07-18-2023 03:42 AM
I don't understand this. I had a dental student give me four or five sets of unused dentures...over the years, I have attempted to list them..they'd be great for art projects. Ebay has removed them every single time but there are so many others selling/and sold dentures up and active. I don't get it.
07-18-2023 03:45 AM
Have a feeling there would be concern about buyers needing them for other things rather than "art projects".
And perhaps yours were reported and the others were not.
Feel free to report any of the others.
07-18-2023 04:41 AM
Dentures are medically dispensed by Dentists. They cannot just be randomly purchased on Amazon or Walmart. I believe they cannot be resold here or anywhere else. If others are selling it's probably a good idea to report them.
Happy Selling.
07-18-2023 05:19 AM
Ebay has removed them every single time ...
When items are removed, eBay warns you not to relist. Do so at your own peril.
I've been in the same situation with books removed for nudity, even though multiple sellers had the same book for sale. Frustrating, but better to just accept it and move on. The last book I had removed had the nudity (a painting, not a photograph) on the front cover. Hard to sell something without showing the product ...
07-18-2023 09:18 AM
I ain't no rat
07-18-2023 09:40 AM
There are 1,500,000,000 listings on eBay every day. There is no way to monitor them all. So some violations are caught, some are not, and some legitimate listings get removed, because enforcement on that scale means using primitive bots or bots driven by primitive AI.
You listing was caught, and once caught you are on the bots' radar. If you continue to relist these, your account will be permanently suspended.
Not a defense. Just a statement of the facts.
07-18-2023 09:46 AM
@lux-libri wrote:
I've been in the same situation with books removed for nudity, even though multiple sellers had the same book for sale. Frustrating, but better to just accept it and move on. The last book I had removed had the nudity (a painting, not a photograph) on the front cover. Hard to sell something without showing the product ...
Like ALL restrictions on eBay, the policy on nudity is vague and arbitrary. It contains eraser language (phrases such as "including but not limited to") so eBay is never at fault for removing any listing. It is randomly enforced, and if the bots don't get you, reports from offended people will.
I'm not sure how it could be otherwise on a platform with 20M sellers and 1.5B listings on any given day, but it is frustrating as all get-out.
07-18-2023 09:49 AM
Ebay has removed them every single time
eBay told you not to list your dentures, and yet you keep listing them. If you continue, it is not going to end well.
there are so many others selling/and sold dentures up and active
Yours were up and active before they were taken down.
07-18-2023 10:15 AM
@tobyjill22 wrote:Ebay has removed them every single time.
You do realize that if you keep doing what you are doing one day you will log and and Ebay will say your are banned. They do not give warnings for no reason.
07-18-2023 10:18 AM - edited 07-18-2023 10:22 AM
@ckimodog wrote:Dentures are medically dispensed by Dentists.
Does any reasonable person think that someone is buying used dentures on ebay and that they would magically fit into someone's cake hole?
Or a fake eye?
Or a prosthetic ear?
To exclude dentures from sale on ebay because they are a medical device is straight nonsense to the level of Brazil type absurdity.
07-18-2023 10:47 AM
@monster-deals wrote:...Does any reasonable person think that someone is buying used dentures on ebay and that they would magically fit into someone's cake hole?...
Here's the deal: They are sold, used and newly-made in India and China, with verbiage to the effect that with the also-included handy-dandy reline kit, you can fit them to your own mouth. Baloney! If you used a lot of the stuff and did everything just right, you might get an approximate fit that would last for a few weeks.
My late husband, after injuries and illnesses, had full dentures from an early age, around 40. He always kept a reline kit on hand, because his denturist showed him how to use the kit as a stop-gap measure, to improve the fit, until he could get in for a full re-work or full new set, depending upon how much the fit had changed due to inevitable changes in the gums and bone. And, remember, those were dentures which had initially been made for his mouth.
It is a shame that everything to do with teeth costs so much that people will buy these.
07-18-2023 10:58 AM
It is a shame that everything to do with teeth costs so much that people will buy these.
I will never forget something my dad told me a long, long time ago.
"People don't go into dentistry as a profession because they love people and want to help them lead long healthy lives - they do it because they want to get rich."
Plain and simple.
07-18-2023 11:02 AM
I always thought I'd make a good dentist. Maybe I missed my calling.
07-18-2023 12:36 PM
@maxine*j wrote:
It is a shame that everything to do with teeth costs so much that people will buy these.
Come to think of it I did once get a negative for selling some frames that had some dead person's prescription in them and the new buyer was mad as hell that they couldn't see better
You simply have to be a full frontal dingbat to think that is going into your mouth, even IF you have the same missing teeth
09-03-2023 03:13 PM
@tobyjill22 wrote:I ain't no rat
The sentient of solidarity is noble, and I wouldn't encourage you to turn into a rat. However, you should be aware that it was quite possibly those very people you refuse to rat on who ratted on you (to eliminate you as a competitor, you see).