ending listings every few days and selling similar!
Message 47 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

@dknykrn wrote:
Do you think they are trying to get people to switch to auctions where they are making 25 cents each time it lists instead of 10 cents and you can get more views?

I do not think the anticipated any of " Oh the places they will go" with this roll out of GTC. They wanted more exposure to google search but were to greed to count a 90 day GTC as 1 listing. They did not anticipate all of the gaming plans to cancel orders early or move to auction. Both defeat the more google exposure plan.  Now sellers are speculating. ARe they trying to get rid of small sellers and one-off sellers. Do they only want bix box and China? one price for one GTC would have been a marvelous marketing plan. No marvels at eBay anymore. Just short sighted bean counters. 

Message 48 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

No we are actual sellers here not Ebay employees.  Maybe we aren't all doom and gloom because we are making sales.  Try more listing, less whining.

Message 49 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

A.  Because Ebay Should not dictate Sellers Terms of Sale Period.  Especially Store Owners who pay for their listings.


B.  Not every Seller wants to relist every item after 30, 10, 7, 3, 1 day.  We decide when to list and how long to list.  Period.  Not Ebay.


Ebay does not make  the choice of sale terms.  That is why.

Message 50 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

If I only had 60 or so items like you I would sit in a corner and keep my mouth shut,, those of us with stores are really getting hurt,, you know,, the ones with hundreds and thousands of items. and just so you know,, my sales are down over 60% because of this mess,, I've been on Ebay for over 15 years and this is by far the most stupid thing they have done in my view...


Message 51 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

I have a lot of items setting in the unsold auction items. I used to relist them in a fixed price format with decent success. Or until I figured that nobody wanted them. Then I cancelled them myself. Now I won't relist any into fixed format and ebay won't make any final fees from the sales for the ones that do sell. I am in a revolt! Ebay get real, it's only penny's that you are after. Guess what! You lose Ebay
Message 52 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

So has the fact that Walmart and some Targets have started selling craft and fabric items in their stores had any effect on your sales?  Id be surprised if they hadn't.  Michaels now also sells fabrics.

We lost our Hancock fabric but we got a new company in the same store locations.  

All these things make your items available closer to home and for lower prices.  I don't think it is GTC.

I sell vintage jewelry but you don't here me whining about thrift stores, estate sales, or pawn shops.

Message 53 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

As a "Basic Store" seller, I was somewhat optimistic that the GTC mess, would actually help my sales.  I have always sold BIN with 30 day listings, and use all 250 of them.  I listed all my 250 BIN's on the first of the month.  I have had a store since last May.


 With the elimination of 3-5-7 BIN listings, it seems my items would now have better exposure since the 3-5-7 listers items no longer bump my items lower.   I guess that's a different way to look at GTC for the seller who have always used 30 day BIN listings.


I was averaging about 1.3 sales a day, for the past several months.  Since April 1st, I have only 6 sales (in 11 days).  Yes, I know that's a very small sample size and could change in the future.  So far, GTC appears to have worsened my sales, even though I should have gotten better listing placement.  It's also possible I may need to give up on my old listings, and put better items up for sale.


Since  I like to list all 250 BIN's on the first of the month, May 31, will be a problem for me.  Ebay considers a BIN listing 30 days, even though the majority of the months have 31 days in them.   If I don't remember to cancel the unsold items before the auto-relist happens, it will cost me $62.50 (250 X .25 cents),  in listing fees, if nothing sold between May 1st and May 30th.  I hope I can "bulk end" these listings and not have to do each one individually.  I suppose it's a small inconvenience for me, if "bulk ending" is a possibility.  I just hope I remember to do it.  Since GTC is being forced upon us, I think Ebay should define a "Month" as 31 days to help sellers in my situation.


Ebay should allow the people who pay for "1 year rate" stores, out of their contract, with no penalty since since their guidelines have changed, dramatically.


I haven't been offered "Bonus" free listings in about 3 months, but if I do receive them, it creates a listing fee problem.  If those Bonus listings auto-renew the following month, they may not be so "free" then, since I would have already maxed-out on my 250 BIN listings.  I suppose to avoid that, just use the bonus listings as auction items to avoid that possibility, if Ebay will allow it.


It's been mentioned GTC actually stands for "Going To China" - as in, all the sales.  I'm not sure about that one, but I have always wondered how the Chinese sellers can sell an item for 95 cents with free shipping.  After researching it a little, I found that overseas sellers receive subsidized shipping charges, from the US government.  If that was subsidy was done away with help from  our politicians, it seems it would help US sellers.  The playing field is not level.  It's pretty discouraging  they can ship something cheaper to the USA, than I can, at the expense of the USA taxpayer.


