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EBAY’S “FINAL VALUE” rules don’t seem LEGAL.

I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s angry. It’s about the “final value fee.”


So… let’s say I sold an old record. LP. Let’s say I get $50 for it. The buyer pays for the shipping; I only ship priority for items like that. So the buyer pays $8 to ship. Now they pay tax. I’m in Chicago, so it’s pretty high. But I’ll say 10%. So the buyer pays $5 in tax. That’s a total of $63 dollars. But…of course, the $8 is going to postage. And the tax goes…well, I won’t speculate. But obviously, that’s money I don’t see. Fine. 

Then what’s the item’s final value? $50. That’s my earnings. 


But when figuring out my seller fee for this (and everything I sell. Everything. Every time.)  do they take their fee from the $50 it sold for? NO!!


Their “final value” figure that eBay uses? It’s taken from everything the buyer had to pay. 12.5%-15% is their “cut.” And the sum they use is $63. So I’m paying a commission on the taxes paid, that I don’t get. And the SHIPPING, which goes to the shipper. 

So their “take” (using 15%) is $9.45, instead of the REAL final value which would make their cut $7.50. 

They’re charging commission on the TAX PAID! (and the shipping charge that does NOT go into my wallet.) 

When I called eBay’s ridiculously complicated customer support, (“support,” That’s a good one), after literally 8 minutes of listening to their ‘helpful” automated voice, I finally get a guy. I’m not even going to go into how rude he was, or even WHERE he was answering my call from. So I explain my problem. I said “You’re charging me a fee on a tax! That’s like taxing tax! You can’t do that!”


I swear, his response was “Yes. We. Can.”




I cannot believe sellers, small sellers like me, are okay with that. The final value should be, and IS, what the item sold for. Not what the buyer pays. In my estimation from my example, they’re taking $1.95 TOO MUCH. 

Really eBay. You guys need that money? 


Am I the only one angry about this?

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Re: EBAY’S “FINAL VALUE” rules don’t seem LEGAL.

You have been on eBay since 2016 and are just now figuring this out? I have not issues with the fees or how they are calculated I was aware of them when I started selling and have them built into my business cost model. EBay like any business exists to make money and earn a profit. Curious what your ROI or profit percentage is on the items you sell? 

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Re: EBAY’S “FINAL VALUE” rules don’t seem LEGAL.

Here we go again.


Yes, they can, and do.   Get over it.   Smart sellers factor that in to their prices so in the end, the buyer pays for it all.

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Re: EBAY’S “FINAL VALUE” rules don’t seem LEGAL.

I cannot believe sellers, small sellers like me, are okay with that.




I'm a small seller and I'm gonna hang in like a hair in a biscuit. If nothing else... for the eyeballs. Good luck to you.

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Re: EBAY’S “FINAL VALUE” rules don’t seem LEGAL.

No, you are not the only one who is angry about eBay's final value fees.  
And, no, you are not the only one who does not understand the way eBay works.  

eBay's fee is not a tax on tax.  
Taxes are imposed by governments.   Like the state of, oh, pick one:  New York, Ohio, Missouri, etc., etc.  Or the county.  Or the borough or parish, if that's what your state is divided into.  Or even the city.  Governments.  

eBay is a corporation, a business.  They are entitled to set the fee, or as you called it, the commission, on the service they provide.  Like any business.  

What YOU can decide is whether you will continue using the service(s) eBay offers.  

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Re: EBAY’S “FINAL VALUE” rules don’t seem LEGAL.

So their “take” (using 15%) is $9.45, instead of the REAL final value which would make their cut $7.50.

They’re charging commission on the TAX PAID! (and the shipping charge that does NOT go into my wallet.)


Yeah, and so what.  Like I say to all the others who complain with 1) an incorrect premise, and 2) without any knowledge of what is going on, I cannot give you tax advice, but if you file your taxes using itemized deductions, check to see if you qualify for those deductions that apply to you.


And to add, we have another complainer at the 12.80% fee range, not one mention of the 14.55% fee for CDs, DVDs and/or VHS.  You don't see me complaining as I make bank.

Message 6 of 8
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Re: EBAY’S “FINAL VALUE” rules don’t seem LEGAL.

Yep, they charge a fee on the tax............and then have to transfer the money on each transaction to each state that requires would you rather do that yourself? 

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Re: EBAY’S “FINAL VALUE” rules don’t seem LEGAL.

Hi everyone,

This topic has been closed at the request of the OP.

Thank you for understanding.

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