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Foreign Buyers Who cant read ENGLISH!

Yet another human from a foreign country clicked buy it now on one of my items.

Well since i only ship to the USA. 

I had to cancel the transaction! No payment was made.

Then went to re-list and got charged a .20 fee to re-list.


Wow thanks ebay! Yet again your site let yet another human from a country i DO NOT SHIP TO, come your site and click buy it now. 


Dont understand why ebay cant fix this issue.  Why do i have to constantly cancel sales and then re-list. Why cant ebay just fix this glitch? Seems easy as pie to me..


And yes i 100% refuse to ship out side the USA!!

Says this in all my auctions-buy it now. So why ebay keeps allowing this??

Message 1 of 12
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Re: Foreign Buyers Who cant read ENGLISH!

@etxcltr I only clicked on one of your listings, but it did not show any excluded countries on the shipping tab.


Go into your account settings and make sure your blocks are set up from there. Here are the instructions:

Message 2 of 12
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Re: Foreign Buyers Who cant read ENGLISH!



If the buyer didn't pay, how do you know he doesn't have a U.S. address?

Message 3 of 12
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Re: Foreign Buyers Who cant read ENGLISH!

"Foreign Buyers Who cant read ENGLISH!"


I'm "Foreign" & I am able to read "ENGLISH'



"And yes i 100% refuse to ship out side the USA!!"


Then why are your first seven(7) items listed with the GSP?

Your "AS Is" terms are also trumped by the MBG.


Now who needs to buy a clue?


Message 4 of 12
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Re: Foreign Buyers Who cant read ENGLISH!

Use your words to make the world a better place.


Xenophobia is deplorable and should not be tolerated, here or anywhere else.  IIRC the 2010 U.S. Census shows that 21% of Americans LIVING IN AMERICA do not speak English in their homes.


Stop blaming eBay for a common retail occurrence - buyer's remorse. File the UPI, close it in 4 days, and relist.

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. ~ Anais Nin
Message 5 of 12
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Re: Foreign Buyers Who cant read ENGLISH!

It sounds like you don't have your blocks set up to reflect what you are stating in your listing.


It doesn't matter what you say about not shipping internationally, if you don't have your blocks set up to prevent that, an overseas buyer can, and as you see, frequently does buy without any impediment.


Hopefully you are cancelling using problem with buyer's address so you get your fees back without any unwanted seller defects.




Message 6 of 12
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Re: Foreign Buyers Who cant read ENGLISH!

There's no glitch involved-- if people from other countries are able to buy your items, it means one of two things:


1) They have a US address that they want the item shipped to, or

2) You haven't set up your blocks properly.


I have numerous countries blocked and I have never had anyone from those countries be able to purchase any of my items.

Message 7 of 12
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Re: Foreign Buyers Who cant read ENGLISH!

This has happened to me, too.  I have them blocked plus I have foreign payments blocked in PayPal.  Someone on these boards suggested that these buyers DO have a US mailing address, but try to get you to ship to their foreign addresses to avoid freight forwarding fees.  I don't know if this is what is happening, but it wastes time and listings.

Message 8 of 12
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Re: Foreign Buyers Who cant read ENGLISH!

If you only ship within the US, you need to set your preferences to block bidders in countries you do not ship to. 


Non payers should get unpaid item strikes and be added to block bidders lists. Period.
Message 9 of 12
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Re: Foreign Buyers Who cant read ENGLISH!

Blocking foreign payments in Paypal is important; so glad you mentioned that!


Message 10 of 12
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Re: Foreign Buyers Who cant read ENGLISH!

I'm not sure about those not speaking English being the problem.  It may be that you failed to understand eBay's system of blocks and how to set them up.  Of course, eBay speak isn't easy to understand so I can't really fault you for that.Smiley Wink


When it comes to speaking English, I've, on more than one occasion, been told by my friends in the UK that I don't speak it very well.  To that I can only reply, "I can't help it if y'all talk funny."Smiley Very Happy

"It is an intelligent man that is aware of his own ignorance."
Message 11 of 12
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Re: Foreign Buyers Who cant read ENGLISH!

@etxcltr  If your account is set up properly people with an address outside the US cannot bid on your items.  Fault is not theirs.  Some foreighn buyers have US Forwarding comanies that purchase for them, you ship to the forwarding company which is the address on file and you are done with that part.  Buyer gets items when they have collected a few optimizing the overseas shipping.

And to the title of your Post ... hmmm, well I speak English .... but can't read Foreign ...

Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 12 of 12
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