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Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybody

This month I have until now 0 sales the last month only one. This is a disaster !!.


What is going to do Ebay in order to stop a collective crash and in consequence the similar destiny for the Company in general?. WITHOUT SELLERS EBAY WILL BE OUT !!

Message 1 of 134
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133 REPLIES 133

Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

Just a side note on what maybe going on with eBay sales by using  our  daughter as an example.  Our daughter is  old enough  to give us two grand children that are much more than 10 years apart.   The oldest one  & his wife presented us with our first a great  grand.  The youngest a junior at TCU.  Our  daughter luvs to shop always  has and always will and passed that gene to our grand daughter.

In 2008 our daughter clued us in on this thing called eBay > a great way buy new & used stuff cheaply and have some fun (and frustrations too) buying stuff on auctions.  So we  bought stuff only for two years and  decided to try selling on eBay in Jan 2010.  Our first three years were outstanding.  Then sales started down hill in 2013 (first dollar amount then qty. about a year later)  & ain't stopped.  Had a discussion with our daughter about buying eBay.  She informed  me  she buys 90%+ of here stuff, new items from the" river" , prices are  same, similar, some times  less and  shipping is  sort of  free after you pay into the Prime program and returns are  "hassle" free (her words not mine).  She buys a few things on eBay (stuff she  can find on here first choice  or and item the  she will settle for used along it is in very good shape.  Auctions are no longer appealing to her or her  daughter - they want there stuff now - guess they are SAR.

Don't know  how  one turns this tide around - it  takes a long time and/or  something  "special" to  regain a lost customer - some times never.

"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
"The Devil made me do it!" - Flip Wilson
"If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too!" J.R. Johnson
Message 121 of 134
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Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

I believe unless ebay renegotiates with google the sellers of items without catalog numbers will continue on a steep decline. There is just too little visibility. I am running an experiment with an item I tried 3 times to sell on ebay and will try to sell it on fb and see if and how long it takes me in to sell it in comparison .

Message 122 of 134
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Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

Yes ebay is deadsville, ANY suggestions of other good sites to sell on?

Message 123 of 134
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Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

Still awaiting my first sale of Feb.  Anyone else??  Getting close to a 6-day streak without a sale.  I had a 7+ day stretch in Jan.  Both times, these prolonged stretches came after a great sales day.  Aren't we allowed to succeed???!   Good luck to all.    🙂

Message 124 of 134
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Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

Sorry your sales are down to nothing. However, there are sellers who are doing well.

Hopefully sales will pick up.
Message 125 of 134
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Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

Very few in the antiques and collectibles categories

Message 126 of 134
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Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

@laurabeardsley wrote:

Very few in the antiques and collectibles categories

Laura,    I've had as many ups and downs as anybody and I've been fairly vocal about it.


But,    2018 was up 21% over 2017 for me in total sales.

January 2019 was the best sales month I've had since April 2018 and overall the 3rd 

best month I've ever had on ebay.


The biggest thing I've done when things got slow for me in July was expand from 400 

listings to more than 700 and keep hammering away at it.   


I sell vintage postage stamps and some other collectibles.   


There's a way to fix this,    It just needs to be discovered.   

Message 127 of 134
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Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

Glad to hear you are doing well. I only get 50 free listings every month so I have to pay .35 for every listing beyond that which runs into a lot of money if things are not selling.I have not had any free listing promotions in over 2 1/2 years now. I do not have a store because committing to more money every month when things are not moving is too much of a risk. So yes maybe if I could list 200 more items which I used to do when I got promotions years ago I could sell more. But right now I have tons of stuff just sitting around with no where to sell it! Nobody wishes more than me that things would turn around but after my conversation with ebay today I cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Message 128 of 134
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Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

Don't  have any suggestions.  Right now I am not serious about selling on eBay and  don't think I want to  learn the ins & out of a new selling site - there is no Utopia.  Probably  would do better having a two day yard/garage sales a couple times a year.

"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
"The Devil made me do it!" - Flip Wilson
"If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too!" J.R. Johnson
Message 129 of 134
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Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

Down 45% from same time 2018.  Steady downturn since spring of 2018.  Meanwhile more and more hoops to jump through.  More returns that ever before.  Pitiful lowball offers.  More lost packages by usps last year than the last 10 years combined and they raise rates.  Sigh, getting harder to stay motivated .  Free returns, promoted listings, markdown manager and sales continue to stink.

Message 130 of 134
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Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

its embarrassing how much sales have dropped. i went from selling 80-100 items a day, to selling 40 items a day. 40! and i have a staff of 6 people. we cannot pay the bills like this. i sponsor posts, i do free returns, and offer 20% off at all times. 20 freakin percent off, along with that, i also do buy 1, get one at 18% off. i also cannot believe that if i want to purge listings at 9.99 auction they get less than 5 page views. what is going on. on top of all of that, postage fees went up. what is actually happening. ebay fashion is a competitive market but 15 years selling on this platform, should certainly help, not reduce

Message 131 of 134
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Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

"Ebay must invent something quickly. ...."


I think the last 'invention' by ebay was the day ebay went 'live'.  Original thought seems to have eluded them since - though there is always the chance that they have an 'ace up their sleeve'.


One thing you should be cautious of - 'beware of what you wish - you may get it, and it may be far from what you had in mind'.

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 132 of 134
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Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

I don't think anyone should depend on Ebay to suddenly figure things out and get it going in the right direction.  Seems foolish as they seem intent on quick fix cash grabs to salvage the next quarter and impress wall st.  We've seen quarterly updates for years now with not one showing improvement for the seller.  Working within the framework I  just foresee  a ton more work involved just to try and keep sales steady let alone see any growth.  Its humbling to be at the mercy of a platform.  I went into business for myself to never have a boss again yet here my little boat sits bobbing at the whims of some mysterious algorithm Einstein couldn't figure out.

Message 133 of 134
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Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

Yes, I've seen the quick fixes and whatnot for over 20 years, as well as the wails for somebody to come in and take over and fix things.


Well, Elliott Management is now here to 'fix things' - I wonder how many are going to be happy?

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 134 of 134
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