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Editing Variation listings

first... I've been out of the loop for about 1 year.  Paid for my store every month, had lots of things happening, had to keep putting off reopening the store. So my listings weren't viewable unless it was already on someones watch list.


My listings are multiple variation listings, either choice of colors or choice of sizes. For the colors -- when I intially did up these listings, I knew that down the road there might be more colors available -- that new colors would be created -- so when I made up the color list for each listing, I put 60 colors in. I use about 20 untill now.


I need to use 5 of those colors now -- note they are already listed in the variations list, but have never been listed with any inventory and never sold any of them.


So I have these 5 colors already in the list, I just need to 'activate' them into my drop down menu so I can put quantity in! Why can't I do this? The colors are already there...


also, the changes to the variations listing is confusing... my "attributes" is just color. when I go to Options and type "gold" then click ADD... it puts that under "MPN" which I can't figure out what that is... But if I choose to 'add my own' in 'attributes' and type 'color' it says


This attribute isn't valid for this variation. Add a valid attribute.

For example, Size, Color, or Material


So gee, yeah, I added COLOR.... so what's the problem?? 

If I ignore the Attribute it puts my typed colors under MPN... whatever that is, it doesn't say.  But then the next page won't update / add the colors anyway, they seem stuck under MPN. (nowhere will it even tell me what MPN is.... UG)  And forget "does not apply" I have no idea what that is.... 


can't I add existing variation colors to my existing quantities available? Or do I have to make up a separate variation listing for 5 little colors for the 6-8" size, when I've already GOT a variation listing for that size! And I can't just end the listings, its got over 1900 sales on it, even if my bump in search expired because I've not sold in a year, that "sold quantity' is still great advertising for buyers trust! I'm not restarting at zero sales for all my listings... (and I paid the $20.00 fee every month for my store, just so I wouldn't have to redo the listings as "new" and have zero sales on each.... 


I did call customer service, got an actual english speaking person, but even she couldn't figure it out, said it would make sense -- the colors are already there but she doesn't know why I can't add them.... so I'm forgoing customer service and coming to the experts on the discussion board! Can anyone help... or am I just up a creek on this? 



RIP my Kitty, my fur buddy; Gizmo. 4/9/19.
Seventeen years was not enough.
Message 1 of 21
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Accepted Solutions

Re: Editing Variation listings

@montana_echoes I'm sorry to say it looks like you are stuck. Since the Add Combinations button is missing on that screen and the other screen does not show any of your variations there is nothing more I can suggest to fix this.


@Anonymous Can you take a look from the back end and advise if the problem is stemming from the age of the listing or if there is another technical error happening? Item 261611165869


Montana, it looks like this listing receives regular sales so you may as well keep it live and create a new listing for the additional colors. You can put a link to the new listing in the existing listing's item description so people know you have more colors. Fix the typo, too: "Champaige"

View Best Answer in original post

Message 8 of 21
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Re: Editing Variation listings


Are you working on a computer or a mobile device? Using a computer is essential for making edits to variation listings.


MPN is Manufacturer Part Number which is not what you want if you are trying to add colors.


This attribute isn't valid for this variation. Add a valid attribute. For example, Size, Color, or Material


That is an error message I see if I "sell similar" from a variation listing and try to use a different attribute than the original listing. I've learned it's best to create variation listings from scratch because sell similar creates far too many problems.


I am not sure how that message relates here. You said that Color is the attribute that is already active, therefore why would you need to add Color again? Actually, I may understand what's happening here and I will address it in point 6. below.


Activating colors that you have already included under the Color attribute...


1. Click revise listing.

2. Click the edit button near the top where you edit variations.

3. At the top of the next page, the one with your variation photos, click the Edit button at the top near where it says Attributes and options you've selected.

4. On that page you should see all of your color variations. As an example let's pretend you're trying to activate the color green. On the screen do you see Green showing on the left column only or both the right and left columns?

