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Finally! These Moochers Make a Contribution!



Had to start a new eBay tape roll and they wanted the spent roll. One less toy to buy LOL 


Who else has moochers? 😻😻

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Re: Finally! These Moochers Make a Contribution!



My moocher steals my coin flips and chews them, and steals my coins too. I gave her a jar of pennies to play with but I was afraid she would push the jar onto the floor and break it. She bit me when I confiscated her jar of treasure.



Message 46 of 58
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Re: Finally! These Moochers Make a Contribution!

@retro_entertainment_collectibles wrote:

@stuff4divas wrote:

Had to start a new eBay tape roll and they wanted the spent roll. One less toy to buy LOL 


Who else has moochers? 😻😻

We've some of thems!


There's Buddy or "Mr Buddy The Jingles," He's quite old, former neighborhood "Mob Cat,"  he a pure capitalist and into extortion.  Then there is "Gidget," she's a Snotzi.  We've a Norwegian Forest Cat, "Princess Catarina  Purcillapuss," and believe you me, she's royalty!


Last year we'd come back from camp and time and again there was this Grey coated male cat hangin' about... So give him some chow.  Friendly, well kept.  Figured he must have a place but then we found him sleeping under our porch.  Named him "Alfredo Snake Pusskin."  Come Winter and some cold weather still was hanging around so coaxed him unto the porch.  Asking around neighbors we get told he's been eating at two other houses as well.  We think some neighbors few doors down who lost their home in foreclosure just booted Alfredo out.  Well, we took him in and thought him a Russian Blue yet when at the vet to get his shots and well...  DeMaleified we were told he's a mix, so... "Russian Stew."  He's awesome and yea, he is rather Putinesque wanting be a dictator.  Capitalist Mafioso just looks at him as if his not sane,  the Snotzi hisses and ready to do battle at any moment and he learned quite early on, "Don't mess with Royalty" when he charged Princess Purcillapuss.  The first time she just stood there as if to say, "Seriously dude?"  The second time it happened she rolled him and as he tried run away she was literally atop his back hanging on.  That was the end of that!

The obvious name for your Russian mix is "Borscht". 


The DH once saw the furry butt cat running through the library with the tuxedo on her back - he said he had no idea what had been going on but they scooted through and were gone.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 47 of 58
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Re: Finally! These Moochers Make a Contribution!

Thank you!

Just my Two Cents...
Thank you for being here!
Message 48 of 58
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Re: Finally! These Moochers Make a Contribution!

On the left is the late great 'Rental' [walked in the door in 1999, lasted till 2019]  and sleeping on him is his cat Rosie. He picked her out of three kittens in 2004 - walked down the line, turned back and 'meowed' then knocked her over, meowed again and waited for her to chase him. She did and that was that.



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Re: Finally! These Moochers Make a Contribution!


Nimbus, my office assistant, sitting on papers so I can't get to them.

Message 50 of 58
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Re: Finally! These Moochers Make a Contribution!

George Bailey.jpegHad to wait until he wore out last night and got up on his favorite place to sleep with the two blankets he can't live without. His name is George Bailey, but everyone seems to just call him Doodle Bug. He's one of the sweetest and smartest dogs we've had in our 53 years of sharing our homes with dogs and cats and horses and rabbits and a rooster called Egor. Doodle Bug's mom is a lab, his dad is a min poodle, and he's got pure white hair and green eyes that sometimes change to hazel, sometimes gray. Right now he needs a trim, but he absolutely hates it so we're giving him another week or so before we drag him to the groomer. I recommend the breed. 

Message 51 of 58
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Re: Finally! These Moochers Make a Contribution!

@turnpiketreasures1 wrote:

George Bailey.jpegHad to wait until he wore out last night and got up on his favorite place to sleep with the two blankets he can't live without. His name is George Bailey, but everyone seems to just call him Doodle Bug. He's one of the sweetest and smartest dogs we've had in our 53 years of sharing our homes with dogs and cats and horses and rabbits and a rooster called Egor. Doodle Bug's mom is a lab, his dad is a min poodle, and he's got pure white hair and green eyes that sometimes change to hazel, sometimes gray. Right now he needs a trim, but he absolutely hates it so we're giving him another week or so before we drag him to the groomer. I recommend the breed. 

I see those little snowball paws!

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 52 of 58
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Re: Finally! These Moochers Make a Contribution!

I'm in serious mooch-deprivation mode these days.  This would-be crazy cat lady was petting someone else's dog.🤣  I was owned by cats for 50+ years. 

She who dies with the most toys still dies; when's the estate sale?
Message 53 of 58
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Re: Finally! These Moochers Make a Contribution!

@evelyb30 wrote:

I'm in serious mooch-deprivation mode these days.  This would-be crazy cat lady was petting someone else's dog.🤣  I was owned by cats for 50+ years. 

@evelyb30   Awwwww! Get more!! 😺 😻  😽

Message 54 of 58
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Re: Finally! These Moochers Make a Contribution!

I have MS and other problems otherwise... I want every cat I see. 😻

She who dies with the most toys still dies; when's the estate sale?
Message 55 of 58
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Re: Finally! These Moochers Make a Contribution!

So sorry about your ms...they were toying with that diagnosis for me, but finally settled on fibro...but, I lost my last friend a couple of years ago and waited for almost a year and couldn't stand it, and although with my diagnosis I worried about getting a pup, I went for it and got Doodle Bug. There are days when I really don't want to even get up, but I honestly think that having him, and having him love me the way he does, has helped me considerably. Depends on how bad your mobility is, but I truly believe having a furry friend makes us all feel better. And with cats, you don't have to take them outside. I'm lucky because my family takes him out when I'm having a hard time getting around. But when I sit down and he climbs up next to me...with one of his blankets...everything seems to feel better. They say you live longer because of our pets...if that's true, then I'm going to be around 120 before I go.

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Re: Finally! These Moochers Make a Contribution!

This is my sweet boy Shadow.  We have had him for  15 years, so he is older than that.  We lost our cat Teddy Bear last September and he is still missing him...we all are.


Likes:  walking across my computer keyboard and typing 7s, getting in eBay boxes, chattering at chipmunks and birds, giving wet nose, food, lounging around, waking me up for food at 5:24, hanging out in my office while I list items

Dislikes:  the doorbell, any phone on speakerphone, loud noises, being 'put' somewhere, being held by anyone other than hubby



evry1nositswindy  •  seller since 2013
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Message 57 of 58
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Re: Finally! These Moochers Make a Contribution!


My 3 little ones didn't like going 2 places.  The vet and the groomer.  They knew when they were going because you could see it in their faces.  These dogs didn't like going bye bye plus they would never sit still and Kimo always wanted to drive!  lol

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