01-31-2018 03:54 PM
01-31-2018 07:48 PM
What this means is that eBay will be like Amazon. If you sell in that marketplace, you do not handle the funds. All payments go to Amazon and after a certain period of time, and after conditions are met, they send you some money less their fees automatically taken out. Returns are automatically deducted etc..
What this will mean is that if you sell 50k per month, you will will need a 25k to 50k cash float to offset the 15 to 30 days that will go by before you will see a deposit into your bank account.
That is what "intermediary" payments are. I think that Amazon will be all over ebay once again in the area of tax collection (Amazon collects in every state because they have control over the funds). I think it will be harder to convince legislators with that "we just a venue" argument when they are starting to controll all aspects of the transaction.. irregardless of the fact that they will be using a third party firm / bank , to contract with.
All the rest is smoke and mirrors.
01-31-2018 07:50 PM
This might not be a bad idea. Maybe eBay will benefit by not refunding every buyer for every little thing. Hopefully there’ll be some monetary incentive for eBay to side with sellers or give us more control.What I'm hoping is that this will vastly cut down on the whole fake payment email scams. It will be a lot harder for scamming buyers to fake a payment email when logging into eBay will tell you with 100% certainty whether you've actually been paid or not.
Keep hoping. How many things - for sellers - has ebay done right - or well - in, say, the past 10 years?
01-31-2018 07:52 PM
I agree with you! Looks like I'm going to shut down my Ebay account before all of this occurs and move on to something else - like try my hand on selling locally - maybe open up a shop. Ebay fees are ridiculous, CS is a joke and if you have a really bad experience with some buyer, I've never felt Ebay was on my side.
01-31-2018 07:54 PM
I wonder how many sellers will go to platforms such as Shopify etc.....
01-31-2018 07:54 PM - edited 01-31-2018 07:56 PM
**general reply**
I have no problem with another processor being used to process credit card payments. That has no effect on buyers whatsoever. Nothing to sign up for, etc. It would actually open up sales, because most people think Paypal is the only thing that you can use here, and I bet you once the anti-Paypal crowd finds out that they can pay without Paypal processing their credit card payment, they would probably shop here. (at least I hope lol)
But...this...is...EBAY. You know, a "tech" company.
The tech company that can't correct ghost relists that have been going on for years. The tech company that puts sales promotions at the bottom of the page where buyers can't see them. The tech company that's so full of glitches it's almost laughable.
I'm actually afraid this place will implode if they try to implement something major like this. That would kinda suck.
01-31-2018 07:57 PM
This might not be a bad idea. Maybe eBay will benefit by not refunding every buyer for every little thing. Hopefully there’ll be some monetary incentive for eBay to side with sellers or give us more control.Well at least there will be only one entity that bad buyers can come after us with.
You mean credit card chargebacks? Yes, they will still be there. Just like now.
01-31-2018 08:08 PM
Incase you didnt know, before your money goes to paypal it is processed on ebays side. Honestly I think this will be a good thing for people like me. I keep having problems with paypal putting my payments on hold for no reason other then saling my sales volume fluxuates too much. Ebay has told me several times that there is no good reason why Paypal should be doing this to me but it hasnt stopped them from doing it. So i welcome this change if i wont have problems like this again. Im tired of having to wait to get my money all the time
01-31-2018 08:30 PM
Ebay and Paypal split in 2015.
01-31-2018 08:31 PM
You mean what will Ebay do to "Strongarm" everybody into using this new payment company. I fully expect that will be how they persuade users to switch.
01-31-2018 08:37 PM
Who writes this abysmal double-speaking gobbledegook?
"ebay is happy ro announce plans to further improve the customer experience by INTERMEDIATING payments on our Marketplace platform."
"The transition to full payments INTERMEDIATION will be a multi-year journey.'
"By offering buyers more choice in how they pay and expanding payment options into more GEOGRAPHIES. . .."
All of my high school and college English teachers would have FAILED the ignoramuses who wrote such garbage -- typical legalese, intended primarily to confuse all parties, EXCEPT for the party-of-the-first-part -- that is, eBay.
Knock it off, eBay -- stop inventing new words, when the old words are commonly understood.
Simplify -- simplify.
01-31-2018 08:56 PM
Adyen, a leading global payments processor ? I checked them out on Google they have 5k customers, why is eBay lying to peopel calling them a leading global payments processor. Never heard of them.
Look Paypal spends allot of money on having good security so you can feel safe leaving your money there, how can you feel safe with company that has 5K customers, can probably be easily hacked..
Only they will get people use Adyen is by offering far less fees, since people love saving anyway they can save, especially eBayers are well know to be the cheap **bleep**s of the web.
I say don't play with something good you have with Paypal, took years for Paypal to become Paypal, I don't think people want to repeat the same at the end will pay te same fees, once this so called Adyen, a leading global payments processoralled become the real leader they will charge the same amount of fees as Paypal. So Think you move all you wil get is some saving in few years.
Greed is bad thing!
01-31-2018 09:35 PM
Adyen is a global payment company that allows businesses to accept e-commerce, mobile, and point-of-sale payments. Adyen has more than 5,000 customers and is privately held.
This statistic shows the number of total active registered user accounts to online payment platform PayPal. In the third quarter of 2017, more than 218 million accounts were active worldwide. PayPal is a global online payment business allowing users to make payments and money transfers online.
if the above is true... call me concerned about this new partnership....
01-31-2018 09:38 PM
I read a article about book planning a move with its market place
the article said that the upcoming fbook marketplace will be a EBAY cluster killer
it also said that fbook has no plans of charging fees now or in the future
i am planning on keeping up with that
as soon as I see that marketplace doing what I think is viable to me I am there I hate the wave of sells on eBay
i am one that kinda buys into the on and off switch for my listings
but I totally believe in PayPal overthe unknown
i also have an open mind because at one time PayPal was an unknown
i have been using PayPal from the beginning of ebay and feel very comfortable with it
01-31-2018 09:46 PM
In theory, there shouldn't be any problem with this. There is no longer any need for third party payment sites.
But there are a lot of people stuck on PayPal using eBay. You'll still be able to use it, probably forever (or until it goes bankrupt) as a buyer, but eBay is correct that offering wider payment choices should help sales. Basically, there is still a PayPal monopoly here, a lot of people detest PayPal, won't use or sign up for PayPal, and wouldn't shop here. Now, you can use credit card too (PayPal still processes it though). I don't like and don't trust PayPal, so not trusting eBay should be an easy adjustment. The new dynamic will likely be buyer pays PayPal, PayPal pays Adyen, Adyen pays eBay, eBay pays seller (probably by transfer to seller's PayPal account!). Easy peasy. Er...
Never heard of their processor (and haven't read all the topic yet), if it's overseas, that's not good.
The problem of course is: This is eBay. My expectation level is that it will be more expensive, clunky, invasive and less secure than ever, have arbitrary unpublished policies (in addition to the ones passed through by the multitude of payment options), fail regularly, cause sellers to suffer more fraud losses, and result in slower payments to me. It's a tall order, I know they can do it though.
Does this mean we'll be able to take checks and money orders again? After all, they did say more payment options were better!
01-31-2018 09:46 PM
Intermediation: The act of coming between (you and your money).
Who knows how long it will be between paymenr made and funds received.
One can easily surmise eBay will want to collect interest on the "float," so it could be annoyingly long.