08-05-2023 03:24 PM
Chicago is unsafe. We do not travel to events there anymore. Chicago Government does not care. They promote criminal actions and mob actions by doing little or nothing to perpetrators. Sad. Would loke to attend. Might I suggest Lewistown Illinois instead.🙂
08-05-2023 03:28 PM
My brother lives and works in Chicago.
Loves it.
Everyone is entitled to their own "opinion".
08-05-2023 03:38 PM
That's unfortunate. I travel to Chicago several times a year to attend some of the largest coin conventions in the world. Of course, I always carry. Every city has its problems. I travel to Detroit weekly also to go to casinos and coin shows. I must say, everyone is very nice that I come across in Detroit. I refuse to live in fear but I always am aware of my surroundings and prepared as well as can be expected. I choose not to be a victim. City Government doesn't comprise a city, the people do. I don't disagree with your opinion, and I do understand it. Have a good day!
08-05-2023 03:46 PM
It depends on what part of the city you’re talking about. South side has always had its problems.
I’m from the northwest side, I moved in 1999 to head south for sunshine and ocean breezes. Now I’m in Cajun country.
08-05-2023 04:07 PM
Grew up in Chicago. Yes, the crime in the city and the South Side especially has grown out of control there. I lived in the western suburbs though and did not have many problems unless I rode the elevated train into the city where I almost got raped and killed one time.
08-05-2023 04:12 PM
@joliztoyco wrote:My brother lives and works in Chicago.
Loves it.
Everyone is entitled to their own "opinion".
I was there just before the pandemic. Lovely city, wish I'd had more than a weekend to be able to spend there.
08-05-2023 04:13 PM
Did get caught carrying in Chicago, only the criminals get to have guns.
08-05-2023 04:22 PM
"I was there just before the pandemic. Lovely city, wish I'd had more than a weekend to be able to spend there.:
Thank you for that, Im born and raised in Chicago,love it. Easy enough to avoid those gang infested neighborhoods.
08-05-2023 04:33 PM
" Chicago Government does not care."
If you have a solution to the gang problem on Southside Chicago, please let our mayor and city council know about it. This city has only spent millions trying to get this problem under control.
08-05-2023 04:36 PM
Saying 'Chicago' is unsafe is ridiculous.
Los Angeles is unsafe; 4 blocks of the 39000 blocks of it.
Same with Chicago.
08-05-2023 04:43 PM
Doesnt every big city have a gang problem in certain neighborhoods..to paint the whole city with the same brush is ridiculous.
08-05-2023 04:51 PM
Life long Chicagoan here. You cannot go along in life with your head in a hole in the sand. Respectfully.
08-05-2023 05:36 PM
You think Las Vegas is safe? What happens in Vegas doesn't always stay there, it goes out in body bags but shhhhh it's a well kept secret.
08-05-2023 05:38 PM
Every place is "dangerous" if you never get off your front porch.
08-05-2023 05:40 PM
Born & raised in Chicago and still live in the heart of the city, about 15 mins. from downtown. First lets just say Chicago is a beautiful city, always so many fun things to do, GREAT restaurants & friendly people! That's the good part, but of course the crime (gangs / guns) is very bad, but isn't it bad all over the country? Most large cities have similar problems. Gun violence is worse than ever nationwide ... most of those horrendous mass shootings have not been in Chicago ... except for the Highland Park parade shooting, which took place in one of the nicer suburbs of Chicago, not in the city.
My daughter lives in Los Angeles & conditions are not any better there. It's scary times everywhere! To say the govt. doesn't care is such a general ridiculous statement. They are trying, but so much of it is difficult to control. I don't think anyone here is simply looking the other way.
Glad to see so many Chicagoans defending our city 🙂 I don't think anyone is naive about the problems we have, but you just can't live in constant fear. You take all necessary precautions when you're out & about, keep your wits about it and live your life!