Yesterday, I wanted to update a listing that was listed on April 1st.  I wanted to lower the price.  At the bottom of the Edit screen, it displayed a charge of 25 cents.  I clicked on the highlighed "25 cents" and  it came back that the 25 cents was for a "listing fee".  Just for the heck of it, I hit the Edit button and made my change.  Sure enough, I was charged 25 cents for making a change to a BIN listing.  I called Ebay and she gave me a 25 cent credit.  She said there was a "glitch" in the system, for several months, that they were trying to get rid of.  She said they had until the end of this month to fix the problem.  It appears the Ebay computer programmers may have been "C students", with all the glitches I have noticed, since Ebaying.  Just wanted people to watch out for this, with your accounts.


My rant is over - I feel much better!

Message 54 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

@jims_amazing_stuff wrote:



Since  I like to list all 250 BIN's on the first of the month, May 31, will be a problem for me.  Ebay considers a BIN listing 30 days, even though the majority of the months have 31 days in them.   If I don't remember to cancel the unsold items before the auto-relist happens, it will cost me $62.50 (250 X .25 cents),  in listing fees, if nothing sold between May 1st and May 30th.  I hope I can "bulk end" these listings and not have to do each one individually.  I suppose it's a small inconvenience for me, if "bulk ending" is a possibility.  I just hope I remember to do it.  Since GTC is being forced upon us, I think Ebay should define a "Month" as 31 days to help sellers in my situation.


Ebay should allow the people who pay for "1 year rate" stores, out of their contract, with no penalty since since their guidelines have changed, dramatically.


I haven't been offered "Bonus" free listings in about 3 months, but if I do receive them, it creates a listing fee problem.  If those Bonus listings auto-renew the following month, they may not be so "free" then, since I would have already maxed-out on my 250 BIN listings.  I suppose to avoid that, just use the bonus listings as auction items to avoid that possibility, if Ebay will allow it.


It's been mentioned GTC actually stands for "Going To China" - as in, all the sales.  I'm not sure about that one, but I have always wondered how the Chinese sellers can sell an item for 95 cents with free shipping.  After researching it a little, I found that overseas sellers receive subsidized shipping charges, from the US government.  If that was subsidy was done away with help from  our politicians, it seems it would help US sellers.  The playing field is not level.  It's pretty discouraging  they can ship something cheaper to the USA, than I can, at the expense of the USA taxpayer.


My rant is over - I feel much better!

thasnk for your rant. I am a first of the month lister too. I have another job and I do not ahve time to babysit ending dates, I have stope listing. I am hoping ebay will reDact this policy and give us a transparent 30 day listing policy. 

Message 55 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

E bay changed the BIN policy from 10% to 30% in I think 2013,I did very well with the 10% BIN. At least it was fair to your buyers and you did not lose any money.
Message 56 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

Just so you know I'm not wining about Walmart and the other stores you mentioned. they have zero effect on my sales. My sales have dropped 68% in the last few weeks.. My fabric has nothing to do with such stores as you mentioned,, 99% of quilters don't shop at those places.. So mind your own business and sell your stuff and let me sell mine. You have no clue about having 1000 listing a month so nothing in my thread here has anything to do with your few little items. I've spoken to ebay several times and they have had many sellers, like me, have a huge dip in their sales. 

Message 57 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

Message 58 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

Get rid of GTC. It is not making my selling better, but is making it worse.  since you started this stupid policy, my business has gone down as I can't list things the way I want them. Seriously looking for other places to sell my stuff since you won't let me run my business the way I want it.  Gtc was always there if someone wanted it that way, but for those of us that didn't want it we used to have a choice. Whose stupid idea was this. They should be fired. Stop changing things that didn't need fixed.

Message 59 of 89
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Re: GTC is the WORST decision ebay has ever made!!!

Your item appear as "newly listed" once a month. Same as if you were to physically re-list it yourself. there's a tool that comes in handy. Under your listings pallet on the Overview page, there's a link that shows you listings ending that day and listings ending in that hour. It is actually easier to end a few listings than it is to re-list everything.

I know that GTC doesn't work for everyone. But you do still have control in when your listings are ended, therefore gving you control of when you want to re-list. It's just a different way than what you're used to.


I think, and I have no proof but I've been watching this unfold for about five years, that ebay is looking to separate into two separate platforms (similar when ebay Motors became it's own entity). Auctions - which will have your unique collectibles or your one-offs, things of that nature; and Product Based (platform) for sellers who have many listings with multiple quantities of consumer products.


The forced GTC is most likely to persuade those who would fair better in auctions.

Message 60 of 89
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