03-16-2018 03:48 PM
The item I sold for the first time has been delivered today but I haven't got any feedback from the buyer.
How long should I wait until I should ask for a feedback?
When I cliked the buyer's username I saw other feedbacks from sellers.
Should I leave a feedback first to get the buyer's feedback?
Thank you.
03-16-2018 03:51 PM
Never, EVER ask for feeedback.
Whether you leave feedback now is your own personal choice; some sellers leave it right away but others wait, to make sure that the buyer isn't some sort of scammer.
03-16-2018 03:51 PM
FB is entirely voluntary. You may never get one from that buyer, no matter how many others they leave.
NEVER ask a buyer for it.
03-16-2018 03:54 PM
@uswholesalecapwrote:How long should I wait until I should ask for a feedback?
Forever. That is a serious answer. Never ask a buyer for feedback because it can upset them. Remember that feedback is voluntary and many choose not to leave it. If your buyer has a history of leaving feedback then there's a better chance they will leave it for you at some point.
Congratulations on your first sale.
03-16-2018 03:58 PM
I never ask for FB but I dont leave any either until they do.
03-16-2018 04:03 PM
Congrats on the Sale!!!! That first one sure feels good.......
Few of us get more than 50% feedback from Buyers so don't be discouraged if you don't get any..... as encouragement, I would leave feedback quickly for the first buyers in the hopes that will encourage them to leave it for you.....
There are many reasons pro and con for leaving feedback quickly, but many cons for asking for feedback......some buyers think they are being harassed for it....and will leave what you don't want in retaliation.
03-16-2018 04:06 PM
@uswholesalecapwrote:The item I sold for the first time has been delivered today but I haven't got any feedback from the buyer.
How long should I wait until I should ask for a feedback?
When I cliked the buyer's username I saw other feedbacks from sellers.
Should I leave a feedback first to get the buyer's feedback?
IMHO you should never, ever ask for feedback. Period.
Feedback is optional, not to mention that the feedback system is slow, cumbersome and buyers have absolutely no incentive to use it.
03-16-2018 04:13 PM
Congratulations on your first sale!
Way to go!
I agree with the general advice here but I would express it somewhat differently ...
Since you are selling with a new, zero-feedback account, I can understand why you want to get some feedback, but it needs to be good feedback. In general, sellers don't need feedback because it doesn't count towards your seller performance. For that, eBay counts completed transactions, not feedback received. You want to get completed transactions, without any complaints, cases or defects.
But if you want to get feedback too, then you should leave feedback for the buyer, and hope for the best. As mentioned before, you might want to give the buyer a few days to see if you contact you with any questions, then leave it.
But don't be too disappointed if you still don't get any. Many buyers don't leave feedback at all these days.
03-16-2018 04:39 PM
It's never a good idea to ask for feedback. They may get upset and leave a nasty note. Some sellers prefer to leave feedback first, while others wait for the buyer to do so.
It's entirely up to you.
03-16-2018 05:01 PM
03-16-2018 05:28 PM
As others have advised, it's never a good idea to ask a buyer to leave feedback. Since feedback is voluntary and a rather outmoded convention, it's not unusual for sellers to not receive feedback on every transaction. Twenty years ago, everybody left feedback. Today, not so much. My "buyer feedback left" percentage is about 35% percent which is fine with me since it really doesn't mean a whole lot anymore.
However, as a new seller, I do understand why you would like to have some feedback on your account. TBH, the easiest way to do that that is *buy* a few items on your selling account. Sellers cannot leave anything BUT positive feedback for buyers so any feedback you get from a seller for something you purchase will be positive. True, the feedback will technically be about a purchase you made, but a lot of people don't even bother to check to see from once that feedback came -- they just look at the "topline" numbers.
As far as when to leave feedback as a seller, there are many theories and practices about that. Many large sellers leave feedback immediately after a sale. A lot of smaller sellers wait until later. Some wait until the item is shipped, some wait until they can verify delivery, others wait and don't leave it until the buyer leaves feedback for them. A few may not leave any feedback at all.
Personally, I wait until the buyer leaves me feedback. Reason being, these days feedback really means nothing to eBay -- it's a layover from an earlier era -- and since sellers now can't leave anything but positive feedback for buyers it makes the feedback pretty meaningless. But to each his own.
If you want to leave feedback now (or before your buyers leaves some for you) then go ahead. However, keep in mind, even if you leave the person glowing feedback that doesn't mean they will reciprocate either with an equally glowing rating or for that matter, at all.
03-16-2018 08:55 PM
03-16-2018 11:32 PM
All really good points and advice here. @dhbookds wow 50% feedback? Dude what's you're secret. Mine hovers around 30% like @tiramisu41. Who btw gave a really good tactic to get feedbacks for your account.
Yes feedbacks will taper off into meaningless when you get bigger and bigger. But starting off, of course you'll want some feedbacks. I'd say you can try to at least get a star (10 feedbacks) and just let the rest come as they please.
I'm probably asking for trouble here (since everyone is against me on this) but I believe you CAN actually "ask" for a feedback... but you have to do it in these exact steps. I would only do this if you're trying to get to 10.
1) After the item arrives to the buyer, give it 3 business days and just send a friendly thank you message for buying your item. You are making sure they are satisfied. Say something like if they need anything else to don't hesitate to let you know. AND THAT'S IT. Most buyers wouldn't feel harassed or get upset at that. They will either ignore you, message you back with a thank you they are satisfied, or message you with an issue they have.
2) Obviously help the ones with an issue... bending over backwards (since your new account can't absorb any negativity). If the satisfied ones seem nice, then message them noting that you've enjoyed selling to them and you've left them glowing feedback and enjoy their item. Don't literally ask for feedback. Some will give feedback in return, others won't. And that's it. Move onto the next buyer.
I've done this with my different accounts and I've never gotten a negative from it. Oh and in the beginning, I highly suggest you give them feedback asap, even if you think they are a scammer.
03-17-2018 12:10 AM
Don't ever ask a buyer for feedback. It might tick them off and they might give you feedback you don't want.
I always give feedback for my customers, but I could care less if they leave any.
As long as I don't hear anything from them, I'm guessing they are happy with their purchase.
03-17-2018 12:34 AM
@uswholesalecapwrote:The item I sold for the first time has been delivered today but I haven't got any feedback from the buyer.
How long should I wait until I should ask for a feedback?
When I cliked the buyer's username I saw other feedbacks from sellers.
Should I leave a feedback first to get the buyer's feedback?
Thank you.
I have a different response than some. I will wait maybe a month or more and send a "friendly reminder". I've never upset anyone or received bad feedback for sending it. Some don't send feedback, and I don't worry about it...but I don't send feedback until the buyer sends it so I know everything was okay.