10-23-2020 03:20 AM
I cannot revise quantity , price or anything on ANY of my multi- item listings today.
I can get to the first page ....the page that shows description and main gallery photo but when i click on the button to go into the variation part of the listing, nothing happens just the blue wheel spinning.
I have been trying for the last 3 hours on and off. Tried using various computers, also from my phone and my sons phone....nothing. I can revise regular listings just not any of my multi variation listings.
Just me?
10-23-2020 09:35 AM
Same here, photos will NOT load so you can not edit anything!
10-23-2020 09:36 AM
You ROCK! Now I can fix the variations! THANK YOU veraboutique!! ❤️
10-23-2020 09:36 AM
Same here. I tried to do some changes on exclude location list. It doesn't work. Then I tried with item location. It also doesn't work. I think they have a sever problem.
10-23-2020 09:48 AM
Ladies & Gentlemen we have a GENIUS in the house!
What a fantastic workaround and I will be using this going forward. I knew the Bulk edit tool existed. Never used it before.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!
This has been driving me crazy for about 15 hours
10-23-2020 10:07 AM
Hi everyone! I'm looking into this and getting it reported. Just so I'm clear, is this only an issue on variation listings / multi quantity listings? Are single quantity listings impacted at all?
10-23-2020 10:11 AM
I need to ADD products, so this workaround isn't helping me. Ebay - where are you? Why don't you address these issues when they happen?
10-23-2020 10:15 AM
It's glitches. They are driving me bananas. I've had trouble loading pics, getting to ending items and other tools in the sellers hub.
Hopefully they'll be worked out soon. I've had to stop what I'm doing and work on other things until they're worked out.
I am seeing some new things, new layouts, etc. I like it being streamlined without visual clutter. I'm sure tinkering with things are causing issues.
10-23-2020 10:17 AM
I just posted about this issue as well. It's only an issue for me when trying to get to the point where I am able to edit my variations in a listing. Absolutely refuses to load the photos to be able to that.
10-23-2020 10:18 AM - edited 10-23-2020 10:19 AM
brian@ebay wrote:Hi everyone! I'm looking into this and getting it reported. Just so I'm clear, is this only an issue on variation listings / multi quantity listings? Are single quantity listings impacted at all?
I can edit single item listings just fine. It is only the multi-items that the image will not load.
10-23-2020 10:27 AM
I noticed this problem occurring last night and reached out to eBay phone support to notify them of the issue. I really hoped it would be resolved by now, but it was clear I was dealing with a foreign call center. Basically the revise listing page hangs when it tries to query the eBay database for variation information of listing (you can see the little spinning wheel spin forever on this section of the page.) The full page does not load so a lot of the javascript that controls other editing functions are disabled. Basically you can not revise or add multi-variation listings on eBay right now. I hope they get it fixed quick as I am trying to adjust a listing for someone who direct messaged me and I am unable to do so and am concerned I will lose the sale.
10-23-2020 10:31 AM
@atticus.fetch wrote:I noticed this problem occurring last night and reached out to eBay phone support to notify them of the issue. I really hoped it would be resolved by now, but it was clear I was dealing with a foreign call center. Basically the revise listing page hangs when it tries to query the eBay database for variation information of listing (you can see the little spinning wheel spin forever on this section of the page.) The full page does not load so a lot of the javascript that controls other editing functions are disabled. Basically you can not revise or add multi-variation listings on eBay right now. I hope they get it fixed quick as I am trying to adjust a listing for someone who direct messaged me and I am unable to do so and am concerned I will lose the sale.
The work around posted on the 1st page (post #9) of this thread allowed me to edit my active listings. It actually seemed a little faster than the standard edit method.
10-23-2020 10:56 AM
Fortunately, I was able to use the work around to make the changes I needed so thank you to the person who figured out how to use bulk editing to circumvent the standard listing editor and it's current problems. Still unable to add new products which is a problem and needs to be resolved.
10-23-2020 11:17 AM
brian@ebay wrote:Hi everyone! I'm looking into this and getting it reported. Just so I'm clear, is this only an issue on variation listings / multi quantity listings? Are single quantity listings impacted at all?
I was able to edit single quantity listings just a few minutes ago without any problem. Also, I could not relist or sell similar individual variation listings that I had ended earlier this morning (spinning circle in picture area). I was able to do a sell similar in bulk on those same listings, change what I needed to and get them back up.
10-23-2020 11:19 AM
Same here. I have over 600 listings and all Ebay service would say is that we shall correct this in technical support within 24- 48 hours. Hows that for lousy help once again from Ebay!!!
10-23-2020 11:34 AM
Thank you very much. 15 hours of this nonsense and I can no finally move forward with no help from Ebay.