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Flipping should be made illegal on ebay. Hundreds of selfish people buying out stock such at graphics cards when there are people like myself that are atually wanting one and selling them on for hundreds of £'s more! Absolutley disgracful!

Message 1 of 48
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Re: Flipping.

I figured it was playing a game and not doing 'work' on a computer.  

Message 31 of 48
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Re: Flipping.

What this country needs is a great 5 cent graphics card - one that will also do floors, dishes and windows!  If I'm elected, .......



Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 32 of 48
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Re: Flipping.

I agree! However, the flea market is a close second for people wanting everything for free!

Message 33 of 48
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Re: Flipping.

The other poster made an excellent point, it is for bit coin mining. So, perhaps the OP is wanting to enterprise and enter a higher level of capitalism. However, he can not do so because his start up costs are too much. If the card can produce X dollars per hour from running it, of course it's going to be worth more money than the manufacturer intended.  

Message 34 of 48
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Re: Flipping.

So you want us to trade pigs and cows?  That is the basis of selling.  Buy something and sell it for more.

Good Moms let you lick the Beaters.

Great Moms turn them off first.
Message 35 of 48
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Re: Flipping.



(I make my living flipping).


"I" offer an artisanally-curated selection of rare and desirable items that are highly sought-after and currently hard to come by, for a -- *cough* -- relatively modest finder's fee.


"You" are a flipper.


"He" is a scalper.


I think that's how that goes.

Message 36 of 48
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Re: Flipping.

Flipping is how I feed my family.  I am handicapped and I am unemployable.  I have been flipping in one form or another since 89.  Raised 3 children.  I thought about feeling bad....  Nah.... Life is good no matter how many people do not understand retail.

Message 37 of 48
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Re: Flipping.

@taylor-8847 wrote:

Flipping should be made illegal on ebay. Hundreds of selfish people buying out stock such at graphics cards when there are people like myself that are atually wanting one and selling them on for hundreds of £'s more! Absolutley disgracful!

How much did you pay for those quad rims? Will you make a profit when they sell?


The Nike shoes? The hats?


Graphics cards are not a necessity that would be subject to gouging laws ...


Flipping merchandise for a profit is called capitalism.


penguins_dont_fly is a Volunteer Community Mentor
Buying and Selling since 2013

Message 38 of 48
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Re: Flipping.

Not when you're using illegal bots to auto buy out the stock of a brick and mortar store's website, forcing others not have a chance at buying at MSRP. What you're doing is illegal.

Message 39 of 48
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Re: Flipping.

It's all Chinese drop shipped garbage anyway. You might a few sincere sellers trying to get rid of some things, but most of the site has turned into Amazon. The graphics cards were literally bought using illegal bots and marked up to unaffordable prices. When you use a bot that bypasses site loopholes to budge in front of others and buy thousands of becomes a problem!

Message 40 of 48
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Re: Flipping.

Just when you think you're heard it all.   😉

Telephone Line - Electric Light Orchestra
Message 41 of 48
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Re: Flipping.

It's not illegal and it's up to the distributors to put limits if they don't want it to happen.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 42 of 48
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Re: Flipping.

Three year old thread. 😀

Message 43 of 48
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Re: Flipping.

It is amazing people think like this. SMH

Message 44 of 48
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Re: Flipping.

I believe this activity is called capitalism.

Message 45 of 48
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