01-22-2025 12:53 PM
Is anyone else having trouble with shipping policies right now? My list is gone, it only shows the one that was used on the last thing listed, but I can't change it. I have tried everything I know of on my end, clearing cookies/site data, refreshing, trying a different computer, but the list just does not show up.
Solved! Go to Best Answer
01-22-2025 05:11 PM
This was fixed about 45 min ago @jonathanbrightlight . If you were saving drafts or edits for later, have at it.
01-22-2025 01:06 PM - edited 01-22-2025 01:07 PM
You need to create a new policy either by clicking on the three dots next to your shipping policy in the listing form or go here https://www.ebay.com/bp/manage
You may have either deleted other shipping policies or edited it.
01-22-2025 01:11 PM
I'm having the same issue, we use 5 different shipping policies based on the size and weight of packages and the drop down menu is just bugged out not showing the other 4 options.
01-22-2025 01:14 PM
I am having the same issue also - I am trying to create a new listing (I have done this 30,000 times). On the listing created either through templates, sell like, or new listing the drop down for the shipping policy is only showing one policy (I have multiple business policies). This was not this way yesterday. I have changed browsers, cleared cache, and restarted my computer (Mac).
This just happened. WHY WHY WHY do change things that work perfectly. QA the updates people
01-22-2025 01:15 PM
Nope, there are over a dozen shipping policies in our Business Policies section, and I tried adding a test one already, and it didn't do a thing. That list just won't show them. The Bulk Editor does show all our Shipping Policies, which is an annoying workaround to fix a few recent listings, but for now we're not listing anything that doesn't fit that one policy that it shows until this is fixed.
01-22-2025 01:17 PM
I saw you posted on the Technical Issues board (I was about to), so I just chimed in there. Anyone else having the same issue should post any details they can provide on that thread: https://community.ebay.com/t5/Report-eBay-Technical-Issues/Shipping-Policy-Bug/td-p/34897487/jump-to...
01-22-2025 01:22 PM
I did too, can't go a week with out a glitch
01-22-2025 02:13 PM
I have been listing all day and suddenly a couple of hours ago mine has done the same thing and I have at least a dozen shipping policies. It freaked me out as I thought something glitched and erased my policies and I have over 5000 items! I went into my business policies and they are all still there. I noticed it wont let me use the drop down menu when I get to the shipping if I start to delete the policy it currently is on it will then bring up all my other policies to choose. Hopefully it will function correctly tomorrow as its one more thing that takes a lil extra time!
01-22-2025 02:16 PM
Same here. Not just shipping policies, but also return and payment policies.
Affecting both drafts and active listings.
If anybody needs to make immediate adjustments to active listings, do it it through the bulk editor as that appears to be working.
You also can click the ? on the lower right of the seller hub active listings page to submit a tech report without having to contact CS.
I taggged Devon and Kyle on the tech issues board here.
01-22-2025 02:32 PM - edited 01-22-2025 02:33 PM
I see what you mean..what a royal PITA!
The tech department really is making sure they have something to do like fix their fubars.
I'm not listing anymore until this mess is straightened out.
01-22-2025 05:11 PM
This was fixed about 45 min ago @jonathanbrightlight . If you were saving drafts or edits for later, have at it.
01-22-2025 05:47 PM
Thanks @wastingtime101 , I’ll test it in the morning!