5. If you see it on the left side only then click on it so it populates on the right. That will activate the color so you can save the changes and add quantities on the next screen. If it's already showing on the right then I would need to see a screenshot of the next page (the one with variation photos) to try and figure out what's going on.


6. If you want to add the color Gold you would not click the +Add button at the top... that is for creating a new attribute. With the Color attribute highlighted you would click the button near the bottom that says +Create your own... that is for adding a new variation to the existing Color attribute.


Hope that helps.

Message 2 of 21
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Re: Editing Variation listings

Shoot, I can never seen to do a screenshot... press Alt + Print screen.... then Control V.... nothing. Sigh.... I

'm on a PC. The edit screen is here: 


Attributes and options you've selectedEdit

  • Number of variations20
  • ColorWhite, Black, Cream, Off-white, Pale Pink, Light Pink, Medium Pink, Magenta, Burgundy, Red, Wine Red, Purple, Dusty Purple, Dusty Rose, Pink2, Pink3, Orchid, Plum, rust, Orange, Peach, yellow, Gold, Creamy Yellow, Deep yellow, Bright yellow, Yellow2, Blue2, Teal Blue, Medium Turquoise, Dark Turquoise, Royal Blue, Navy Blue, Sapphire Blue, Light Blue, Country Blue, Blue3, Lavender, Sky Blue, Purple2, Red2, Medium Green, Bright Green, Light Green, Pine Green, Green2, Beige, Dark Beige, Light Gray, Dark Gray, Golden Brown, Dark Golden Brown, Darkest Brown, Brown2, Gray2, Orange2, mixed, MIXED-YOU Choose, dark brown, Coffee Brown


Below that is allowing me to load pics for each color. I've loaded the 5 new color Pics. Below that is the current Quantities listed, the list above is 60 colors, there are 20 colors listed with Quanties and ones I haven't used aren't listed.  that section lists the colors as 20, but doesn't have any "add combinations" button on it... : 


Variation combinations(20)
Enter priceEnter quantityEnter SKUDelete


When I click on Edit on that page, it comes up as all blanks: Below is a copy/paste of that: 


elect an attribute and then select the options of the products you sell. To see more attributes, click Add.
Since you've sold at least one variation, attributes and options can no longer be removed.
Attributes and options you've selected
+ Add
  • Does Not Apply
+ Create your own
Important: Arrange attributes here in the order you want them to appear in your listing
Update variationsCancel
So, under your #4 step, there is no colors on that page, its all blank. Maybe its the age of the listing? Its a GTC & was first listed.... 6-8 years ago.... 
Does this help? I do thank you so much for helping....!! 
RIP my Kitty, my fur buddy; Gizmo. 4/9/19.
Seventeen years was not enough.
Message 3 of 21
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Re: Editing Variation listings

The really frustrating thing is that alll my listings have extra colors on the original listing, put there for future possible (hopeful) use. And all the items do have addtional colors that I stock.... so if this is some kind of grandfathered listing when they adjusted the way variation listings are loaded -- and its a "no editing" for older listings even to add unused colors --- then I can't use them on any of my listings....


Which is such a.... UG! Crimmmy! Why do they have to break things that were working fine? Just 2 years ago I added colors in to inventory from the original color lists on my listings....! 


Oh, and just for fun, I'm trying to do a new variety listing (as you said, the sell similar of an ended listing just wasn't working) and it won't let me add both Size and color as Attributes... I get them both on there, then type in the colors... and the size attribute vanishes. Man.....!! 

RIP my Kitty, my fur buddy; Gizmo. 4/9/19.
Seventeen years was not enough.
Message 4 of 21
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Re: Editing Variation listings

On the page where you add the variation photos and you said you see this:


Variation combinations(20)

Enter priceEnter quantityEnter SKUDelete
After Delete do you see another button to the right that says Add Combination? Scroll your screen to the right. If you see nothing press Ctrl and the - button to zoom your screen out. Does Add Combination appear? If it does that will solve your problem.
If not... Can you try again with screenshots of those two screens? Try ctrl + print screen instead of alt. Add the image to your post using the photos icon above the text box. You an drag and drop the image.


