11-17-2021 12:55 PM
I'm trying to determine if it is worth the time/effort to list something for under $10 with free shipping-even if it's first class USPS. Seems that after fees & shipping expense there is little to no profit. I see many sellers doing this on $6-9 items. Just curious as to the opinions.
11-18-2021 08:08 AM
All good points. I took some heat on this board over the years talking about my habit of shipping
cheap items using a forever stamp.
Some sellers refused to believe that an eBAy seller can ship without tracking and suffer very few issues.
I recently purchased 500 #10 envelopes (Non see thru) with brand new forever stamps already attached
for 40 cents each, delivered.
A 40 cent envelope or a .58 cent label is much more attractive than a $4.00 USPS label.
Being a TRS is a non starter. The 10% discount on FVFs pales compared to the amount of money I save on postage. Savings that add to my bottom line.
11-18-2021 08:15 AM - edited 11-18-2021 08:16 AM
Some people enjoy the busyness of running a business, me...
I like the getting paid part.
For that reason I don't sell much for under $20, my opinion.
11-18-2021 08:20 AM
We all have different theories/methods/opinions on this subject.
Mine is ...
Whether it's a $5 item or a $500 item,
I wont sell anything unless i can at least double my money.
Good luck!
11-18-2021 08:34 AM
I've always said it's how I buy, Not how I sell.
The trick isn't to sell a $20.00 item. The trick is to buy that item for $5.00 or $2.00
11-18-2021 11:32 AM
Something that I might have mentioned.
Because USPS has such cheap tracking, most US sellers use it. And eBay requires it for TRS status.
But it is very expensive to track in the rest of the world.
If I were to track a letter, which could mail for 92c Cdn, it would cost me at least $10 locally, more to ship across Canada, and minimum $13.36Cdn to ship to the USA.
EBay recognizes this and we non-US sellers can get Global TRS status without tracking.
Since the postal system is good at its job* and most people are honest, not tracking is not a problem.
*Insert DeJay complaints here.