10-12-2023 10:11 AM
This should be easy but I can't figure it out. I have created an ebay category (prep course) and I want to discount the shipping rate to 50 cents for any additional books purchased in that categroy. So yes, I already have that discount setup for each individual book that has multiple quantities but I want the buyer to select multiple books from the prep course category and only pay that 50 cents additional per book. I apologize if this has been addressed already. Thx
10-12-2023 11:21 AM
You need to setup a flat shipping rule from the shipping preferences page, then select that rule from within the shipping policy in your listings. You name each shipping rule when you create them, then just select the corresponding name when creating the listing. This should solve your problem.
You can also apply the shipping rules to multiple shipping policies.
10-12-2023 11:38 AM
Thank you for the quick reply! So I've gone into preferences and created the rule and I can insert it into each individual listing of that category but is there any way I can apply that rule to the entire category ? I have a lot of items in there and it would save a ton of time if do-able. Thx
10-12-2023 02:12 PM
Well, if all the items in a given category use the same shipping policy, then you can just edit the policy and it should change for listings under it. On the down side, it might wipe out your shipping cost overrides if you make changes to your policies. It always warns you first though.
See I have 3 flat shipping rules as an example.