If everything on the page where you add Attributes and Variations is blank then that could be a problem. Since CS couldn't help maybe one of the Community team could look at your listing from the backend and forward to tech support to see if anything can be done.



Does this listing receive regular sales?

Message 5 of 21
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Re: Editing Variation listings



Oh, and just for fun, I'm trying to do a new variety listing (as you said, the sell similar of an ended listing just wasn't working) and it won't let me add both Size and color as Attributes... I get them both on there, then type in the colors... and the size attribute vanishes. Man.....!! 

Sell similar screws up variation listings. Always start fresh... it's more work but it's necessary.

Message 6 of 21
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Re: Editing Variation listings

Sorry, I can't figure out the screen shot thing. I managed to save a copy on a word doc, the file appears to be attached to this, but..... I can't see the screen shot, just the doc. Ctr + print screen copied it, but where does it go then? Cntr V does'nt paste it here.... and clicking Photos here doesn't give me any list to choose a pic or doc.... sorry.... its very frustrating..... 


I shrunk the Edit page down to 70% and there is nothing after the DELETE. No "Add combinations" button. Nothing on the right side of the screen above the existing inventory quantities...


I'll hit post .... the Doc appears to be here (it showas in "choose File" but I don't know if that'll load like a screen shot would.... 

RIP my Kitty, my fur buddy; Gizmo. 4/9/19.
Seventeen years was not enough.
Message 7 of 21
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Re: Editing Variation listings

@montana_echoes I'm sorry to say it looks like you are stuck. Since the Add Combinations button is missing on that screen and the other screen does not show any of your variations there is nothing more I can suggest to fix this.


@Anonymous Can you take a look from the back end and advise if the problem is stemming from the age of the listing or if there is another technical error happening? Item 261611165869


Montana, it looks like this listing receives regular sales so you may as well keep it live and create a new listing for the additional colors. You can put a link to the new listing in the existing listing's item description so people know you have more colors. Fix the typo, too: "Champaige"

Message 8 of 21
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Re: Editing Variation listings

I will fix that typo... and put the new listing number in the first listing for reference. thank you so much for you help and for the heads up to ebay.... 


thank you, again..... I know my lack of knowledge can be frustrating..... if I was starting ebay from scratch I'd never be able to learn it...! 

RIP my Kitty, my fur buddy; Gizmo. 4/9/19.
Seventeen years was not enough.
Message 9 of 21
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Re: Editing Variation listings

You're welcome. I wish I could have done more to help.


One more thought: did you try using a different browser? It probably won't make a difference but you never know. @montana_echoes

Message 10 of 21
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Re: Editing Variation listings

you know, that would be worth a try. I think I have firefox hiding somewhere, I'll go peak...! 🙂 


RIP my Kitty, my fur buddy; Gizmo. 4/9/19.
Seventeen years was not enough.
Message 11 of 21
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Re: Editing Variation listings

Get ready to have your mind blown...


I had this same problem when trying to add sizes and colors. When I would try to add "Color" or "Size", I would get the same error message. When I added "Colors" or "Sizes", it worked.


So pluralize your variation name and it'll work.

Message 12 of 21
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Re: Editing Variation listings

Now why does that not surprise me?

I have quite a few listings where I could use MQV listings but I gave up after spending hours banging my head on the desk when nothing worked the way it was supposed to.

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Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. - L Tolstoy

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Message 13 of 21
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Re: Editing Variation listings

OMG...your are right! That is so illogical (I'm being nice with my choice of words.) I've been working on this for over an hour, then I see this thread. Why would making "size" plural work? Anyway, THIS works!
Message 14 of 21
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Re: Editing Variation listings

When you write Color in the variation, if it says invalid variation, just copy and paste an invisible character next to the word Color, it will trick the system into thinking its a different word, but all the customer will see is the word color and not the invisible character next to it

Message 15 of 21
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