09-11-2024 04:54 PM - edited 09-12-2024 02:42 AM
09-11-2024 04:56 PM - edited 09-11-2024 05:00 PM
Lastly the reseller with near 200 + items opened a dispute for a return claiming the item was defected with photos of a item we couldn't identify. Seems intentional - all anger. It looks like he even swapped the QR on the rear. We asked ebay to look into this matter. If there's any ADMINS on here please look into our account.
09-11-2024 05:00 PM
The best thing to do is accept he return.
Pay for return shipping.
When you get the item back, refund the buyer.
Asking ebay to "look into" this matter is not going to turn out well for you.
If you don't accept the return, ebay will refund the buyer (with your funds) and not require the buyer to send the item back.
Again, accept the return.
09-11-2024 05:03 PM
Items listed defective for parts still are covered by the eBay money back guarentee.
It's really no different than all the buyers who report INAD when it's buyer remorse.
Nothing you can do other than process the return.
09-11-2024 05:11 PM - edited 09-11-2024 05:12 PM
Your policy is at odds with the item description for parts or not working. When you offer returns, or in your case free returns a buyer can return the item for any reason and you pay for the return.
Don't offer returns and put in the title for parts only no returns for broken items. That might help but many buyers will just lie and say it doesn't match to force you to take it back and furnish a return label.
09-11-2024 05:38 PM
Hi @greenerrefurbsllc Oh no, your response is going to cost you.
You say you offer 30-day returns, yet you failed to honor your own terms because you did not feel the buyer deserved it. Sellers who offer returns do not get to pick and choose who they will give a refund to.
And now the buyer has taken the next logical step and opened an account-busting case against you.
On eBay, sellers must follow the platform’s policies even if they contradict their own terms and/or beliefs. So the name of the game becomes how to best mitigate one’s losses. And that can only be accomplished by knowing the policies and what to expect from them.
But that time has now passed for you to best protect your interests.
Your buyer invoked the eBay Money Back Guarantee. For the seller that means the following: a) a refund must be granted after the item is returned (if wanting it back), b) covering the cost of return shipping, c) forfeiting the Final Value fees, and d) receiving a defect on their account. Defects can downgrade the seller’s standing on eBay and cause a penalty fee to be added to Final Value fees for a year.
eBay policies are designed to protect buyers’ interests. Sellers are on their own. Sellers accept all the risk here. So asking eBay to look into the matter does not mean a knowledgable person will investigate on your behalf to determine an equitable outcome. Instead, it merely speeds up the process of the seller’s loss.
Below is the Money Back Guarantee. It is critical to know it by heart. I have also included the link to how to appeal eBay’s ruling. Good luck.
09-11-2024 06:13 PM
Yea which is why - we decided to just offer returns because it appears its disregarded either way.
09-11-2024 06:15 PM
Yea - we just reported it and we've spoken to ebay directly. We felt it was worth reporting as
we believe he has done this before to other sellers.
09-11-2024 06:18 PM
Think you didn't read my post correctly.
We offer 30 days - refund in which we honor.
However the buyers attempt at trying to get a deal with us for PROFIT
is something we felt worth reporting.
I'm not worried at all and intend on making ebay HQ aware. I've been
in business out side of ebay and seen all types of buyer activity. This
to me is just a reseller trying to exploit another.
As a business person - I don't tolerate that.
09-11-2024 06:21 PM
Nope that's not what I said.
Was looking to get insight - not a list of what I did wrong.
We honor all refunds - we reported the buyer because we've spotted potential fraud.
And that's just something I don't tolerate as a business.
I'm established outside of ebay - and this for us is something we felt sharing with EBAY HQ.
And we intend on letting our contact know about this as well.
B2B fraud is real. And this seller tried to take advantage by sending us photos of an item
we don't identify. For all we know he could of taken parts. So yes we reported it.
I think what people get confused is that EBAY wants to help - honest sellers.
I'm not concerned like I said just looking to hear and learn about other cases.
09-11-2024 06:23 PM
Why would ANY other RESELLER BUY FROM YOU and report it as a defect intentionally knowing
what they are about to do. the individual was taking a LOST and knows it. We felt these aren't
good business practices. We respect all polices - however what we don't allow is fraud activity.
We can spot that quick.
09-11-2024 06:36 PM
Simple because they can and Ebay allows it. Get the item back and sell it to someone else. Then block the buyer. Then be done with it.
09-11-2024 06:38 PM
And thats exactly what was done sadly. We'll be making to big changes.
09-11-2024 06:41 PM
What I'm bringing attention to here is that this is a RESELLER doing this. Policies are policies yes - however intention from another vendor to another is worth looking at which is why I reported it and had no problem doing that. It's business.
09-11-2024 09:10 PM
You offer....